Having MANY Dreams / Nightmares..?

Ive had the same weird dream phenomenon happen recently as well!
In the last 2 weekends i've taken 330(aprox)mg of dxm, no other active ingredients, on consecutive days(330 per day for 2 days, then next weekend the same thing). So 4 good trips

On the days I go to bed sober, I've had really intense dreams, where i'll wake up in my room surprised by how real it felt. Even during an hour long nap I had at least 2 different, quite lengthy, dreams. They are enjoyable, but I wonder if it's because of the Dxm.

I used to smoke a good bit of weed but i haven't in a month or so... Usually im not a vivid dreamer, whether I smoke or not. I definitely have not experienced such immersive dreams before, so I'll see if they go away over time. I dont plan on taking dxm any time soon so that should give insight as to whether its the dxm or not.
Using drugs is fascinating, though I wouldn't recommend it. You learn A LOT from it though. I had the most horrifying dreams always during withdrawals. It was expected actually and it was always hard to shake that feeling in the morning and remind myself it was just a nightmare and didn't actually happen.

I was lucid dreaming last night, but I'm not using anything. It wasn't scary...just trippy.
Maybe it was just a coincidence. A couple of weeks ago I slept with two patches of nicotine and had the wildest dreams, it was okay in the beginning but it progressed to a nightmare, that type of vivid colorful dream you can't wake up but at the same time I felt like I would listen to everything around me. It was very strange.