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First time I used MDMA will I be alright?


Sep 8, 2013
So how do i explain this. my first time ever using mdma i consumed two caps (capsules-100 MG per cap) the first one was mixed with my water and i did not really feel it hitting me so then i bought another one around 30-45 minutes later after taking the second one i jumped around for a bit (I was at a music festival) so after dancing for a bit i moved to another section and listened to another DJ and that is when it started kicking in i felt extremely happy and energetic just dancing flaring my arms and etc i felt fine and then my friends wanted to take a break we sat for about a good 45 min too an hour and thats when i stopped feeling good my stomach started to hurt and the minute we walked in to the crowd to listen to the next show i told my friend that i had to puke. He stood out with me the rest of the night and told me to drink plenty of water which i was already doing from the start i must have refilled my bottle about 50 times but only had to go pee 2 or 3 times at the festival he told me to eat something i tried but my stomach felt bloated i tried eating a slice of pizza but most of it did not even want to go down my throat so i just gave it to my friend. a while later as we are sitting i say let me go pee again i get up and as i am walking i feel the throw up getting to my chin and then bam i puke alot all over the floor then once more same consistency alot of it some of it even came out of my nose then the 3rd time it just fely like my stomach cringed an i puked a little bit probably some stomach acid but this all happened right after each other my friend looked at me got scared and said are you ok and i said yea if anything i feel quite better i went to the bathroom peed then got a slice of pizza which i ate and enjoyed it actually wanted to go down my throat. after i ate my slice we left and as i was walking i did not feel bloated but my chest hurt a bit like minor chest pains. i came home and still felt them my head also felt kind of weird in a way a headache but lightheaded maybe with some spins and i felt the head feeling even more as i got in and out of bed to constantly pee my heart was aching which was chest pains so i didnt want to go to bed because i thought i would get a heart attack i woke up the next morning with the same feeling went to the hospital they said i was perfectly fine my heart was normal along with blood pressure temperature and vital signs they did not check me for mdma so i was happy to hear thath but it is 6 days later and i still feel this weird headache feeling kind of as if i am light headed but not really and its really scaring me i am afraid i have nerve damage or something even when i type on my phone it feels as if my focus is impaired because i make alot of misspellings anyway i took 2 caps along with a friend who also took 2 but i am only 15 and weigh 128 pounds he is 18 and weighs 150 he felt fine but my head constantly feels like this even six days later does anyone have any idea or experience could i have done permanent damage? It was my first time and with this experience i really have no desire to ever take it again is this just how a molly hangover is or something much more?

KEEP IN MIND my 18 year old friend felt fine the day of and the day after and ingested the same amount
^ That on so many levels. I hear all the time at massives and festivals, "Just whatever you do always drink water!!!"

It's sad really that no one knows drinking too much water is just as dangerous as drinking too little water. We need a better education system when it comes to drugs.
Don't think there's a specific diagnosis you can get for etardedness. It goes away. Stop overthinking things, it just leads to more anxiety. You'll be fine.
You got wayyyy to high.
And possibly drank too much water as previously stated.
No more than a liter should be drank, and that's only because we all understand how refreshing it feels when you're sweating like a madman in the non air conditioned venue with hundreds or even thousands of people around you, normally even one bottle is sufficient to stay hydrated from all the dancing.
Probably drank too much water or used too much for your first time. I puked only once on MDMA, but it was moslty because i redosed, didn't eat anything for 12 hours, and i did way too much, 1.1 g's that day. You won't have any permanent damage if you space out your rolls by at least a month (once every 2 or 3 months is better), NEVER redose, and don't go over 200mg's. 200mg's and over are high doses for a person with little or no tolerance.
You overdosed buddy.....30-45 minutes and u redosed....you doulbe dosed yourself...you didn't even feel the first 100mg yet, sometimes it takes 2 hours to kick in, as with many serotonergic drugs

you're obviously really young and dumb just like we all have done and could end up being that kid that OD's at a rave and ends up on the news....just really take it upon yourself to learn what you are doing and be cautious and spread that non wreckless 'Professional" attitute in drug taking amongst your peers
don't do anymore more drugs till you are at least 21.

lol wut.

I'm a big guy, if I am rolling tough at a massive I'm putting down a gallon over the course of the day easily.

Then you're seriously overdoing it. I bet you're pissing all night when it's over right? I used to drink like 2-3 litres in a night and then need a piss every 15 mins once i'm coming down. Then I realized that water is just completely over-exaggerated. Sure, you could do with drinking some water while you're rolling, but 1-2 bottles is enough. At reasonable recreational doses, body temperature only experiences moderate increases comparable with light/moderate exercise. Unless you're sweating like a bitch, you really don't need that much water. I've got drunk (which dehydrates you), then taken MDMA and consumed only 1 bottle of water. I'm still here to tell the tale. Point is, water consumption is blown out of proportion to the point that unfortunate people have killed themselves from the exaggeration.
Yea I kind of realized that I might have but will that do permanent damage to me and my friend did the same thing I did and he felt fine
Nothing permanent, although I personally believe that at your age the brain is still developing and thus more susceptible to the damage drug abuse can cause.
zrock, did you test the substance you took? if not, you could have taken anything so nobody here can really speculate or give you a diagnosis/prognosis.

