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Galenika Benzodiazepines need sending to an independent lab. To find out how much product they actually contain. Please Help

In America the usual maximum dose is 30mg.( 3x10mg a day). These drugs are very cheap to make.
It seems like America and the UK have a similar problem. They have a war on drugs and are going after people with real medical problems to solve the issue of illicit drugs.
Yup, it's quicker to get a box of benzos or sleepers than it is to get a docs appointment and walk out with a script for Diphenhydramine which has been proven not to effect sleep in anyway.
Doctors here make a lot more, but less than they use too. Many are like my( deceased) father was( he was a surgeon). Graduated a year early from both high school and college, nearly perfect grades. He was 19/20 years old when he applied to med schools. They said you are 19 and married, they didn't care how good his entrance exam was. So for 3 years he worked as a research chemist; while working as a teachers assistant and teaching college classes to pay for his master's degree in computer programming. He didn't fininish his masters degree because, 3 years later he was accepted into med school( a good one).
The people here who become doctors( at least in the past) were usually highly intelligent, hard working and driven. Money can be a motivating factor in getting really good, smart and dedicated people. The UK does get a lot of foreign doctors. I have a GP who graduated from med school in Syria and he is smart, hard working, a great doctor and highly intelligent.
I think you get what you pay for, unfortunately.
Doctors here make a lot more, but less than they use too. Many are like my( deceased) father was( he was a surgeon). Graduated a year early from both high school and college, nearly perfect grades. He was 19/20 years old when he applied to med schools. They said you are 19 and married, they didn't care how good his entrance exam was. So for 3 years he worked as a research chemist; while working as a teachers assistant and teaching college classes to pay for his master's degree in computer programming. He didn't fininish his masters degree because, 3 years later he was accepted into med school( a good one).
The people here who become doctors( at least in the past) were usually highly intelligent, hard working and driven. Money can be a motivating factor in getting really good, smart and dedicated people. The UK does get a lot of foreign doctors. I have a GP who graduated from med school in Syria and he is smart, hard working, a great doctor and highly intelligent.
I think you get what you pay for, unfortunately.

Unfortunately your father was one of the 10% nepotism is alive and well in the UK, how many on the bread line today could acheive what your farther did without a trustfund or bank of mum and dad behind them. even not speaking RP can cause an instant no, hence why many people from area's try to lessen out accents, I'm from Manchester and its taken me years and still is in the process of getting it to Prof Brian Cox standard. To make it worse mine was a Salford accent which still comes out in times of emotion, my Th's even turn back to Fffffs. Although if your from a BAME community this doesn't seem to matter so much. People say I'm an intelligent man but I am not, I'm your average man on the street with a probable average IQ, my ASD may help me retain information better so on tests I remember things easy but that doesn't make me intelligent, try to teach me maths and physics and my brain just shuts down especially algebra. Give me an essay to write and it's just not getting done simple it's why I quit university, to many words needed to answer a question, biology, chemistry and pharmacology I'm probably at A Level standard. So it really pissed me off with the intelligence thing and I'm only above average because I'm interested in them. It's took me 20 years of watching and copying people so I can pass off as normal in society to the point of where I'm an amazing manipulator even though I still do not get many social cues. My brother right now is in the stages of knowing everything and was talking about taking a real IQ test at an accredited centre. Luckily I convinced him not to as the result will absolutely kill him, hence why I have always refused to take one at Uni as to why my tests and knowledge was amazing but I couldn't write an essay......they said I was dyspraxic and I don't even know what that means anymore, during my interview's/appointments with a psych he wanted me to take one. After two years he said I had autism spectrum disorder, I went crazy at the "disorder" part until I found out it was worth £280 a month from PIP.

The truth is I'm lazy and have no goals apart from enjoying the ride until I decide I've had enough or that decision is taken out of my hands lol. Aslong as I have enough money to live, to eat decent food, have a wardrobe that doesnt make me dishevelled a roof and a little warmth in winter I have no drive to chase the stuff. I'm 37 and been in so many immoral jobs or asked to do immoral things. I don't mean made up immoral things that society has made up rather the natural most of us humans are born with. My GP once said I'm depressed I said no I'm bored.

