HCG? Do I need it for Test E and dbol cycle?


Nov 15, 2016
I was just wondering for I got mix replies with this. Alot of people say I dont need HCG and alot say run it during cycle?

I have Clom and Nov for PCT.
I have Arimidex .5 to run during cycle.

12 week cycle....

I was just wondering for I got mix replies with this. Alot of people say I dont need HCG and alot say run it during cycle?

I have Clom and Nov for PCT.
I have Arimidex .5 to run during cycle.

12 week cycle....


Why do you say not to use HCG? Wont his balls shrink especially on a 12 week cycle?

In this case because he's doing a low-dosed cycle. But even if they temporarily shrink it doesn't mean he won't recover. hCG doesn't prevent damage to the cells in the testes and so even if they maintain size, that can't guarantee they'll respond well to physiological stimulation from LH/FSH post-cycle. I've had guys use low dose hCG throughout and seen no consistent difference in serum test levels 4 or 8 weeks post-cycle compared to those who don't.