Has anyone ever experienced this?


Oct 26, 1999
The last two times I have rolled I have experienced something I never have before. The first time I would close my eyes then open them and have absolutely no idea who I was with or where I was. The second time I would go into a "hole" like state and then wake up out of it and say something completely random. Anyone ever experience similar things?
LOL yes absolutely, its only happened to me once or twice but my friend and fellow bluelighter Train does this almost constantly, he will drop his head quick have no idea what happened or that he was in mid-sentance, then just act like it didnt happen, he will mistake strangers for friends, and he will black out, wake up and start talken about shit i could even begin to tell you about, i think its crazy funny!!
Choose Love, Choose Laughter, Choose your Friends, Choose Raves, Choose Life...
OHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH!!!!! I know exactly where u r coming from DNYCE. Its kinda scary when experiencing it. But, afterwards I think its hilarious. Like I will go into what you refer as the "hole" and I will wake up and start thinking I am asking something to someone around me that I have no idea who he/she is. The person has NO idea what the hell I am talking about. I get really confused for a second and like shake the confusion out of my head...lol
. Or I will wake up and start lookin around the environment in TOTAL confusion. Like "where the hell am I, what am I doing here, who are these people?!?!" It takes a few seconds for me to get my bearings straight, but it is really weird...kinda hard to explain. I guess u go into a dream state really fast and time becomes non-existent or really slowed down. You start dreaming and for some reason you wake up and think u r still in the dream state....very weird. I guess that is the hardest roll sign...you meditate w/ out even trying. Also, when I close my eyes I start making really cool pictures or mini-movies in my head. But it is the MOST random stuff, has nothing to do w/ anything. These are the times when I KNOW I am rollin full-bore, and maybe its too much, I dunno. I kinda like those situations when you just go totally random on people, cuz they get just as confused as u do....
LOL...then ur like "OMG nevermind, forget it" then u get up and walk away and say to urself "what the fuck was that?!?". Kinda funny in a freaky kinda way.
[This message has been edited by Thestepper69 (edited 03 January 2000).]
LMAO!!! oh yes, motorcity and i get that all the time...we call it "the stupids" or "the retards". it's kinda fun cause we laugh our asses off all night and have so much fun with it some peeps get really freaked out by us. peeps think we're nuts but oh well...it's fun! my wife just laughs and nods usually mumbling something along the lines of "there goes my husband again...whackin out"