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Find purpose to break addiction


Feb 17, 2022
I'm sure someone has said this before here, but I'd like to say it because of how important I think it is and how it has helped me. I want to be clear about this though: I have never been addicted to a drug before, but I have had a dependency on mushrooms before, and somewhat of a drug problem in the past where I'd just do anything I could get. Generally just ecstasy and mushrooms though, quite an interesting choice for someone going through bad shit I guess being a psychedelic but it allowed me to escape reality. I have nothing bad to say about either substance and the more "addictive" ones I've tried like DXM and some opiates just weren't enjoyable. Anyway, I started doing those two drugs in particular for fun, but after some not so good things happening in my life involving a particular girl I started doing them to dull the pain. I had moderate HPPD for a while so I stopped but I realized one thing about addiction and the root of addiction and that is how important purpose is. If you are struggling with anything, and since this is Bluelight I know drugs are probably involved, if you find a passion you will definitely overcome your problem. For me, my passion is powerlifting. I love going to the gym to lift and I set goals for myself. Because I'm thinking about it so often and because I've made such good progress in the last couple years and enjoy it so much I don't think about those things that trouble me much anymore, which has given me control over my life. Lifting is also extremely demanding physically and mentally which is good for you, but your passion could be anything. Find whatever it is and you will recover. Good luck guys.
Did it take you a little bit to get the hang of meditation? I hear so many good things about it but then I’ve had trouble with racing thoughts when I’ve tried it sometimes.
yes. like any complex skill it takes time and practice. I had to do it daily for about 6-7 mos before i really "got it" and can get to the state quickly. That is spoken about in the texts,
focusing your mind and stopping racing thoughts is a simple thought, but difficult in practice. you do get better tho with that practice, and it is totally normal to feel "stupid" or like "you're doing it wrong" those are noted parts of the process, in learning anything really.
in kung-fu we call this phase "children playing in the dark".

Learning requires failure. that is one thing we in western culture have really demonized to our detriment.
Finding a purpose can be a powerful motivator for breaking addiction. Here are some tips to help you find purpose:

  1. Identify your values: Think about what is important to you and what you stand for. This could include things like family, health, career, or personal growth. Once you identify your values, use them as a guide for your actions and decisions.
  2. Set meaningful goals: Set goals that are aligned with your values and that give you a sense of purpose. For example, if family is important to you, set a goal to spend more quality time with your loved ones.
  3. Find a passion: Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This could be anything from music, art, or writing to volunteering or joining a sports team. Find something that gives you a sense of purpose and meaning.
  4. Connect with others: Building connections with others who share your values and interests can be a powerful motivator for breaking addiction. Join a support group or attend counseling sessions to connect with others who understand what you are going through.
  5. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally can help you stay focused on your goals and find purpose in life. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and practicing mindfulness and meditation.
Finding a purpose can be a powerful motivator for breaking addiction. Here are some tips to help you find purpose:

  1. Identify your values: Think about what is important to you and what you stand for. This could include things like family, health, career, or personal growth. Once you identify your values, use them as a guide for your actions and decisions.
  2. Set meaningful goals: Set goals that are aligned with your values and that give you a sense of purpose. For example, if family is important to you, set a goal to spend more quality time with your loved ones.
  3. Find a passion: Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This could be anything from music, art, or writing to volunteering or joining a sports team. Find something that gives you a sense of purpose and meaning.
  4. Connect with others: Building connections with others who share your values and interests can be a powerful motivator for breaking addiction. Join a support group or attend counseling sessions to connect with others who understand what you are going through.
  5. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally can help you stay focused on your goals and find purpose in life. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and practicing mindfulness and meditation.
Well said
If you are struggling with anything, and since this is Bluelight I know drugs are probably involved, if you find a passion you will definitely overcome your problem. For me, my passion is powerlifting.
First of all, good for you! It makes me so happy to hear a success story.

Ironically, I was big into bodybuilding back in my mid-20's, and I actually gave it up when I discovered drugs & alcohol. Stupid me! Now it's 25 years later and I'm fully planning to start lifting again once I get my addiction under control. (Pushing heavy weights over my head isn't smart when I can barely walk straight some days!)

Just don't get hooked on steroids. Those things'll kill ya! :ROFLMAO:

Keep up the good work my friend,