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Happy 40th Birthday Shambles !!!!!!!

You could have made a tasteless joke about amputation and forgotten your signature symbol of soppiness so that no one knows you're joking.

:( <3
Happy birthday man. Thanks for all the help and advice over the years.

40??? You said you were old to me. That's nothing man.

Enjoy it. And every other day of your life


From Felix & Kate


Next year it'll be this cake ;)
Just saw this. Happy belated Birthday Shambles you old cunt you. I will forever take solace in knowing that you are older then me no matter how old i get =D

But seriously congrats on the big 40!
Too many to reply to individually but belated thanks to all <3

I will thank Koneko for the cake though - I have certainly struck gold and am very much looking forward to holding you to that Saltire cake next year =D

Had a wonderful week with my Good Lady and working from the premise that you are only as old as the woman you feel I get to avoid the dreaded fifth decade for a while yet. Phew!!!

Many thanks again, folks. You know you're getting old when b'day threads make you feel all warm 'n' squishy inside ;):eek:<3
Enjoy it, I didn't even get a birthday thread. :(
And the Good Lady (I do love that term) can simply use her womanly right to be the same age for roughly 8 years straight, so you're in the clear for as long as she deems fit. ;)
