fact or fiction??

chronic smoker

Dec 15, 1999
is it true that u can crush up a pill and smoke it with some weed? how would it hit u? would u be rollin or just a cheap head buzz? someone told me that they put some on some herbs smoked it and they started rollin. i was just wondering if it was possible.
I think if you smoke it, it's real intense, but really short too, it doesn't hurt to try it once and see if you like it. Hope it all works out.
"We are pagens, we worship great walls of sound."
-Unknown Raver
I've no first hand experience, but I heard of people doing it a couple of times. They said it's more intense but also wears off quicker; one used it to keep the rush going after he ate beans.
I also read of someone who used to smoke it in a crack pipe, read it in a post on the old bluelight, don't know when/who it was

skydancer. [email protected] .
If you want to roll like you do when youve eaten one, you have to eat one first, and then smoke, it brings you back up and intensifies it all again...Ive never rolled full on off just smoking, but I really like it as a little lifter during the night, you dont need to use much, so a pill goes a long way, and its cool to share with your friends

"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
I wanna know if anyone else has tried chasing the dragon (foil and stuff) coz I usually do that and take a pill but for me it seems as if the pill smoked is just wasted. If anyone else has tried it then do tell me wot U think
My friend, this brilliant bio-chemist is chicago, smokes e outta this crack pipe (at least thats what it looks like to me) and lights it with some sorts chemical that is liquid or something (sorry that i am being lame in explaining but maybe someone out there that actually does this could explain better) but so he uses some sorta chemical mixed with rum so that it burns. the burn is blue and makes that whistling - crack sound. anyway i am stoned i hope that helped a little bit sorry i couldnt explain better.
a buddy smoked some pure mdma powder with some tobacco once. he just rolled the tobacco together with the powder like a joint. he said that it hit him hard, but not for long.