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First time doing MDMA


Mar 16, 2015
Hello. On Friday I will do MDMA for my first time.

My friend tried it last week and I was supposed to do it as well, but I wasn't in school so I couldn't get it. I will be taking it alone at my house.

So how do I figure out, how much I should take?

I'm 16 years old, weigh 70 kg and 188 cm heigh.

Should I take half a pill? That's what my friend did. He says it's some of the best MDMA on the market and that he had an amazing trip.

He says that I should drink lots of water, but in small dosages. Like have a glass and drink small amounts every 10 minutes. Around 250 ml an hour. Is that too much? I will just be at home.

Would salt crisps be a good thing to eat?
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Hi mate! First of all you should know that you're never supposed to do drugs...it's just sometimes the un-natural order of things in life that bring you on these situations however you should try to avoid beeing present in such occasions... I as an older guy have to tell you these...You're too young to even start experimenting with such drugs,hard drugs in everybodys opinion. Your brain is still incomplete don't let it be still like this once you've grown up! Let it grow kid,just for your own good!

However if you're still keen to see this experience don't do it first time alone,have a sober friend alongside and have only up to 100mg of the substance,supposed it's mdma.
Always test before cause you never know what you get, and have it at least 2 hours after you have a meal to avoid any stomach disorders.
Keep safe!
First thing I'm gonna have to say is that you're too young to be taking drugs. Cannabis at age 17 maybe, and alcohol in moderation, but everything else IMO should be left til 18 at least or preferably 21. Your brain is still developing til the early 20s and especially will be still developing at age 16 and you don't wanna screw that up by taking MDMA, a drug that really isn't very benign on your noggin.

Anyway for harm reduction sake I'll give you advice anyway. Firstly, just cause your friend liked it or 'it's good shit' or whatever doesn't mean it's real MDMA, you should get a test kit. Secondly, dosage is considered to be 1-2 mg per kg of body weight. So an average of 1.5 mg/kg which works out at around 100mg for most people, though 120mg is more often stated as a good dose and I do personally believe dosing towards the 2 mg/kg end of the scale is necessary for a full experience, though obviously this will differ for everyone. Seeing as you have a pressed pill you may want to try and find some info about it online to see what stage it might contain and work from there. Finally yeah you should sip water, try and get through 250ml per hour sipped, or better would be an isotonic drink like Powerade as it helps prevent electrolyte imbalance from MDMA. Don't eat for 3 hours beforehand to avoid stomach upset or weakening the drug, you won't want to eat while on it as it highly suppresses the appetite, even somewhat into the next day. Eat plenty of fruit and veg for your vitamins and try and get omega 3s up til you take it and for a while after (this should be done all the time anyway!). If you're really interested there are supplements that have neuro protective effects against MDMA (look up 'reddit MDMA supplementation' or 'rollsafe') but that's more for repeat users and probably too short notice if you were to take it on Friday (which you shouldn't!), but still wouldn't hurt and is good to know about. Stay safe.
Get a test kit and test the pill to make sure its legit and not some bullshit research chemical being sold as E.

If its pure trust me you'll love it. Its the best feeling in the world its just pure joy and love, its truly one of the best experiences in life IMO.
I will be taking it alone at my house.

So how do I figure out, how much I should take?

I'm 16 years old, weigh 70 kg and 188 cm heigh.

Should I take half a pill? That's what my friend did. He says it's some of the best MDMA on the market and that he had an amazing trip.

He says that I should drink lots of water, but in small dosages. Like have a glass and drink small amounts every 10 minutes. Around 250 ml an hour. Is that too much? I will just be at home.

Would salt crisps be a good thing to eat?

being home alone is one of the less interesting settings i can imagine. mdma is a very social drug and you will want company. rolling company is recommended :)
why not wait until you can do it at home with friends or even better at an event where they'll play some nice techno/trance?
the first time is special (for almost all people). try to make the most of it.

for a 70kg male human the dose should be around 1-2mg/kg, so that's 70-140mg of mdma. a first timer will likely only need dosages towards the lower end of this spectrum. but a "full" 100mg dose still wouldn't be too much.
depending on what kind of pills you have (there are some pills with >100mg around) a half could be enough.

do not trust anything your friend says about the quality. here on bluelight we see it again and again that friends pass down wrong information about the material because they trust what their source says, but in the end no one really had a clue to what was inside. you don't know everyone in the supply chain and the dealer that supplied the guy that supplied your friend might have been lying.
sometimes people with not too much experience even mistake adulterants for mdma, if they have never known the real thing.
so the only way to be sure that there's actually mdma inside your pills is to test them with a test kit, which can be easily ordered online. it's an excellent investment.

if you just stay at home there is no need to drink lots of water. if dancing most of the time you should drink something like half a liter every hour. generally, it is enough to just drink when you're thirsty. problems arise when people ignore their thirst or when they drink huge amounts of water in little time because they heard that dehydration can be a problem with mdma.

i don't think you will want to eat anything while on mdma ;)

have fun!
Scientists who have never used MDMA declare it to be non-addictive.
They are wrong.
Like really, really wrong.

