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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Heroin For how long does heroin show up in urine?

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Juniper Bruhmomentius

Bluelight Crew
May 10, 2019
Soooo Im getting heroin in monday at like 1pm and I have urine tests in thursday 3 pm. Any chance of using in monday?
Exercise, diet, weight, BMI, and metabolism all play a role. If your body already has a hard time processing unhealthy food and overall healthy function drugs will linger for longer as your body struggles to excrete them.
I wouldn't risk it. I had it show after 1 week once but another time gone in 4 days. I care about you my friend so stay safe :)
I can usually provide a clean test if i leave it for at least 4 days. I have passed a urine test after 3 days but i leave it for 4 days now just to be sure of giving a clean test. I also make sure that i drink plenty of fluid over those days. Hasn't failed me so far.
Somebody please back me up, because the rules may have changed. I don't think that this sort of thin has Harm Reduction at it's heart. I'm not saying this person's plight is meaningless, but I think it is not really an issue of imminent harm. I'm going to leave it open for now though, as I've not really been here.
Somebody please back me up, because the rules may have changed. I don't think that this sort of thin has Harm Reduction at it's heart. I'm not saying this person's plight is meaningless, but I think it is not really an issue of imminent harm. I'm going to leave it open for now though, as I've not really been here.

I dont think the rules have changed Keif, as far as I'm aware drug test questions like this are still against the rules as nobody can answer the question with any degree of accuracy.

So do what thou wilt...
The threads title is "
For how long does heroin show up in urine?
What type of answers are expected to such a question?
Cmon man, just let them hate me ;)

No hating going on, just common sense as the 'answer' will be different for everyone depending upon your level of use, metabolism, fluid intake etc. Also, as seen above, you will get many different answers so you're likely to just trust the one that suits you.

Imagine how pissed off you'd be if you trusted someone's word then you failed the test...

Keif hasn't come back so I'll do the honours for him... :p
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