Kind Regards,

I just read about dyspraxia lol what a load of a BS assessment that was, my coordination is amazingly better than your average man on the street, not blowing smoke but ask the coach at my boxing club or my mother when I was a child, or the owners of the clay pigeon range I shoot at.
Prob some PhD student going through the motions she's been told and not learnt for herself. University basically felt like that for me. I questioned double standards and hypocrisy to much so had a real hard time with the Re education camp tutors.
My dad came from a middle class family, so did mom(American for mum). I guess there is some sort of snobbery and other factors in the UK, that I don't understand. My dad went to college when it was cheap and worked his ass off.
I admit I have trouble understanding people with thick working class Scottish accents, even on the rare occasion they haven't been drinking.
I mean people will joke about certain accents in America, but unless you have a really thick cajun(Louisiana) accent that no one can understand, it ain't an issue here.
Is it still like it was long ago, you have to be from the right family, go to the right schools, and be born into the upper classes to get a decent job. I hear college(American for University) is free. Do you have to go private schools to get into Oxford or Cambridge, for example? Or can good grades and doing well on entrance exams help you move up?
Can people move up classes by hard work, education and intelligence?(Celebrities excluded)?
1st RP is renounced pronunciation orbtge Queen's English which is not entirely true because the true aristocracy speak RP on steroids, its the English accent that foreigners expect all The English speak, also called BBC English as all radio hosts and then television hosts spoke. It is associated with the middle and upper class and anyone that speaks that way is considered not common or common but educated that's why students in university actually have classes on how to speak RP, listen to any professional like a Dr or Barrister they speak RP, listen to Prof Brian Cox and you can still hear his Manchester twang. Boris Johnson is basically aristocracy so he speak RP on steroids.

2. No it cost around £10,000 a year to go to university although this is loaned and expected to be paid back once you hit a certain wage PA, this is why junior doctors are on the whole earn less than a newly qualified nurse as they have an extra £20000 to pay back so lose nearly double than a nurse and they are expected to work 80 100 hour weeks plus as putting in for overtime is bad for career progression so if worked out they earn alot less than a nurse on a bank shift on time and a half plus get overtime pay.

3. The government has made it law now that medical schools must accept more working class students, grades do play a role but a lower grade pupil who went to a private school and college A Levels 16 to 18yo) would do better in the entrance interviews and also higher income families can afford private out of school tuition and lessons on what to say. Family connections play a big part also. Right now medical schools have to by law accept a certain amount of BAME students regardless of results.

4. You don't need to go to a private school to get into Oxbridge but most the students did except the BAME and super Intelligent lower class students get a scholarship, I forget the % buts it's not high. Oxbridge are not the only very old prestigious universities in the UK. Grades matter of course as proof you have the minerals but nepotism is still very much alive. The labour party used to be a working class political party but now its been taken over by middle class socialist MIMBY'S.
Sorry and yes they can go up in class the are called social climbers but in the UK you can only be considered aristocracy if you have blue blood. And the Scottish also have there version of RP mainly spoken in the richer area of Edinburgh.

Have a search on how to speak RP on YouTube. It will actually answer your questions better than I can explain. And look up the recent RAF pilot recruitment scandal it's very revealing to what is happening in society in general at present.

Being a middle aged white man in the UK at present is extra hard especially if your working class, every problem down to pot holes are our fault. I could be a Surgeon but I would still be looked down on as working class it would take 2 to 3 generations to change.

And I don't remember if I said it matters what school and college you went to over grades when getting into a prestigious university or your family is new money and can make a "donation" lol. Just look at how many people in power and have influence went to Eton. Its the same with the military.

Also I may add some of the best Doctors snd Surgeons in the UK are Indian, they are crafted into doctors as soon as they come out of the womb but again they are of the higher class of the caste system

These families in the UK need to come from good stock, it's no different from race horses or any other animal.

Thanks for the conversation and sorry upfront if it sounds like I'm annoyed, I'm not I stopped being annoyed by it when I realised it does make sense in a way "one must know ones place" as it is said.

But Junior Dr's get a real bad deal for 10 years in the NHS, it's why they quit and its why dentists are number 1 or 2 on the suicide list.
Thank you very for the insight. I like to know these things. I like know about other countries, especially one I like. Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to give me a little insight into the UK.
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Thank you very for the insight. I like to know these things. I like know about other countries, especially one I like. Thank you very much for taking the time and effort to give me a little insight into the UK.

Thanks for loving our country as it is beautiful once you get out of the cities. We citizens get a raw deal a real raw deal, I won't go into detail as I will go into "Ian Paisley" mode.....check him out he was one scary man of the cloth lol. But getting a train and within 15/30 mins it's just beautiful green, even when the skies are grey it looks nice. Where I live Manchester 40 mins on a train and I'm in the Peak District where I go camping and hiking when it's not minus 40000000oC lol but it does look pretty from the cab of a train.

