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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Film: The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

boondock saints was one of my favorite movies when it first came out. the perfect blend of murder-death-kill, hot dudes with accents, and hilarity to go along with feelgood vigilantism was more than the average angry woman could hope for.

but alas, julie benz is replacing defoe, and the first time in my cinematic life....one single actor has killed my desire to see a film. i really can't stand her in anything. dexter is by far one of my favorite series, despite her presence. (thank you writers of season finale) but a follow up to something like this, well....eh. not interested.
I haven't seen the second one yet, tbh I'm afraid that I'll be horribly disappointed. Although, since I have low expectations, it might not be that bad.

I liked the first one a lot, though.
I saw this last night. Hugely underwhelming compared to the first.... I agree with all of Belisarius' points.