For the experts: (again) why is e so expensive?


Jan 11, 2000
A friend of mine posted this in the New XTC forum and I am baffeled. My friend told me it costs less then 3 dollars to make a pill of e. My dealer buys it for 12 and sells it for 20 (if you're not his friend
Is there another reason besides selfishness and greed why e is so expensive? I'm just wondering, because it seems as if the supply and demand theory is getting a little out of hand when there are people in Bermuda paying cents for what we (in Phildelphia at least) pay a HELL OF A lot more for...
any ideas?
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
a few thoguhts...
it's dangerous to get e from point a, to point b.
your dealer, and his supplier, put thier "asses on the line" so to speak. I think it warents a little mark up.
people are going to pay whatever people are cahrging for the stuff. nobody (it seems) is going to boycott regarless of how much it costs.
money makes the world go round... if I was dealing... I would want to make some money off of it... money is nice.
these four facts, in combination with various other factors likely account for it.
"Hold me,
Show me,
Need me,
cuz I want you to stay,
at least until,
A tablet costs much les than four dolars to make.. If you dont include equipment, and only include the price of chemicals consumed in the sythesis, pills cost anywher from 40 to 10 cents to make (per pill).
I think supply and demand is it exactly. People will pay $20 and theres only so much available (because its illegal). But this supply and demand phenomenon doesnt only take place with the final consumer.. it works all the way up the chain.
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
VERY good point - gotta look at it from the other side too, I guess. Thanks

Does anyone have concrete knowledge on about how much e costs to make?
(Paradox inspired me)
See Me
Feel Me
Touch Me
Heal Me
Hehe.. ok nevermind then - thank you Acid Burn

It's just a wonder cause with herb - there's so much more preperation and time comsuming (I think - most likely i am just tlaking out of my ass, huh?) and it's so much cheaper. Probably cause of the serverity of laws? Yet still.. you can get dope for pretty cheap too... (I am definitely talking out of my as son that one cause it's only from hersay)
Ok.. I am shutting up now :\
Overseas, where it is made for the most part,it costs $0.19 to make. Decent size quanities cost $3 each to reach here ( customs payoffs, plane tickets, ect). 50 to 100 thousand beans cost around 5-7 dollars each. Then you have a shitload of middlemen; thus 20-25 dollars for a single bean. Alot of beans are made by 3rd world countries and countries at war (sometimes at war with us). Their government needs money for weapons or food or oil,so their chemists make beans. All of the beans with a star stamp come/came originated from Kosovo (Gen. Milosevic needed money for his army). Most clovers and shamrock stamps come from the Irish Republican Army. Iraq even made some beans. Rumors have it that china's are actually from North Korean Rebels.
But how come acid is soo much cheaper. It also is cheap per drop but its only sold for $5 dollaz a hit and it last longer than E. I understand that its a different feeling and all, but I think you get in more trouble for Acid then for rolls. Am I wrong?? It could also be because E is a realtivly "new" drug and Acid has been around since the 1950's. Hopefully rolls get cheaper over the years but for now we are all going to have to deal with the prices dealers are charging now. PEACE
The price of E probably doesn't have much to do with supply and demand...its prices are greatly inflated, even with illegality factored in. Simply put, the reason the price is so high is because people are willing to pay it. This is the same reason people can get rich selling crushed ice for $20 a bag after an earthquake. I'm certain that if everyone refused to pay a high price for E, the price would drop considerably.
However, I'll warrant that supply and demand probably has it's place. Prices probably vary based on regional availability--lots of pills, lower price, at least theoretically. Doesn't keep dealers from milking consumers dry, but c'est la vie.
The Chemist --- $.25
The Top Dogg --- $ 2-5
The Drug Dealer --- $ 7-10
The Gangsta --- $ 10-20
The Street Price --- $ 20-30
The Skatte'n Ring Price --- $ 30-35
thats my opion on how the ecstasy game works,
Is simple suppy and demand.
The demand is very high
The supply of quailty pills right now is kinda low.
Its a sellers market.
From what I have read it takes at least two years of training in chemistry to manufacture ecstacy. Which means not everyone can do it, therefore a higher price.
As far as the differences in price between acid and e, a lot has to do with trasportation costs. A whole lot of hits can be trasported in a very small space(vile). When that same amount of ecstasy is transported it requires a greater amount of space. This makes it harder to conceal, which in turn makes it more dangerous to carry. Also acid is a clear liquid, at first glance it can be passed off as a variety of things that are not illegal. A pill is obvious.
Just my $.02.
Because people will pay that much for it.
[This message has been edited by e_rep (edited 20 January 2000).]
LSD is prolly cheaper because a large percentage of the supply in the wolrd is controlled by a very tight knit ring here in america. These people (who control ~80% of all lsd) are thought to have been around since the sixties and are prolly old hippie revolutionaries, who belive every one should have lsd, prolly in the intrest of world peace (or somthing like that). So they keep the prices low.. and exert thier power over the people below them to also keep the prices low. Just my consipiracy theory. Ecstasy would probably be the same way if it wasnt so damned easy to make. LSD on the other hand is very hard to make.
a pH phenomenonAcidBurn
acid can be made by almost anyone.
acid IS made (mostly) by dirty hippies in the United States. thats why it cost under $1.00 for a hit of acid> (it should only cost $3.00 to $5.00///even if your SUPER LOW on the totem pole) When i was overseas i had kids totally willing to give me 10 and 15 bucks for a hit of acid (belive it or not!)
we all know what it takes to make E> we all know how much it cost overseas>