Ecstasy damages your still developing brain, you have your whole adult life to roll or trip or do whatever, just wait it out.

Read back 3 pages of this very Ecstasy forum and count how many threads go "Ecstasy ruined my life" or "When will I ever come down" or "Does life ever get better after ecstasy abuse?"

Ecstasy damages your still developing brain, you have your whole adult life to roll or trip or do whatever, just wait it out.

Read back 3 pages of this very Ecstasy forum and count how many threads go "Ecstasy ruined my life" or "When will I ever come down" or "Does life ever get better after ecstasy abuse?"


Everyone says this, but forgets that this forum is not an unbiased overview of the effects of MDMA. Think about it, if you're an uneducated user who takes random pills/powders, has a good time and doesn't experience negative effects, why would you bother to search for an online forum? Why would you bother making a thread when you don't need help?

If you consider the stats examining every MDMA-user, the rate of negative effect is actually very low. Professor Nutt has shown this in his work. Even then that often forgets the fact that not every MDMA-user is always taking just MDMA. Not to mention the education of how to safely take MDMA is non-existent. Despite all this, the rate is still low.

Those that are on here reporting very negative effects are the unfortunate minority, not the majority.
Then you're seriously overdoing it. I bet you're pissing all night when it's over right? I used to drink like 2-3 litres in a night and then need a piss every 15 mins once i'm coming down. Then I realized that water is just completely over-exaggerated.

Water is over-exaggerated but not as much as you're thinking! It depends how your body reacts to the drug. If I am hot and dancing and sober, I can drink several liters of water over the course of a day, easily. However, some people find it impossible to urinate during the whole duration of the high- I go as often as I would if I wasn't on e, the muscles are just tenser so it takes a little longer to get started. If you do not urinate for the entire high, stick to two or three regular-sized water bottles over the course of the evening if you're dancing lightly/moderately. If you urinate throughout the evening (even just a few times) it's likely safe to drink however much you would drink if you were sober.

OP: Some people experience mild side effects from the hangover that can last for a couple of weeks, including the effects you describe in this post. If it lasts for over three or four weeks, I personally would see a doctor just in case, but some people have very sensitive responses to the drug. There are many people on this forum who had weeks of side effects like yours and I promise you it is veeery unlikely that one night taking two pills will result in long-term damage to your body, even if you are hypersensitive to the effects. It is most likely that it was cut with something that wasn't MDMA, though no one would be able to figure out what it was. Take good care of yourself, and if you take ecstasy again in the future, pleease order a marquis and a mandolin ecstasy test kit (google it), which allows you to test a tiny quantity of your ecstasy/MDMA to see what exactly is in it. This is much safer!! Often what is sold as e has very little to no MDMA in it and instead has some other random drug that might have worse effects on your body. Always test from here on out, and do some research on these forums regarding doses/testing/other harm reduction things, if you plan to do it again in the future!

This isn't part of the "normal" hangover but it does happen to some people. Few drugs cause nerve damage and very few cause permanent brain trauma unless taken far too often in large amounts. Breathe easy. Eat well, sleep well, and relax. More than likely, you're going to be just fine :) If it persists for too long, get checked out, but don't stress too much!
Water is over-exaggerated but not as much as you're thinking! It depends how your body reacts to the drug. If I am hot and dancing and sober, I can drink several liters of water over the course of a day, easily. However, some people find it impossible to urinate during the whole duration of the high- I go as often as I would if I wasn't on e, the muscles are just tenser so it takes a little longer to get started. If you do not urinate for the entire high, stick to two or three regular-sized water bottles over the course of the evening if you're dancing lightly/moderately. If you urinate throughout the evening (even just a few times) it's likely safe to drink however much you would drink if you were sober.

Of course there are idiosyncracies, but as a human species, we all react to drugs in a fundamentally similar fashion. They enter the bloodstream and the brain and cause the same effects in each of us. For the most part, one person will take 100mg and experience a very similar body temperature increase to another person also taking 100mg. One of the better pieces of research i've read suggests that pharmaceutical MDMA, administered at 1.7mg/kg (so a pretty standard recreational dose), barely raised body temperature and was only just significant. Of course this was in a laboratory setting, in the absence of hot clubs and dancing, but it certainly shows how over-exaggerated the need for water is. Then again, it is dose-dependent. If you're taking larger amounts of MDMA (250mg+) i'd agree that drinking water is increasingly important for HR. In reality though, the chance of death by dehydration is extremely small. You'd probably have to be taking very large doses, dancing heavily and missing the signs your body is showing you that you're dehydrating (thirst, excessive sweating, light-headed feelings etc).

I used to have nights where i'd worry if I didn't have a water bottle in my hand. This used to effect the enjoyment of my evening a bit. So i'm just trying to say it's really not worth excessively worrying about it like everyone says you should.
I firmly believe the need for water at raves and clubs is solely because of the hot atmosphere coupled with dancing all night, I mean dancing can be quite the workout, especially if you're a rager or a shuffler or especially a jumpstyler.
I mean most people won't run 30 minutes on the treadmill without a bottle of water, but that's due to the exericse.
When I roll at home I always have a bottle of cold water solely for the fact that cold water feels sooooo good when I swish it in my mouth and when I swallow it, but that's just the mdma doing its job.
I have gone through many rolls at home without water and never once felt like I needed it as long I was hydrated before I dropped