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first time pills


Apr 21, 2014
I'm a regular MDMA snorter and bomber but I've never done pills. I'm doing Nintendo pills for the first time tomorow and was just wondering if anyone had any advice or could tell me what it's like? I do tend to prang out quite a bit so if anyone has any advice or help to give me that would be great thanks x
If your pills contain MDMA, it should be just like bombing some MDMA. Be sure to reagent test.
Do you mean 'Allstars' (do they have a characters face stamped on them or) the old Nintendo's or something else?

Have a look on Pillreports, get an idea what strength they are and dose accordingly. All effects should be the same but you may take a little bit longer to come up - do not think, these are not working and redose.
Do you mean 'Allstars' (do they have a characters face stamped on them or) the old Nintendo's or something else?

Have a look on Pillreports, get an idea what strength they are and dose accordingly. All effects should be the same but you may take a little bit longer to come up - do not think, these are not working and redose.

And if you want to avoid the longer come-up just crush up the pill, put it in a cigarette rolling paper, twist the end closed and just parachute it ;)
One of the problems you will be faced with in terms of a Nintendo is id-ing it as this is a very common pill dye to use when pressing. A red nintendo read about on pill reports saying its the balls to wall might be very different to the potential RC delight red nintendo in your hand..

Reagent test is of course is strongly advised. This will certainly point you in the right direction in regards to telling a rough idea of whats in it. Its not the B all and end all in terms of substance ID but certainly a useful thing to do.

My personal experience of pills (generally speaking) has been they can be a bit different to when I have taken MDMA powder/crystal but this could be down to quite a few factors. Quite often pills are coctailed with other ingriedents just a quick browse of edata will confirm this.

At the time (i dont take drugs anymore due to LTC issues) my personal preference was always pills but this is a very personal thing and will so depend on your sources.