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Good Literature/Films on Drug Culture


Aug 19, 2013
I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on good books/movies about drug use. I saw a similar thread on this but I don't remember where exactly. To elaborate I really enjoyed "Less Than Zero" by Brett Easton Ellis, and have yet to find a book that captures that is as enthralling of a depiction about drug culture since then. I have read/seen the basics such as Requiem For A Dream, Trainspotting, Blow and Cocaine Cowboys, and am looking for pieces of work that equally stress the cultural aspects of the drug use if that makes since. I found that Requiem in particular was too highly sensationalized.
I myself am actually working on a novel inspired by Ellis that I posted over in the "Words" section of the forum; if anyone is interested in offering feedback please feel free to check it out over there.

EDIT: I just found the megathread on videos/documentaries on drug culture, so lets keep this limited to literature
"Heaven knows what" is a pretty good film about dope addiction in nyc, also i didn't see you mention "the basketball diaries" a lot of people hate that movie but i liked it and believe it or not found it a somewhat accurate portrayal of a young addict, you should check out all the VICE documentaries about heroin and fentanyl... they are good

for books the only one i feel like is worth mentioning is "Junky" by William Burroughs... a phenomenal read and a peak into the world of a different kind of addict
Actually I have seen both heaven knows what and the basketball diaries, I liked both fairly well but I enjoyed heaven knows what better. I had actually read up on the main character of heaven knows what before seeing the movie; I think she had written a book also.
I will have to read junky soon; for whatever reason I haven't yet.
I recently read Tweak and We all Fall Down by Nic Sheff. He has a fairly interesting writing style. Kinda cynical and acerbic esp.. We All Fall Down. They were pretty good books. I actually enjoyed We all Fall Down the most but it centered less on his meth-scapades and more on his adventures in recovery and his later grappling to replace his meth addiction with "less harmful" substances and find his place in life.

I have seen the movie less than zero is the book better?
the book is much better; it is kind of a "catcher in the rye" on drug culture in la in the 80s. I really enjoyed it, the tone is very apathetic but satirical in an interesting way. The movie does not capture the magic of the book Imo.
I read tweak and I may have read that other book but its been so long I can't remember.
One really important book regarding psychedelic drug cultre is the Doors of Preception by Adouls Huxley.

Already mentioned by other posters in this thread but Junky by William S. Burroughs

Aleister Crowley Diary of a Drug Fiend is another good book

Tom Wolfe The Electric Kool-ade Acid Test

These are definitely some of the more "well known" books that touch heavily upon drug culture either as the central theme or as a intergeral part of the main characters life or annother main characters life
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There's a couple anthologies from a writer named Lester Bangs. He was a big drug user. He was technically a music critic but he transcends that field massively, doing a more "Gonzo" style. I like his articles even if the band or album is something I have zero interest in.

One interesting thing about him is he wrote the earliest references to DXM trips (on "romilar" brand cough syrup) that I'm aware of. This was in the 70s.
The Salton Sea is a great movie with a lot of Meth history and culture in it.... way underated

if you haven't read or seen "Trainspotting" its a good one.
Spun is a good movie about tweaked. It's interesting how it's filmed and if you give it a chance the story really comes together. Brittany Murphy is in the movie too. I forget who else.

Also, the book Dreamseller by Brandon Novak is a good book about heroin addiction. Brandon is a teenager who lands a professional skateboarding contract. He ends up friends with Bam Margera and also the lead singer from HIM. It's a sad story but it spoke to me when I was in the street and strung out.

I'm gonna think and see if I can remember anything else that isn't on the list already.
The rest of the Trainspotting books are good - skag boys & porno (TS2) - if you've only read TS, which is the 2nd. Trainspotting is definitely my favourite movie of all time, recently saw a play of it and don't usually enjoy going to the Theatre but being up close to a group os Scots performing it in a 'round' theatre was an amazing experience (when i could understand what they were saying, that is �� )

Also recently watched a film called permanent midnight which is about heroin addiction, though it was fairly strange seeing Ben Stiller in that role. The same goes for The Basketball Diaries, seeing Leonardo DiCaprio as a drug addict after watching Romeo & Juliet is an odd experience.
Love Pulp Fiction and the movie Spun also.
Didn't really enjoy Requiem for a Dream all that much to be honest. Might've been because i wasn't paying full attention to it but it just seemed a bit confusing / all over the place at times :?
Neuromancer, by William Gibson
Infinite jest, by David Foster Wallace
Spook country, by William Gibson
The rest of the Trainspotting books are good - skag boys & porno (TS2) - if you've only read TS, which is the 2nd. Trainspotting is definitely my favourite movie of all time, recently saw a play of it and don't usually enjoy going to the Theatre but being up close to a group os Scots performing it in a 'round' theatre was an amazing experience (when i could understand what they were saying, that is �� )

Also recently watched a film called permanent midnight which is about heroin addiction, though it was fairly strange seeing Ben Stiller in that role. The same goes for The Basketball Diaries, seeing Leonardo DiCaprio as a drug addict after watching Romeo & Juliet is an odd experience.
Love Pulp Fiction and the movie Spun also.
Didn't really enjoy Requiem for a Dream all that much to be honest. Might've been because i wasn't paying full attention to it but it just seemed a bit confusing / all over the place at times :?

I actually think that Leonardo DiCaprio did a great job of portraying a heroin addict. Especially the parts where he is trying to hustle his mom and other people for money.