Feeling Good on Clomid?


Feb 23, 2017
I know this might seem like it goes into another forum, but hear me out, I am asking because after googling this- men who use this seem to be the ones who experience what I am. There's an occasional woman who does, but, she's usually bombarded with "Well lucky you. Not meeee." stuff. Sorry if some of this sounds judgmental- but I have been researching what I have been dealing with for months and this recent development is just...well, it's awesome. But it sucks in terms of finding out WHY and I want to, because I know taking this long term's not an option. (At least, I am fairly sure it isn't.) It's way too early to say it's fixed whatever the hell I had going on- but, this is...pretty weird.

I just started my first round of clomid for fertility treatments- I am female, and I am not taking this for performance enhancement per se. I scared the shit out of myself researching the possible side effects and, last night being the first day I was to take it more or less had battened down the hatches for one bumpy ride.

If anyone would have been convinced of symptoms and "all in your head" it would be me: except, as it turns out, I am one of the good experiences.

I woke up feeling more rested than I have in a VERY long time. Slight nausea, a little fuzzy headed, but it passed quickly. Now? I feel like me. Nor high or anything- just..like I did before. (The mood stuff gets so bad I have been medicated- both under a psych and self- but not anymore on any front.) I am generally a very upbeat, very motivated and focused person- but, my head gets to be a real mess. Forgetfulness, ADD level attention issues, mood swings- mostly going from super pissed to incredibly depressed.

I have 3 kids- each of them spaced a LONG time apart, but never on purpose. My first son, I breastfed for maybe two months, my other two, extended breastfeeding til they were about 3. I'm mentioning this because of the hormonal changes- they factor in, I think, I am just not sure how. I know that often, this can cause infertility- but, the same thing happened with my eldest and I didn't do extended breastfeeding with him- and, if you ever try asking or reading *anything* negative about extended breastfeeding in motherhood communities for it: boy, the claws that come out are crazy. (And I am very pro breastfeeding- just...not..uh..fanatical.) I was and am an incredibly active person (Cross country running) and tend to put on muscle mass fairly easily for someone of my small stature and weight- I'm 5'1 but, right around 9 months post partum something always happens and I begin to lose weight- I get sick looking. My hair starts to thin, I start to grow more facial and body hair. No amount of nutritional change fixes it- no matter what I have tried. (I actually DO have a nutrition degree and nerd out hard on it- so, while not a masters level expert- I'm not incredibly ignorant.) This time, being as I am now 38, I was aggressively attempting to conceive. (Which sounds a hell of a lot more fun than it is.) Anyway- added a good blend of vitamins, minerals and evening primrose supplement (10% GLA) and noticed a lot of the fucked up symptoms began to slowly get better: I'm gaining weight again nicely, my skin's looking better, my hair's thickening again. Moods are leveling a bit.

This last time- hardcore attention to my cycles. I apparently rarely ovulate, which I know results in low progesterone. Got the 40mg cream from the pharmacy- once a day because I was pretty well scared shitless: this is where I got confused because this is another one you can't research without either getting super quacky people- or people reacting to super quacky people. It does not matter what medication I take- typically, I am a super lightweight and so, I always do the lowest I can at first just to be safe. When I got put on the clomid- same deal: 50 to start.

So, I was afraid I was going to turn into moodzilla- but that's not what happened. At all. This kind of takes me back to the quacky v. not reacting to quacky because, I am wondering if it's too soon for this to indicate that maybe estrogen dominance really is the issue here? The reason I am posting here is because in googling this- men who take clomid are the only ones who really delve too deeply into this in any kind of rational way. (Which, I feel sure re-enforces some kind of gnarly stereotype but whatever.) Would any of you have any idea what the hell is going on here? I don't know if this is allowed- I am not asking medical advice, just...need some pointers where to further research and what to ask my doctor about. I mean, clearly, this works- I get knocked up and I am a fairly standard pregnant chick. But after that- I am done having kids but wondering what I can talk to my doctor about and otherwise in terms of getting whatever the hell goes on with me hormonally in check as best they can. Like I said I do have a basic understanding of the interplay of nutrition on the endocrine system- but getting into the deeper chemistry is...where I get lost. Not sure if anyone here has any insights- but I figured if anyone would, it'd be you guys.
Your issues postpartum suggest you might be testosterone sensitive, with an imbalance in androgen:estrogen ratio in favour of androgens..
Clomiphene is a SERM, ie: selective to estrogen receptor in some tissue.. It also acts as a synthetic estrogen in other tissues..
I wonder if clomiphene re-tips the balance in favour of estrogen, resulting in reversal of previous negative symptoms..?
I wonder what your bloodwork numbers would come back looking like, on E2 test and progesterone...
Thank you so much for the input- and androgen sensitivity is something I have tried to find more about because I sort of started thinking along those lines, too. I really thought a lot of the mood stuff was trauma related- but, 4 years of intensive therapy, so much got better on that front- but, so much didn't and the physical stuff's hard to pin to emotional trauma. (Hair thinning, weight loss, those I get- but, uh, growing hair on my face? I dunno, that's a tough sell for me.) Admittedly, this last time was muted: relapsed- pain pills, but...after a while, it made the cycling worse. I've been charting my cycles for a long time- and it's just really interesting- and by interesting I mean freaking weird: but, if I were to put my journal pages over my charting pages, it lines up so that the worst of both the physical and mental symptoms happen right before ovulation, during, and just after. Except, when I realized I was not ovulating- those are the months it's worse. One thing I wondered was, maybe when I don't have the progesterone coming in to fight it- (So to speak) that's why it hits harder? I am a little concerned though that when I finish this round I am going to get hit with some kind of rebound effect- I have two more days to go and I have read a lot about people who don't have symptoms getting whanged right after. (Which is kinda ironic given you're supposed to be fucking like bunnies during that time, right? Sure, nothing sexier than a depressed, farting woman who pukes a lot. lol)

(Oh, I meant to add- I am actually thinking about if this round does not work, getting hormone tests done up. I may anyway, after the fact, since it seems that the best times appear to be pregnancy- through year 2 and that's when it starts going to shit. Might be interesting to run through the whole thing to see *exactly* what the hell changes.)
In your case, something seems to be out of whack hormonally, a full set of blood tests might be your best bet by an endo specialising in females if your issue is to be resolved..