has anyone tried renemtrient pills?


Nov 3, 1999
i came across theses by accident took a couple and it turn out to my best roll ever. i heard there like ghb but are they as dangerous? any feed back would be apperciated
Yup...they are furanone and convert in the body to GHB...sometimes unpredictably so...Best to take with orange juice or lemonaide, anything acidic to balance PH...
Like G, be careful not to mix with alcohol or other antidepressants. Do not exceed 5 or 6 capsules as initial dose...and do not dose again too frequently...
Good luck
Fozzy is a gizz guzzling, shit eater with a severe case of hemroids. I HOPE YOU DIE FOZZY - PLUR
The music is the drug,
get over your self your not that cool. plus you look stupid int that dumb ass $5 salvation army sweatshirt and that wanta be visor
I tried them last night. I only took 3, and on a full stomach so I received no effects. I took another 1 1/2 hour later, still nothing. Another 1 hour later, and still nothing. Next time I'll just take 5 at once on an empty stomach and hope for better results. Fozzy: Did you take with a roll, or by itself?
this may sound ignorant...but could someone tlel me what exactly these pills are? legal? illegal? where does one get them/ what do they feel like? thanks!!!
Legal (for now), used to come only in liquid form (which tastes like chemical ass), which you typically mix with orange juice or pineapple juice.
When ingested by itself, it will convert to GHB in your body when it reacts with the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. Some people say it is harder on your digestive tract than GHB, but you typically know exactly how much you are getting...whereas GHB can be synthesized by just about anyone, and there is no set GHB-to-H2O ratio in use by these kitchen chemists...you never know how strong it is.
try this link
But be careful, people! Obviously use the same caution with this that you would with GHB. Do not take with any depressants, and especially not alcohol!!! Do not try it out in public until you have tested it SEVERAL times at home and are comfortable with the dosage. Even then, it's probably best not to do it in public...no point in encouraging the government to "schedule" this substance any faster than is necessary!!! Be smart and safe.
[This message has been edited by Mr. Sticky (edited 12 January 2000).]
They are quickly becoming harder and harder to get though, so get in quick and buy in bulk.
Us aussies used to be able to get GHB in powder form synthesised by an actual lab, but now it's no longer available. So Pinger went for a bit of a look for some and it turns out that slowly but surely alot of the companies are taking the substitutes off their lists.
BUT yeah, you can buy it off the net, the companies will tell you if they dont ship to your country.
Oh yeah, and it's called Renewtrient, BUT there are other names like Blue Nitro and some others...
happy hunting!
hey mona...are you following me?
i had already taken two tabs and was coming off my roll, then i took 5 at once (i'm a bigger guy 200lbs) and it kicked my e-buzz back on but in turbo. made me feel like i was rolling for the first time