Technical Problem Forgot the R in my name. Dont know how to get it changed.


Jan 20, 2016
Hi. When I registered I must have forgot the r in my name so now I guess I'm not the girl with blue hair anymore is there a way for you guys to change it and put the r in it? I would really appreciate it
Lol, funny thread! Idk, but it is cool just like this dont u think?
Usernames are set. You can simply abandon this account and register a new one with the username that you want. Alternatively, this thread may be of interest to you :)
I would just stick with 'Hai' it seems very versatile

Sho from iTalki said:
I would add some other cases where we Japanese use "はい(hai)”. At a class room, if I'd like to show my opinion, I should say "hai" before starting to talk. "Hai" means "I have a opinion."

If someone ask "Where is Sho?" to find me in some crowded place, I would reply "hai." "Hai" means "I'm here." or "I'm Sho."

If I want to ask some one to repeat to say something, I say "hai?" "Hai?" is used like "sorry?", "pardon?" or probably "what?"

Also, we use "Hai" as "ok, then..." or "well..." to break the ice in the conversation.

In addition, here's an interesting example. If two Hai are combined, as "hai-hai", it gets to have different nuances. It would mean something like "ok, ok, whatever." In this case, I put stress on the latter "hai."
Yeah lol I'll keep it. I've already been posting. I don't want to great a New account. Thank you guys for replying I appreciate it. I have another question, though. I'm trying to put up an avatar from the gallery on my phone. Does it not automatically reduce the size when it gets transferred? I cropped the photo I want; every time I click on it, though it brings me back to the page and it's like nothing happened--it just says no file or something like that?