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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

First time experience, just wanted to share :)


May 22, 2012
Okay so I came to university without really being into or knowing much about the drugs scene apart from doing a bit of weed here and there. Here's how I came about to try MDMA and the experience that followed...

A friend went to a club out of town and did MD for the first time, was absolutely raving about it the next day so after chatting to a few more regular users I decided that I wanted to give it a go. We had a group of about 15 of us heading to a Rusko set, and everyone apart from 2 of us was planning to drop once we get into the club. Have to say I was kind of nervous about the whole thing just because it was so foreign to me, but having a big group of people I could trust around me really put me at ease, especially as they were so helpful and open about any questions I had about MD before we went out. Started the night all meeting at one of our houses, everyone's super chilled out and just having a couple of beers with some mellow dub tunes on to get us in the mood.

So we head out to the club which was a massive warehouse with a few more 'normal' club style rooms attached and a big covered outside area (which had a slushy van in it, AMAZING sensations, but more about that later) and I drop about 150/200mg (im an averagely big guy) then we head to the bar to have a good old can of red stripe whilst waiting for it to kick in. By this point im pretty relaxed and just expecting to feel it, but also hoping that it all goes as well as every had been telling me. Chatted to loads of people outside as it's pretty early in the night, about 12:30, chatting about this and that and upon hearing that it was my first time they all had the same response of 'you are in for one hell of a night'.

About 30 mins later i start to feel a real numbness in my hands and the back of my arms start to feel really lose and my hair is up on end, kinda like a shivery chill. I'm thinking, "maybe its just some of the booze from earlier...." and my closet friend (very experienced user) was chatting about nothing much with me when he takes a look at my eyes at says "I think its about time we went for a dance". Then suddenly as we walked into the club I go feel every fucking thing in my body! My legs, my jeans against my legs, my palms felt incredible, i was fucking flying so high! AMAZING! We found the rest of the group who came up and asked how I was feeling, but each just saw my face, laughed and hugged me coz they could see how I was doing :)

The next 5/6 hours passed in a blur of sweaty dancing, the most intense feelings of happiness, topping up with MD when I felt like I needed it and just trying to absorb every second of the experience. What amazed me is how considerate everyone is in that environment, strangers looking out for each other and just generally making sure everyone was having a good time and not overdoing it. One of the funnier moments was heading outside talking to a guy who was also rushing hard, he hears its my first time, stops and thrusts a big lump of the slushy he was drinking in my mouth. Words cannot describe how weird that stuff melting on your tongue feels! haha! Now I understand why they have a van selling them at the club....

So thats pretty much it, and incredible experience that I will definitely be repeating at some point. Hope you enjoyed reading it
You may want to post this in the Trip Reports section, sounds like you had a great time though!

Be sure to use responsibly and all of your rolls will be like that :)
You can't haha... just wait for a mod to come by :)

you can use the report function at the upper right hand corner of a post to get it to their attention faster
i always enjoy reading about first times

i remember my first time i was so happy when i realised everyone else at the club (was seeing jaguar skills) was off their tits and i made so many mandy friends :D

enjoy it mate but don't over do it, keep having 30 day breaks minimum between each time you do it (60-90 if possible) if you want to be doing MDMA for a while without getting any depression/anxiety etc. and don't want to lose the magic
Hahaha nice report, it sounds like me when i take 100mg, except for the 5/6 hours duration part, wow nice long duration there, i missed that at first time reading this

I am going to move this to Trip Reports.

Btw, Always wait 30 days MINIMUM between doses, if you always want to have a great time, but ideally 60 days.
What i did when i started out was increased my wait time each time, that seemed to work when paired with exercise and a high tryptophan diet. Waited 30 days, then 40 then 49 then 60 and so on.

I think that sunlight really plays a part in it though, because i had lots of sunlight exposure the first year i did mdma and some of the experiences i used to have, never Bettered them .

***Edited to Add,
Trip mods may want to include: 150/200mg MDMA in the title maybe? I should have done that before i moved it, apologies
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I reposted it with that title yesterday, but thanks for moving it.

Yea that trip was actually about between 2/3 months ago, was just reminiscing about it with the guys I went with and felt like sharing it.

Agree with the time frames, planning on dropping again in a couple of weeks time so it should be plenty of space. Funnily enough today is the first properly sunny day we've had in over a month, must be a sign haha!
I remember my first time doing MD. I dropped a gram in one and after 30 mins I was totally wrecked. Eyes were going everywhere, jaw was flying all over the place. It was a bad experience for me but I'm glad your first time was enjoyable. It makes me wanna try it again.
I remember my first time doing MD. I dropped a gram in one and after 30 mins I was totally wrecked. Eyes were going everywhere, jaw was flying all over the place. It was a bad experience for me but I'm glad your first time was enjoyable. It makes me wanna try it again.

Holy crap thats a lot! Not surprised you were a mess.

Waiting a decent amount of time and going for a lower dose should give you a much better time :)