getting into the center alone


Jul 14, 2016
Hi everyone, well personally I think I have open my eyes about my situation, 6 months ago I couldn't even tell you what black tar was. This a such an evil drug, since the moment the vapors filled my lungs I instantly developed my new and destructive love. This new crush destroys my life in so little time, and was mixed with my unconditional love to my girlfriend, who was also a serious drug abuser. I had to face both break ups at the same time.

Quickly I found my self-spending 25Dlls per day, then became 35Dlls, and then 50Dlls to my girlfriend and I and our euphoric feeling. I justified and denied my addiction to heroin. I started to feel that it was making me more active and more awake about life, thinking that this makes me a better person. I don't know how a close friend found out what and Jane where doing. We used to smoke weed at nights, but never try other drugs.

There is something with H that doesn't let you be with it, its a need that I cannot explain in other words that arent being in love, this made me feel like I was happy all day. I started to get angry for everything, and my relationship with my girlfriend became thundercloud, and we made so many stupid things.
I found my self-feeling like a stupid person lay in the grow with any real reason to the better, that day I said to myself that it was enough, for my good and for my girlfriend's security. I have been looking for information on the Internet and found this article that talks about getting out your current environment and starts again, I won't let my girlfriend get worse, she is a beautiful girl that can have a great future. I'm planning to take her with me to BWI, I found there is a call center that takes you to the Treatment Center, getting in a bwi airport shuttle to take us to the Pine Heights TC. I want to do this for us, because I love her and I truly believe we can make it better. "