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Favorite drug to read on?


Oct 22, 2014
I first want to say that im still fairly new to Bluelight, and I gotta say...I love it!
Everyone here is supportive and my answer (almost) ALWAYS get answered quickly and truthfully. Most of the time people will attach links with answers from medical journals or crediable sources, which is the most important part of answering the question to me.
Annnyways, im a long time opiate user and have always loved to read, so I put two and two together, and now there is VERY few activities more relaxing and fufilling as laying in my guest rooms bed with the fan on and the window open (if the temperature permits,I live in the mid-west so depends on the season),drinking a few cups of coffee, while reading my favorite piece of literature at the time.

So my question is, are there any drugs you guys prefer on taking while reading your favorite book?
Do you ever drink alcohol and read?
Do you like reading books about drug use?
Is it just me or does smoking a little bit of high grade make the story intense, but too much makes you read much slower?8(

Thanks in advanced friends!

One last thing..
I take hallucinogens 1-2 times a year AT MOST. I take them to help analyze the problems I am dealing with at that moment and work them out, I have never tried reading on them and its been a couple of years since I have tripped, and I feel if I found the right book, reading it would be a very profound and enjoyable experience.
Question is, anybody ever read while tripping? I sense it might make it more difficult to focus enough to process the words through your brain (LOL)
Experimented with a few things.
A good while ago, a little drunk and not quite coming down off a roll, I read some poetry to my girlfriend. Obviously, v emotional, felt really connected. Good experience.
I use mephedrone as a study aid, when I have a deadline at college for example. Regular small doses, just enough to sharpen me up and remove the need for sleep. This is more successful than you would initially think, although the attention span can tend to fray.
I love James Joyce, but have always found Finnegans Wake beyond me. After reading an excellent essay about how the book is supposed to mimic the structure and experience of dreaming, I decided to drop acid and have a read. Acid is of variable quality where I'm from though, and I turned out to have dosed a little heavily, so reading was difficult while I maintained the inclination, but I lost interest shortly before I lost the ability and quickly abandoned it in favour of some chill tunes.
As for books about drug use, Irvine Welsh is excellent, if that's what you mean. I've been meaning to get round to reading David Nutt's book for a while now as well.
Opiates indeed.

Funny, I did most of my reading on one drug or another.
another vote for opiates. first time i read Lolita was my first week with oxymorphone. they went so well together. hands down the best reading experience of my life. i've re-read Lolita several times since, just chasing that initial high.

meth psychosis / tweaker stories are the funniest
desperate dope stories are laughable
pot freak outs are hilarious
and hallucinogens are most interesting

meth psychosis / tweaker stories are the funniest
desperate dope stories are laughable
pot freak outs are hilarious
and hallucinogens are most interesting

How is any of that entertaining, with the exception of hallucinogens?
cannabinoids, sometimes alcohol depending on the depth of the material but normally I forgo it.
Hmm. I do a lot oh hallucinogens so letters just look like a spinning slots machine of hieroglyphics sometimes. In retrospect, I just look at the different forms the letters take on and morph into.

If I'm not on a blinding dose of DXM, reading becomes intense.
LSD microdose & cannabis.
Fully tripping and I can't follow the text because letters tend to jump around a bit.
I got to say meth to like get some serious reading done.
Reading while on shrooms is always entertaining but doesn't get me anywhere.
i'm gonna be the party pooper and say that i only enjoy reading sober

i find it absolutely impossible to read while stoned or drunk, and then i don't think that watching the letters morph into cyrilic then hyerogliphs then cave paintings then tripping out counts as reading.

others mentioned reading on opiates... now that i think of it that does sound nice. i usually avoid opiates though :\
i'm gonna be the party pooper and say that i only enjoy reading sober

i find it absolutely impossible to read while stoned or drunk, and then i don't think that watching the letters morph into cyrilic then hyerogliphs then cave paintings then tripping out counts as reading.

others mentioned reading on opiates... now that i think of it that does sound nice. i usually avoid opiates though :\

No, I have to agree... I love reading and always was the weird kid who loved books. The bookstore was also my second home to be pretty honest. I really don't like reading when high. Also maybe it would have been fun to read on opiates, but I was always too fucked up to even keep my eyes open.
Definitely opiates, but I always end up dropping the book when i nod off! So frustrating...
Reading on opiates just ends up on me getting stuck on one paragraph because I keep nodding out and reatarting. It's all about a good dose of speed, a packed bowl next to me to intermittently puff, and a tasty cocktail like a negroni to sip on. Keeps me deep in the story.

Or low dose dissos. Those really increase imersion.
I have a hard time reading fiction on amphetamines. Non fiction and esp research reading on amps. That and writing, but to much and its gets to be a ridiculous micro inspection and production. Sure that paragraph is perfect, but it took three hours to write the thing. Amphetamines are great for writing poetry.
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