? for experienced Robotrippers?

Guru Daddy

Oct 21, 1999
Hey, any help from voices of experience will be highly appreciated! I've read tons of stuff about Robotripping including the very long faq at Erowid, and I've got an 8 oz. bottle of Robo with no active ingredients other than DXM, but I still can't get a good fix on how much to take. Here's the basic stats:
200 lbs.
react fairly strongly to most drugs (cheap date)
first time so want to go easy - maybe lower level 2nd plateau - see if its gonna agree with me. What I don't want to do is drink just enough to feel bad with none of the trip. So any thoughts? I'm thinking start with 4oz? Thanks for any thoughts, and I have read the many negative expereinces - I still want to try it!
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
Sorry to be a pain in the arse, but I'm actually going to ask you a question back: What is robotripping?
ahhh what a relief i though i was the only one.... what is robotripping and waht does it do???? and what's robo?????
PLEASE inform us!!!!! ;-)
Robotripping: DXM high...
the word is derrived from robo... as in robatussin DM, I shit you not.
the DM in your cough suryp is AKA DXM, Dextromathorphan... etc...
it's dangerous, so if you plan to do it, make like guru, and READ UP!
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
don't even THINK of mixing DXM, and e...
append that....
don't even THINK of mixing DXM and anything else.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Hey guys,
Paradox is absolutely right. I can't speak from experience obviously, but the research is clear - don't mess around with this stuff - it doesn't seem to be a "forgiving" drug. At least read the material at Erowid. There's also been some discussion on Bluelight - so I'm hoping to hear from those folks. Definately don't mix with E!
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
I've done a fair bit of research on E just recently, and have seen DXM mentioned a few times, but I know very little about the stuff, however, I thought it was a poison used to make dodgy pills on the cheap.
Does it get you high??
If so, what are the effects, and is it worth taking INSTEAD of E?
Robotripping=Drinking horrible amounts of Robitussin Maximum STrength to get fucked up, now how desperate are we....very, because I've done it... My experience..I'm 110lbs 5'4, I drank about 3 1/2 oz of Robo, about 2 hours later, got a drunk distorted feeling, felt very shaky, just in general fucked up. Couldn't really dance or socialize just fucked up.... no visuals, no tripping....my body felt like I was tripping but I wasn't, if you can understand that...I had the scatterbrained effect of Acid. It lasted a LONG time, Idrank it about 11 or so and it lasted til atl least 4 in the morning. My boyfriend who's 6'2 also drank 4 oz and didn't trip either, nothing..it was a big disappointment.
I heard that the first time is never what you expect and some people don't trip the first time, so I will probably try it again. Don't mix with MDMA, it can be deadly. I waited til about 7am then ate a pill, when i knew it was safe....
So have fun and be careful..be wise to stay at home just in case you start trippin nuts in a club and freak or somehting, I hear the trip is pretty intense.
well, I can speak from experience... the only time I robotripped... was by accident... now I have a perticular sesitivity to MOST drugs, legal or otherwise... and I try to adhere to medical guidelines... so I read the package... 3tbsp... a while later, I got realy nausious, and nervous, twictchy... and things stopped making sence... the TV was entrancing... I went to the bathroom, my pupils were pinpricks... I started "strobing" and then I got a WICKED incapasitating migraine(I'm prone to them)... I checked the package again... 3tsp... (I only took 3x the recomended doseage) but as I said, I'm sesative. I didn't like it AT ALL... but I know someone who did it a few times on purpose cuz it was "neat"
if you want to robotrip, Guru, my friend, who is kinda short, and skinny did 3 "shots" like shotglasss full, and it worked just fine for him.
but NO it is NOT (IMHO) anywhere near as good as e.
Hell, I would recomend NOT doing it at all...
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
Enerbunny pretty much summed it all up for me. As desperate as it seems, Robo tripping is as simple as chugging a 4oz bottle of Robotosim Extra Strength cough syrup. I had a 300mg capsule of DXM I took around 10:30. I got no visuals as I kinda expected to. I just got a really fucked up kinda feeling. We ended up going to the club around 3am but just felt floored. No dancing or socializing. It was nothing what I was expecting. I think the next time we try this (and yes, I’m sure there will be a next time for us crack heads) it’s gonna be time to try and tackle 6oz of some good ‘ol Robo.
Just so you know, a 4oz bottle of Robo Max Strength contains 360mg of DXM. An 8oz bottle is double that, 720mg.
Hope all this rambling helps someone,
No offense, but this sounds akin to those kids we all knew in High School (secondary for the non US crowd) who would snort canned air, sniff glue, butane, whippets (remember, nitrous is a racing fuel. You put it in your car to go fast) etc...
Before I get skinned alive, let me reiterate that this is my opinion, and I'm not going to pass judgement on any of you just because you enjoy DXM. If you want to do it, go for it
Call me a prude, but Robotripping sounds like a waste of 5 hours. If I wanted to sit there, I'd have a few beers and a bong hit or 2.
Guru Daddy, I've robotripped on a few occasions and have found a good 2nd level dose to be a 4 oz. bottle. I drank half the bottle and waited an hour before I took the rest so that I wouldn't get the the nausea caused from drinking it all at once. I'm 5'11" and 235 lbs.
I gotta admit that it was a totally different experience then anything I've taken before. I felt as though I had been drinking for 6 hours straight but I was still able to function and not suffer from blackouts. Plus, the high lasted a looooooooooooooooooooong ass time! I took the first drink at Noon following up the rest around 1 PM and I was still feeling the effect at 7 PM.
If your going to do this, I would DEFINITELY suggest you do this at home with someone around you who can keep an eye on you in case something, hopefully not, goes wrong with your reaction to the dose. Don't try it at a rave where it's hot and lotsa strange peeps to wierd ya out.

DXM can cause Serotonin Syndrome like taking too much E. So, it's good to know the signs of Serotonin Syndrome and what to do in case that happens. If so, most important thing to do is keep your body temp down. DXM inhibits sweating, your body's natural ablity to keep you cool. So, if you start feeling warm and stop sweating, get someplace cool fast!
I have yet to try reaching the Third Level. One day I just might give it a try again. Although most people don't care for the high, I didn't think it was all that bad.
So, Guru Daddy, I hope this helps you! Keep me updated on your experience.

[This message has been edited by yazz (edited 13 January 2000).]
Thanks guys, I'll let you know when I try it - obviously you need plenty of time. And let's face it: if you look to closely at alot of the things we do, they all start to seem a little absurd and desperate don't they? Hey, life is for living - I want to sensibly experience as much as I can, while I still can.
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
4oz works fine almost exactly for where you want to go. if you're a trooper you should do the whole 8oz, but expect some negative stomach reactions.
Don't forget there's different phases to robo. One of the most pronounced is the "sick phase" in which you feel nausious and shitty and dizzy... which then levels out into the goods. So don't think that that short time is going to be the whole experience... it's not. Just be somewhere where you could puke if you need to.
The only drugs you can mix DXM with are Weed and N2O. Pretty safely too. N2O will last for a long time (just like if you did it with K) and be a little different/better. and the weed will kick you into a different kind of trip in which you will ... hallucinate more

GuruDaddy, I've only tried it acouple of times, not really my thing, but curiosity says I had to try it. I wouldn't suggest starting with anything more than 4 oz. and would really suggest making sure you don't have anything important to do the next day either. I wasn't still high the next day, but I found myself zoning out for breif periods of time. Anyway, let us know how it goes for you. PLUR, Vg