Green/Blue Light


Nov 30, 1999
wanted to say that when I first started raving/rolling. After being blown the F up somewhere out of the stratosphere for the first time by some nice Vicks. My eyes were gripped shut beyond my control. And I saw this Blue light flashing. This was early July and a few weeks be4 I would be lucky enough to stumble upon Bluelight. Thats one of the things that attracted me soOOoooO much to bluelight was that hence: I saw the beautiful blue light flashing. I even wrote a poem about it while I was rolling.
And lately since I've been hanging out with bluelighters on the weekend. When I'm rolling and have my eyes shut I see Green lights just as beautiful as the bluelights I saw when I first began rolling. Its Killer!
Cuz now during the week when I shut my eyes and just listen to some nice music I see only
Green and Blue lights. And occasionally the Green and Blue lights will just be playing together and its really beautiful and thats all!
And, I just moved into this apartment of mine 2 months ago. And when I returned home from wonderful Club RuRu last weekend. I noticed that there are two push-pins equally spaced from the window sil in my room. With a blue push-pin to the left. And a green push-pin to the right. And they have been there ever since I moved in and I just noticed.
Heh isn't it Ironic?!. Isn't it like 10,000 sheets of blotter paper when all you need is a bean.? Hell if I know.
[email protected]
Bliss Bliss
"I want to know what your feeling. There are some things you can't hide. I want to know what your thinking. Tell me whats on your mind"