feeling empty

Thank you, it is very difficult to see a silver lining many days, I do keep telling myself there is one, there is a lot of damage from my past, and as you said it's finally time for me to work on healing myself. I've been running from my past for a long time, and it seems like it always runs me deeper and deeper down that path. Sometimes it takes an outside voice to confirm what your soul is telling you
Give therapy a shot. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right one but I love therapy. Just having someone to talk to. The woman I’m seeing is pretty well. I don’t consider myself very smart or whatever but this woman brings a lot of great insight on things I’m dealing with. Different ways to look at things.
/\ agreed, a good therapist or even counselor should be able to bring fresh insight into your life. They should be able to give you some perspective on life and help you understand and view things in a more positive, manageable light. It is actually pretty common for victims of trauma to internalize the issue and blame themselves. Whether they believe they provoked the situation or they didn't do enough to avoid the situation, etc., there can be a lot of unjustified blame put on the self. Finding someone who can listen, understand and help you work through these types of issues can be very freeing and open a lot of possibilities in life that didn't seem possible before.