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Opioids Full verses partial agonist


Apr 10, 2024
Hey guys.

Just a quick question. I just want to make sure I get this right. Full opiod agonist can be stacked together with another full opiod agonist for a synergy effect or will it be more of the stronger one of the 2 will fight for the receptors and only the stronger one of the 2 will prevail.

So what I'm getting at, if I take morphine sulfate tabs IR/XR and then add oxycodone in the mixed, will the two have a synergy effect and build up together getting you more "high" or more of an intense opiod feeling, then the one just replacing the other.

I will explain or ask more after I get some input or advice on this one.

To mix with oxy, you want codeine. Cyp2d6 activity is increased by it (but clogged by morphine), increasing oxycodone to oxymorphone conversion. 2 full agonists will compete for the receptors, don't waste the morphine mixing the two, codeine is weak enough to not compete too much, but you want to wait 3 or so hours after the codeine so most effects have worn off, also, nicotine (over time) has been found to increase cyp2d6 activity in the brain. But not liver. Not recommending you get addicted to cigs or vaping to get a better opioid high by any means, though. Also, partial agonists will essentially cancel out full agonists, I'll try and find a chart I'm thinking of. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.cobnm5yxKRu-NTwNGNS59wHaGn&pid=Api&f=1&ipt=b9afdf0d469ab0073589cce90c529c0c26777b3c8a1ebf0146c2572a9a3d1f09&ipo=images
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So what opiates/ opiods do play along together. Like what other opiod plays along with methadone or is it a stingy bastard and wants to play alone and will only get kicked off by a stronger opiod.

Another reason I ask cause In the past I use to use H during my methadone maintenance and always got high of the H and no pws. Granted the methadone dose is low 20-50mg methadone. Buy I would always feel 2-3 bags of H if I decided to use that day. And the next day I will just jump back on methadone with no issues or wds or pws for that matter. Sometimes there only being 8-10hrs after my last H dose and still take methadone and it's like nothing change. Just feel normal and functioning again.
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