Favor to ask !!


Dec 4, 1999
Well Cause bluelight is kind of family I need to ask a favor ..
Just came back from a conversation with the CEO of the company which basically asked me what the fuck is wrong with me last few weeks and I admitted about drug use raving and all .. Well he was real kuel about it - asked me if i needed a few days off and help but also told me to show up at work - every weekend - and if he sees me messed up - I'm fired - I live here alone - pay rent and If i'm fired - next stop is the street somewhere
my father and I aren't on good terms lately and my family is in israel
So what I ask from you - I will continue to rave - I love it - and I almost always meet some bluelighters at raves - Don't let me do Drugs !! nothing - not acid not E not Coke not SpecialK and not even Pot - Even if i beg and offer money kick my ass- my full permission !!
I have to get my act back - lately i have been doing nothing at work and people have started to notice my brain is jellow and i can't read more then 4 lines

Hope this works - Cause i really love drugs !! but i guess if i get my act back in a few month a can go back to it - moderly without it bothering me that much
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
i don't want to come off too critical here, but why would you admit drug use to your CEO??????
Basically it's a small startup company which i founded - I knew he wouldn't fire me - and I knew he did it in my age - he told me about it once - and that he will understand - i felt horrible coming to work doing nothing and a lot of questions beggining to raise - so I went with being honest policy insted of trying to make a lame story !!
He knows what i'm talking about he's been there - E,Acid,8 ball,SpecialK thats not new words for hem - i don't know i always feel once you start laying you get into more troble - I wish i could admit it to my parents - maybe make up with them - I am not talking to them and i don't have that much family - last time talked to my dad was 2 weeks ago - but he wouldn't understand
Well maybe it was a mistake maybe not - i don't know - it's just the way it is now !!
Thanks for the question !!
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
hey K
well you're coming down here the next two weekends... do these next two weekends count??
email me, bro
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
ouch, this is when self restraint is the most important cause it sounds as if youve already let it get out of hand, never should ones drug use (or abuse) effect anyone other than the person consuming the drugs so sit back look at it in the harshest way you can and realize that if it is as bad as you write it is (and it sounds like it) maybe then you should make for sure that you dont come anywhere near drugs, in other words it would probably be a good idea for you to even quit raving for a while (a month at least) if you really think that you will need other peoples help in not throwing drusg into your mouth
good luck, just remember that the street is good to walk on and get somewhere on but it sure doesnt seem like it would be fun living on it
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -

(no just kidding, but you can count on me to kick your ass)
I have looked all the places you aren't...I just can't find the places you are...I only know you are where I am not.
I need you to find me.
I don't see the point in admitting it though because now you've put yourself in a bad position. People always say they "understand" but do they really? Now everytime u have a headache or are genuine sick maybe he'll think your're cracked out! LOL.
You can do it if I can do it. Just come up with other stuff to do other than drugs. You can work on your breakdancing, give people backrubs and lightshows, drive everybody elses car when they are unable (thats the best part of playing DD, especially if your friends have nice rides;-) I don't know, there's lots of other stuff you could do, help promoters, work the water bar, thats real fun cause you get to meet all the messed up people and they tip good. Take pictures of party kids. If you need more ideas let me know. The point is you have to occupy your time with other constructive stuff.
Peace Love Unity Respect
Uh, that was a dumb thing to admit. No matter how cool he may seem, the CEO is the CEO. You never know when this is going to come back and bite you in the ass. Your professional life is separate from your raving life, case closed. It's easy to get carried away with something now and then, but things like work and rent are serious, especially if you have no where else to go. I don't mean to be so harsh, but it sounds as if you're looking for someone to have pity on you b/c you could get fired and lose your apt. If that's truly the case, then straighten up and stop pouting. Your situation is no one's fault but your own. No one is going to take better care of you than yourself.
Snap out of it.
Yo K,
everybody that put a post in here is rite. you gotta control that shit and not let that shit control you. you have to know when to say "no more for me" i know it fucking feels awesome and all but there is a limit to everything especially your body first.
i myself am pretty much planning on going for a detox period after secret society.
And also the thing is .. i'm pretty fuckin anal about the shit that i take and how much i take it.... cuz i know if i just go with the flow.. i'll be floored.
Again...yo if you need to chill and need a sober buddy i'll be the one... and help you get your shit back together...
Well thanx all - No i wasn't looking for pitty and I was a bit over doing it about the street - even if they fire me today and I don't have anybody I have a nice amount of money in company stocks which i can sell - and live for a very long time - I was the founder after all - I am just looking for support not pitty - some may look that in parents - I don't have that comfort - my father won't let me live with hem and I am not sure how much hes a father - we didn't speak for more then 13 years until a year ago !! mother - well i love her and all but never could live with her - left house when 17 and no money but managed !! i'm no quitter but i was in this shit once before and it ended in a month at Army jail!! that what got me out of it - i'm trying to avoid the same thing this time and to make sure that i don't repeat mistakes !!
about telling hem - well I couldn't lie - sorry he put me on the spot and I felt that that's the right thing maybe I was wrong maybe not - maybe that in a way was my way of stopping it - i now know that he knows and that he will be watching out on every thing i make - so maybe in a way that will help me quit ? I hope so
And again thanx a lot for all the support - Iv'e been kind of moody lately and I am sitting here with tears in my eyes reading the posts - it's amazing how some of you which i don't even know can become friends ...
well sorry got to emotional ..
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
Ill be on your ass SaturdAy! you wont touch nufin!! (but yew can still play wif mah toyz)

*~*only this onE holy mEdium brings mE pEacE of mind*~*
Manage your time wisely. Don't get all excited for the nite and not able to work the next day. Wait till a nite that you don't have to work the next day.
Also, decrease the usage frequency. Drug is not your entire entertament, find other intersting things to kill time.
It will also save you some $$ when roll less, less frequency and low tolerance= less pills.
Stay Strong. At least you will save alot of money and a job. PLUR and don't S.F.B.
(at least you didn't let your dog lick your balls)
Stay Strong. At least you will save alot of money and a job. PLUR and don't S.F.B.
(at least you didn't let your dog lick your balls)
<----- supporter here for ya.
Best of luck. It's hard. Stay strong. And I'll kick some ass (gently) any time you need me to
hey special how can you found the company, and i assume appoint or hire a CEO that can then fire you? maybe that was an exaggeration of the firing on yer part, cause then it would all make sense of why you would tell him. honesty is always the best policy, and just think absence makes you roll harder so thats a little incentive too!
I founded the company cause it was my idea - the CEO is also my first investor and the controller of most of the stocks - after raising money hiring employees and all - i am only the DBA at the company - I was too young and unexperianced to get a management job (it would look bad for investors - my CEO) .
Although i have a nice chunk of stocks it has nothing to do with me being employed by the company - they owe me nothing - and if the CEO fires me i'm fired - thats the way it goes - sucks ha ?
SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
Best advice I have for ya man is leave the scene for a while. By putting yourself in the same circumstances and around the same people, even if they are being supportive, you just make it harder. I limit myself, and whenever I feel temptation I rent a movie, pop some popcorn, and snuggle up with the girl I love....
Good Luck