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Feel Different (Anxious) after taking MDMA


Jun 27, 2013
Hey guys, I want to share my experience with mdma and other drugs to seek help from you guys about my current situation.

So basically, 6 weeks ago, I have ingested a total of 400 mg of MDMA over the course of one night and smoked cannabis afterwards and finished the night with a line of Ket. I woke up fine the next day and did more drugs, but not mdma, just cannabis and ket. The week after that I rolled again and took the same dose as the first week (e.g 400 mg) but I did more ket afterwards without smoking weed and did a lot of NOS along with the mentioned drugs. the next day I smoked more weed, did Ket and some NOS without mdma, I felt absolutely fine with no hangovers. the bad part is yet to come.... Okay so I decided not to do anything after that as I was not focusing on Uni work and felt like I was drifting away so I stopped everything after that week but I had a horrible comedown during that week. I had sleep paralysis (not often, only a couple of times), depression for a couple of days, anxiety/paranoia from random things that are not important or significant and by the end of the week I felt very empty and demotivated and so I felt like I am was on the edge of losing my mind. all of that was 4 weeks ago, today I am recovered with absolutely no physical symptoms, I am eating loads, sleeping properly, exercising regularly, socializing with family and friends and everything went back to normal except one thing and that's me.... I feel like i am different to what i used to be before that 2 weeks heavy use, my thought process is irregular, and I feel I got dumber or in other words experiencing a "loss of magic", I feel like everything is weird. this made me worry even more and so now I tend to over-analyze things/situation that happens in my everyday life, some of which are not of great importance to me (e.g Why did the guy at the gym gave me the looks when I asked him if he is done with his workout). To get a peace of mind, I went to see my GP a week ago to tell him everything that happened from the beginning. She told me that the drugs have effected the biochemical processes in my brain as well as my serotonin levels and that everything will go back to normal with time so she suggested to wait another 6 weeks before I pay her another visit in case my condition gets worse or stays the same.

Thanks you so much for taking the time to read my story, and I am looking forward to hear your opinions of what I am going through if it possibly relates to your experiences or knowledge of MDMA. I am really worried that I am going to end up with a mental disorder such as Anxeity, Depression, Denationalization, or even being schizo...

P.s I have done MDMA in the past but never 2 weekends in a row. Also, I was smoking weed every other day during that week, a 1/3rd of an ounce in total. The MD was in form of pill that were obtained online from NL and they were best pills I tried so nothing dodgy. My question is "Am I ever going to feel and think as I used to before that week or is this "loss of magic" a permanent thing. I know you guys have experimented a lot with MD and that's why am seeking your help about it :)
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Hey jimbean,

I can tell you from my experiences with MDMA in the past that 400mg in one night is definitely not advised unless you want to battle the horrible after effects which you have described. I've been there and its I once did 500mg in one night and had similar experiences to you (sleep paralysis, vertigo, and anxiety/panic attacks) which all subsided within a couple weeks of time. I still roll once every couple/few months and rarely ever do more than ~160mg in one night. Even when I space out my rolls I still sometimes get bad anxiety for no reason at all and in my experiences smoking weed causes the anxiety. I cannot imagine doing 400mg 2 weekends in a row, you should really try to give your body at least a few months in between rolls especially at such high doses. May I ask what kind of press it was? Listen to your doctor and return if you still feel different. And just let yourself know that you aren't crazy it's just your low levels of serotonin that are causing these problems. Time, exercise, and a healthy diet can help you "recover" or feel better sooner. I personally don't have any experience with ketamine and I'm not sure if that could cause you to feel the way you do but I know for a fact that taking that much MDMA in one night will make you feel a little off for the following week. Just stay positive and you will be back to normal before you know it!
Hey jimbean,

I can tell you from my experiences with MDMA in the past that 400mg in one night is definitely not advised unless you want to battle the horrible after effects which you have described. I've been there and its I once did 500mg in one night and had similar experiences to you (sleep paralysis, vertigo, and anxiety/panic attacks) which all subsided within a couple weeks of time. I still roll once every couple/few months and rarely ever do more than ~160mg in one night. Even when I space out my rolls I still sometimes get bad anxiety for no reason at all and in my experiences smoking weed causes the anxiety. I cannot imagine doing 400mg 2 weekends in a row, you should really try to give your body at least a few months in between rolls especially at such high doses. May I ask what kind of press it was? Listen to your doctor and return if you still feel different. And just let yourself know that you aren't crazy it's just your low levels of serotonin that are causing these problems. Time, exercise, and a healthy diet can help you "recover" or feel better sooner. I personally don't have any experience with ketamine and I'm not sure if that could cause you to feel the way you do but I know for a fact that taking that much MDMA in one night will make you feel a little off for the following week. Just stay positive and you will be back to normal before you know it!

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience Tr4nce. The pills are pressed in a shape of a superman symbol and they contain 200 mg's of pure MD. I am taking a year break from everything and what you said about spacing the rolls is absolutely right, I was carried away by the hype and felt safe seeing my mates do the same amount of drugs I did... However in hindsight, I very much regret what I did. Anyways, thanks for your support and I will definitely stay positive and hope for the best :)