You might want to think about that before doing MDMA the first time and at such a young age.
Also, dancing to techno music makes it 700% stronger.
^--Something to think about.
Indeed, any mind-altering substance has the possibility for addiction, even any activity that brings some form of pleasure. The most important thing I think is to see drugs as the icing on an already delicious cake, not as the cake itself. Yep, pretty drunk
being home alone is one of the less interesting settings i can imagine. mdma is a very social drug and you will want company. rolling company is recommended why not wait until you can do it at home with friends or even better at an event where they'll play some nice techno/trance? the first time is special (for almost all people). try to make the most of it.
have fun!
This is excellent advice!


You can have wonderful experiences on MDMA, but it also has the potential to be detrimental to your well-being.

For me, the "right" way to go about MDMA is to keep it to *special* occasions. Don't do it every weekend, and probably it's not worth it to do it home alone.

Choose a nice setting. Maybe a club or a nice place near a lake or in a park or something. (You shouldn't go anywhere where you gotta be quiet, though.) If going outside, bring a portable speaker and some groovy music. Definitely take along a few good friends. Not everyone needs to do ecstasy, as long everyone is tolerant and enjoying themselves, it's cool.

Make sure to have some nice, refreshing, non-alcoholic beverages around. And make sure you don't have anything written on your calendar the day after. Really, with the right set and setting, it will be so much more fun!
Few rolling tips too.... Go get a Vicks inhaler and Vaporub

Also from personal experience don't always go by the 100-140mg therory. When I first tried to roll years ago the first two times I only took one pill and I didn't roll while all my friends were rolling face on one. My third time I took two crowns at space nightclub in philly rolled face and really enjoyed my self.

It is a better experience when you have friends around too.
Wouldn't suggest taking MDMA at 16, especially not from your friends. I wouldn't recommend taking it alone for your first time at all. First time is the best and you should be somewhere fun or with people who you can bond with and be supported by. I would suggest waiting till a party or until you can go clubbing. At least you'll be around someone if something goes wrong. If your taking it alone please ask a friend over - you'll get bored otherwise!
I wouldn't be sure a pill is MDMA either. It wont be pure. It might be bulked out with legal highs, speed, coke, caffeine or ket. They can also be cut with chemicals that aren't drugs and can be dangerous. For the first time I would advice buying crystals and gumming or bombing them. Pills can kill.
Drink a fair amount of water but don't drink excessively as this can be dangerous too. Don't drink alcohol or have anything in your system that might interfere. Would strongly advice taking it with someone who already has and knows what to do.
I know you probably wont want to take this advice but I think you'll be glad if you do.
^ Nice post till the second paragraph started. Saying pills kill is very misleading.
Crystals can be all of those things as easy as pressies the only way to know what you have is mdma is to test with a kit.
I started using MDMA when I was 16, ended up regretting it big time. It felt great and made partying so much more fun! Abuse followed together with speed abuse and experimenting with many other drugs. You might think you're mature enough to handle it, but truth be told, you're at the age of your life where you'll develop mentally quicker than you ever will again. Wait until you're 20 or so. With the maturity and knowledge I have know, I would've probably been a lot more responsible with drugs and more careful with it gaining a prominent part in my everyday life.
I started ecstasy when I was 16, now im 19. The best advice I can offer is don't underestimate it. Dose around 100mg. You have have the hardest most euphoric trip of your life and it will blow the lid off your teenage mind! You seem well educated on the safety, drink about 1 bottle of water an hour, and don't chug it all at once. Good luck my friend :)

I personally never noticed damage from well over 20 MDxx trips in my young years, I'm in impeccible mental and physical health. Just don't abuse it and you really should be fine.
^ Nice post till the second paragraph started. Saying pills kill is very misleading.
Crystals can be all of those things as easy as pressies the only way to know what you have is mdma is to test with a kit.
I second this notion.
^ Nice post till the second paragraph started. Saying pills kill is very misleading.
Crystals can be all of those things as easy as pressies the only way to know what you have is mdma is to test with a kit.

Of course, but pills are more hit and miss. People rarely die from bombing Molly but more from taking random pills on a night out. I see popping pills as reckless when you don't know the source (which most young people don't). Buying crystals helps regulate your usage and keeps you in control. Obviously testing is ideal but I don't know many teenagers that actually do this. Gumming a little Molly is better than swallowing a pill and hoping for the best. You can disagree but I still believe this is true.
I wouldn't be sure a pill is MDMA either. It wont be pure. It might be bulked out with legal highs, speed, coke, caffeine or ket. They can also be cut with chemicals that aren't drugs and can be dangerous. For the first time I would advice buying crystals and gumming or bombing them. Pills can kill.
I wish there was ketamine in my pills, but that's not common.... Research compounds are more clear. Pills can actually be a good choice thanks to pill reports helping people identify good local presses. It's no garuntee though it's better than untested crystal molly or molly powder
I wish there was ketamine in my pills, but that's not common.... Research compounds are more clear. Pills can actually be a good choice thanks to pill reports helping people identify good local presses. It's no garuntee though it's better than untested crystal molly or molly powder

Damn, where I'm from that's a no-no. It's from my personal experience. I've seen plenty of people hunched over freaking out because of a pill. I don't see many people fucked up of their Molly. Mainly because it is easier to regulate. I hear a lot of horror stories about dodgy pills especially in central London. It's more or less common.
be safe man you seem responible but if its pure mdma prepare to be knocked back and if its your first time you might not want to be alone just my thoughts on it stay safe