I try not to get into the corruption and politics and celebrity nonsense as its very very nauseating and I was going to say depressing also, but I'm trying to think of another word more fitting........Upsetting should we say.

Thanks for the replies and keep safe.

Kind Regards.

And thanks, depending on the weather lol you have put me in the mood to go on a train ride to a village I've not been to yet and get a nice meal and pint inftont of an open fire, I actually fit in these places as its as easy as wearing one of my "Barbour" coats/jacket Oxford shirt and some tweed some where.......probably on my head.

Have a search for Kate Middleton in Barbour you will know what I mean with blending into these places lol.
Hello all I am Steve but many call me Tucker, I'm posting here in a possible harm reduction or more stopped getting robbed capacity, and will I be neededing help if you read the following about Galenika. (Who actually went bankrupt to the tune of £272mil until organised crime fixed the problem and now probably run it being Serbia and all)

I have used BZDs TBZDs an TTBZDs for a while on and off. Now just because wedinos.org says your Ksaol contain Alprazolam, Bendesin contain Diazepam and Rivotril contain Clonazepam does not mean for 1 minute they are real and accurately doses (+-10%).

I came into a few hundred last night the Alprazolam and Clonazepam and although they tasted underdosed I knew wedinos.org got it correct.

I get 84 2mg Diazepam e28d along side lamotrigine for epilepsy so I am no stranger to BZDs

We had a great summer with properly dosed cheap as chips Martin Dow licensed Valium.

Now Galenika has always seem weak to me even before it's Test E 250mg came back at 160mg ffs.

So last night being ill with pneumonia I thought I will 15mg Alprazolam myself and put myself to sleep..........nothing ! So me being the silly man I am who already had had 160mg of methadone decided to eat a strip of the Clonazepam 20mg. Waited an hour and maybe felt like I had taken a few 10mg Diazepam without a tolerance.

Here's where it gets stupid as I had just dropped £150 on 400 "legit tabs" and was fuming and the fact I had 30 to 40 strips of Galenika round shaped things so I ate another 15 Ksaol and 10 Rivotril this was at 7 this morning as I couldn't sleep.

I am 100% that they have just enough micro grams in to show in the active ingredient lists on wedinos.org. I need to find a lab and try to crowed fund a test like UGL labs do with every blend or even just a single ester bottle to prove to there customers each batch is tested and certified safe.

I finally have some Martin Dows landing (only) 50 because they are being bromazolam'd with nowhere near enough bromazolam 8mg is equal to 10mg of Diazepam and they are definitely putting in more than a few mg a tab..........OK stick a Fluorine on Bromazolam and that changes drastically but China and India are banning the export through pressure from the west but they cannot just don blanket ban like the west would. It seems swapping out a Cl for a Br weakens it quite abit. Bromazolam and Bromaezepam are quite similar.

Anyway like I say we need to get these shisters properly tested and ask yourself if your serious benzodiazepine enthusiast when was the last time you blacked out from just Galenika's (not including the UK pressies with 4mg of Fluaprazolam in thst did the round that was pressed down Bury New Road lol.

The 15th of December is when I get 84 2mg Diazepam on repeat and believe me one strip 28mg makes me drowsy if taken at once.

In less that 24 hours I have taken supposedly 30mg of Alprazolam and 40mg Clonazepam. My Arse

If anyone can help with testing companies and price etc that would be great

Thank you and kind regards
Wait galenika the pharmaceutical company went bankrupt? When? So we can assume all galenika chemicals are now from the black market?
These Galenika products first appeared here in Finland around 2014-2015. I used to buy strips of ksalols from Finnish darknet market called 'Silkkitie' it translates to Silkroad. From 2017 or 2018 this country got flooded with galenika products. Bensedins, ksalols and rivotrils. Haven't seen bensedins here since 2019 but ksals and rivos still exists here.

Anyway there's a batch number in the strip and you can tell if they're good or bs. They're either under or overdosed. Last 2 weeks ive been buying rivotrils and ksalols and i don't complain. Been addicted to benzos and opioids for 11 years and i start my day with 4-5mgs of ksalol or rivos. Today i took 4mg clonaz and 2mg of alp.

