Good place to learn about steroids


Sep 27, 2016
I'm 19, 5'11, worked out since I was a freshman in high school however in the last 9 months I have taken it very seriously, I weigh 170, bench 235, workout 4 times a week minimum. My goal is to get a much bigger chest, arms, and quads.

I'm ready to learn about steroids, what is needed prior to taking them and what to do during. Maybe some tips you have or a link to a great guide would be awesome. I've done a fair amount of research already, however I'm unsure what kind I need. You can call me a dumbass or uneducated but this is the place to start right?

I'm 100% ready to make this a lifestyle commitment, lifting is my life and I will not be happy with myself until I have a physique I love. Gonna research and ask questions for a couple months until I'm ready to start a cycle. Thanks
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I don't think there's anything 'dumbass' or uneducated about trying to educate yourself ;)

Unfortunately there's not really one 'place' on the net you can go to to learn about steroids. Most of the well-known bodybuilding forums aren't very good places to find information. They're full of guys with minimal experience who parrot cookie-cutter information as if they're know-all gurus without actually understanding what they're doing or much about the risks involved. Most of the older and more experienced guys stop posting on forums after a few years because of this problem.

My advice is to keep exposing yourself to lots of different sources of information, and to keep doing so for a long time before you actually start to plan your cycle - which shouldn't need much planning at all except for how you're going to optimise your diet and training while using. Your first cycle will hopefully be just one compound used at a low dose for about 10-12 weeks :)

There are actually some fairly decent published books out there if you're more interested in the chemistry and physiology behind AAS. There are also websites with a more theoretical or scientific slant you could check out (eg;; and so on).

I'm sure some of the other guys have some other sites in mind that they like to peruse for a read...
Hey, I really appreciate the response! Yes, that's a good idea, I'll keep exposing myself for a good while until I understand everything completely. My buddy wanted me to order some with him, and I had to deny him as I am not ready yet. Thanks for the reply, I'll check out those links you sent me and also might search the web for a book. Cheers
Hey, you and me are in the same boat. I found that its best to talk to the guys in the gym and ask all the same questions. Most likely if they are taking gear then it is their life too, so they can talk for hours about it. thats what im doing, I just wish i was a little older (just turned 18) so i figure if i didnt already fuck myself with the mass amounts of sarms i took and prohormones, i need to take a few years break. Good luck bruhhhh make dem gainZZZZZZ

Maybe don't ask your friend who is older and uses gear...
Many people in gyms think that they are Gurus on AAS because they have done 1 or 2 courses of Dbol/Test. Trouble is anyone can take an AAS but do they know about PCT or what to do if gyno starts appearing and any other side? Its easy to down a few Dbol and shove a needle in your ass.....But far better to ask on here as many of the members and the likes of CFC and Genetic Freak really know their stuff and always willing to help. Only thing I would say to the OP and Slimzfavourite is you are both still young, your natty Test levels will be high. Are you eating correctly as in 250g+ protein a day, eating good fats and long acting carbs? Then are you drinking enough, need to be getting 4 litres of water in yourselves a day, oh and also 8+ hours a night sleep.
At 19 your endocrine system is still developing and get pretty fucked up from running steroid cycles. The universal answer is to stay natty until 25, and enjoy your sky high natural test level while you can. You can make amazing gains with your teenage test level, and keep gaining natty too. Look up Layne Norton, or Skip Lacour... both of thos guys are natty???? and strong as fuck.

I suggest you google " failed to recover after PCT" for some horror stories about guys your age that have all sorts of hot chicks wanting the D, but the D dont work and libido is gone.

As natty as it gets in those tested events
they routinely are/ were drug tested and polygraphed
I cant get as strong or as big as those guys, even with some basic test cycles... but that doesn't mean they cant.
FFS, I'm 6 ft 210# and there were teenage girls in the olympics outlifting me.
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This site is obviously great, hence why you are here.
I googled questions to find sites for research, never relying one one site for all of my information. Come here to ask questions to get responses based on actual research and experience if you get stuck and all you see is bro-science responses.
Its good to see that you are doing some research before starting. There are a lot of great forums out there that are dedicated to this topic. I would try ******** to start.
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Its good to see that you are doing some research before starting. There are a lot of great forums out there that are dedicated to this topic. I would try ******** to start.

We try to avoid recommending websites with products for sale, as advice is generally biased and not with the intention of promoting harm reduction..