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Has anyone tried Wellbutrin(Bupropion) Immediate-Release?

Irene Iesu

Sep 3, 2016
I've been taking Bupropion(generic) for 3 months. I've tried 300mg-XL, 2x150mg-SR, and both times (though I'd take the morning dose at 6AM) had a hard time falling asleep at night, tossing around in bed an hour or so. I normally don't have a sleeping problem. So, I now take only one 150mg-SR around 7AM and no afternoon dose. I can fall asleep fine now, but my energy runs out in the late afternoon ...

I'm wondering if I should take 2x100mg(immediate-release) instead, at 7AM and 2PM or something ... I heard that the effect of one dose should last about 6-8 hours, as opposed to SR lasts for 12 hours ... am I correct?

If anyone has tried immediate-release, could you share your experience with me? Did it work okay (gave you energy and focus)? Did you feel the side effects (anxiety, irritability, etc) were worse than XL or SR? Did your mood sink when it started to wear off?
I remember when I was taking it (about 4 years ago for about 3 months,) I experienced wakefulness and an energy boost. Instead of taking an NDRI (I believe Wellbutrin is the only one in it's class), why not try an SSRI? Shouldn't affect your sleep so much! SNRIs might keep you up as well. Have you talked to your doctor about trying something else instead?
Thank you for your reply! I should've given my medication history first. I started taking anti-depressants about a year and a half ago. I went thru Lexapro, Prozac, Effexor, Celexa ... They either didn't work (made me even more tired and felt like a zombie) or had bad side effects on me, so I decided to try Bupropion and my doctor agreed.

It keeps me awake all through the day (I don't have to lie down in the middle of the day like I used to), but sometimes I feel overly restless and/or irritable, so added Prozac 20mg to offset the side effect of Bupropion. I have another appo. with my doctor in a few days, and am thinking of asking her to prescribe 100mg-IR x3/day instead of SR tablets.
Yeah I think an IR might benefit you better. It's interesting an SNRI made you sleepy. It affects your adrenalin. Discuss with your dr.
My hasty writing didn't explain everything well. I felt drowsy and zombie-like from Lexapro and Celexa, but not from Prozac or Effexor.

I had to discontinue Prozac because I experienced severe dry mouth/throat to the point I'd wake up in the middle of the night and cough for a half an hour (even drinking a full glass of water at bedtime didn't help) and that affected my sleep quality ... Could be due to the high dosage (60mg) I was on ... It took this much for Prozac to ease my depression.

I did rather well when I was on Effexor 75mg (I could tell my mood was improved) and wanted to increase to 150mg, but it raised my blood pressure to 150/110, so my doc told me to discontinue ... and put me on Celexa ... which just made me lethargic all the time.
Cymbalta is an SNRI, isn't it? I liked how Effexor lifted my mood, so it may be good to try another SNRI. I definitely need something that works on my dopamine level, not just on serotonin.

I saw my pdoc and got Bupropion Immediate-Release tablets prescribed. This is my second day taking it. It's too early to tell, but so far so good. If Bupropion + Prozac combo doesn't work out, I'll consider Cymbalta. Thanks!
I don't think SNRIs mess with dopamine. It stands for serotonin norepinephrine reputable inhibitor. So it affects both your serotonin (like SSRIs) but ALSO norepinephrine.

But yes, Cymbalta is an SNRI.
I like it a lot. Ask for it next time you see your doctor!

Best of luck to you! Let me know how it goes.
I don't think SNRIs mess with dopamine. It stands for serotonin norepinephrine reputable inhibitor. So it affects both your serotonin (like SSRIs) but ALSO norepinephrine.

But yes, Cymbalta is an SNRI.
I like it a lot. Ask for it next time you see your doctor!

Best of luck to you! Let me know how it goes.
Effexor at 300mg+ affects dopamine receptors. It wasn't until I was on the 300mg dose for few weeks that I felt cured. I did really well on it. Absolutely killed libido but zapped depression anxiety. Yeah Effexor might raise bp a lil but well butrin made mine worse. My psych said it's not that big of a deal, just slightly high so I didn't stop it. The benefits of Effexor outweighed the bp issue. I went off it thinking I was no longer depressed but boy was I wrongit. of course it was the effexor that was doing the magic all along.
I would go back to what you know works. Just explain how you feel and how you would rather feel to your dr. I hope you have a good one who actually listens and trusts your opinion. Some psychs have a freaking complex I swear. I'm really lucky I have a good one. Yeah I would def suggest cymbalta if you're looking for a new med! I really like it, like I said.
Cymbalta, Effexor, pristiq are all SNRIs, while Wellbutrin (bupropion) is an NDRI, the only in its class. SSRIs make me feel very irritable, foggy, and ansy, SNRIs, are the same except it effects noreniphedrine also which makes my anxiety ridoclous, I'm sensitive to meds...some people swear by them....