I have oxazepam script but it doesn't help for my symptoms so i 'abuse' my script and buy more potent benzos bc my doctor won't prescribe me anything stronger. This post became a mess but i just wanted to inform you that galenika products have lost their reputation while ago.
Hello all I am Steve but many call me Tucker, I'm posting here in a possible harm reduction or more stopped getting robbed capacity, and will I be neededing help if you read the following about Galenika. (Who actually went bankrupt to the tune of £272mil until organised crime fixed the problem and now probably run it being Serbia and all)

I have used BZDs TBZDs an TTBZDs for a while on and off. Now just because wedinos.org says your Ksaol contain Alprazolam, Bendesin contain Diazepam and Rivotril contain Clonazepam does not mean for 1 minute they are real and accurately doses (+-10%).

I came into a few hundred last night the Alprazolam and Clonazepam and although they tasted underdosed I knew wedinos.org got it correct.

I get 84 2mg Diazepam e28d along side lamotrigine for epilepsy so I am no stranger to BZDs

We had a great summer with properly dosed cheap as chips Martin Dow licensed Valium.

Now Galenika has always seem weak to me even before it's Test E 250mg came back at 160mg ffs.

So last night being ill with pneumonia I thought I will 15mg Alprazolam myself and put myself to sleep..........nothing ! So me being the silly man I am who already had had 160mg of methadone decided to eat a strip of the Clonazepam 20mg. Waited an hour and maybe felt like I had taken a few 10mg Diazepam without a tolerance.

Here's where it gets stupid as I had just dropped £150 on 400 "legit tabs" and was fuming and the fact I had 30 to 40 strips of Galenika round shaped things so I ate another 15 Ksaol and 10 Rivotril this was at 7 this morning as I couldn't sleep.

I am 100% that they have just enough micro grams in to show in the active ingredient lists on wedinos.org. I need to find a lab and try to crowed fund a test like UGL labs do with every blend or even just a single ester bottle to prove to there customers each batch is tested and certified safe.

I finally have some Martin Dows landing (only) 50 because they are being bromazolam'd with nowhere near enough bromazolam 8mg is equal to 10mg of Diazepam and they are definitely putting in more than a few mg a tab..........OK stick a Fluorine on Bromazolam and that changes drastically but China and India are banning the export through pressure from the west but they cannot just don blanket ban like the west would. It seems swapping out a Cl for a Br weakens it quite abit. Bromazolam and Bromaezepam are quite similar.

Anyway like I say we need to get these shisters properly tested and ask yourself if your serious benzodiazepine enthusiast when was the last time you blacked out from just Galenika's (not including the UK pressies with 4mg of Fluaprazolam in thst did the round that was pressed down Bury New Road lol.

The 15th of December is when I get 84 2mg Diazepam on repeat and believe me one strip 28mg makes me drowsy if taken at once.

In less that 24 hours I have taken supposedly 30mg of Alprazolam and 40mg Clonazepam. My Arse

If anyone can help with testing companies and price etc that would be great

Thank you and kind regards

It's much worse than that. Bensedin by Galenika have been found to contain Nitazenes and Bromazolam by Wedinos. Nitazenes are an opiod analogue that is upto 1500x as strong as Morphine. Avoid this brand like the plague.
It's much worse than that. Bensedin by Galenika have been found to contain Nitazenes and Bromazolam by Wedinos. Nitazenes are an opiod analogue that is upto 1500x as strong as Morphine. Avoid this brand like the plague.
wow, didn't know that , thanks

I'm always careful with benzo's , but thought the bensedin's have been low dosed for years so I wouldn;t buy them anyway - last one's I had were weak af but tested clean at wedinos, so just underdosed. Fuck nitazenes though

I'm a rare benzo consumer, probably one night every 10 days or so on average, so the Martin Dow's I've got will last another few months easily
wow, didn't know that , thanks

I'm always careful with benzo's , but thought the bensedin's have been low dosed for years so I wouldn;t buy them anyway - last one's I had were weak af but tested clean at wedinos, so just underdosed. Fuck nitazenes though

I'm a rare benzo consumer, probably one night every 10 days or so on average, so the Martin Dow's I've got will last another few months easily

Yeah ever since those Martin Dows came about a year or so ago with legit Diazepam ones, they've been much better than the Bensedin ever were in my opinion.

I really don't understand why they are putting Nitazenes in benzos. But there are test results showing the same for batches of MSJ's too. Although the most frequent ones with Zenes in them are the Bensedin.

I noticed quite alot of the clearnet Pharma/Steroid suppliers seem to have dropped Bensedin's completely. So at least some dealers are taking care not to get involved in this upcoming shit storm with potent opiod analogues in pills. Fuck knows who thought it a good idea to put them in benzos to start with what a sick thing to do.