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extreme jaw pain?


Apr 16, 2015
hi, I hope this is okay to make a new post about, I checked the jaw clenching/grinding search and didn't really find anything similar.

so I guess I'll start with background; I've rolled I think about 7 times now, not counting the one time I was given either completely fake or very low content capsules. I'd rolled 5 times normally before the capsules that didn't work, and I've rolled twice since that instance. my jaw problems have gotten significantly worse since that which is why I'm mentioning it. the first 5 times I rolled, I had tablets of various kinds that all had pretty much the exact same effects on me each time, with the exception of one time when I didn't wait a full month in between but even then it was just a shorter and less fulfilling experience, no odd side effects. my first time I didn't know anything at all about MDMA (I thought it was a hallucinogen tbh) so I didn't know to expect the jaw clenching, and as a result, did nothing to try and stop it. my teeth were very sore the next day, so after that time I tried to be more careful and started sort of gently chattering my teeth instead. this helped a lot, and while I would have some soreness with chewing the next day or two, it wasn't anything unbearable, and it never hurt DURING the roll. also possibly relevant is that I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and my jaw always has been one of the places it's bad, but it had never affected me while rolling before, only after.

however, the next time I rolled after the capsules (which had almost no effect except keeping me awake all night), towards the end of the night I started experiencing honestly kind of excruciating jaw pain. this would happen while I was still rolling, not the day after, and was so bad I was nearly in tears several times. massage helped a little, but nothing else did, not even when I lay down and managed to force my jaw to relax. the pain wouldn't go away. I tried smoking weed, taking muscle relaxers (cyclobenzaprine, if that matters), but nothing helped. weirdly, though, when I woke up the next morning, I wasn't sore at all. that night I was also having a little difficulty breathing. I always prefer to take big deep breaths while I'm rolling, but that night I felt like I wasn't ever getting enough oxygen. I never get hyped, just very talkative and giggly and cuddly, but this time I spent the majority of the night in a fair amount of distress. with no evidence indicating otherwise, my friend and I guessed that maybe my body was just confused because of the fake capsules (though I did wait a full month) and also maybe because I'd been to the gym that day and hadn't eaten a whole lot. this time I had tablets like I'd had in the past, and also was doing the gentle chattering/almost kind of jaw trembling thing, instead of clenching or grinding.

the next and most recent time, we waited about two months and tried again, with more tablets. I was able to breathe normally, but the jaw pain came back around the same time. I tried everything, using topical painkiller gel, taking extra anti-inflammatories (which I'm prescribed for the arthritis), even putting on a swimsuit and getting in a hot shower, but nothing helped for more than a couple minutes at most. this time it luckily wasn't so bad that I wanted to cry, but it was still really, really painful.

so, part one, does anyone have any idea why this might have suddenly started happening? is it possibly related to the bad capsules I got, or is it probably something else? the only thing in my life that's changed between the last time I rolled pain-free and the pain is that I started going to zumba 2-3 times a week, but that's vastly improved my health in other ways so I don't see why it would have the opposite effect on rolling.

and part two, I wanted to ask about something I saw while searching the existing threads about jaw grinding. I saw someone say that because MDMA is water soluble, dissolving a tab in a shot of water and drinking it instead of just swallowing the tab can eliminate a lot of the "body load" which is apparently where the jaw clenching comes from. some people backed this up but others said it made no sense and was just coincidence if it worked, and also some people said it worked but would also severely shorten your roll. does anyone know which, if any, of those thoughts is true? and if the water dissolving thing is true or is at least worth trying, would it work to dissolve it in juice instead, or dissolve in water then mix the water with juice? I honestly know nothing about how things like that might interact, I'm sorry if these are really dumb questions.

thank you so so much to anyone who can help even a little!! I'm sorry if this is all pointless to ask, I've just been kind of scared to roll again after the jaw pain happened a second time :(
First of all, you really need to use something to chew on. While chattering your teeth helps you, you will damage your teeth if you keep it up. I know people that bit molars clean in half while rolling and I have some damage to my teeth too because of carelessness. This might make the pain worse, because you'll be chewing more, so on to the next part:

As for the cause, if you have arthritis, it is probably related to that as you already suspect, caused by jaw clenching. Have you tried magnesium? It helps by lessening the amount of jaw-clenching MDMA causes. Magnesium citrate is said to have superior bioavailability as opposed to the oxide form. It is a laxative as well though, so dosage is important. if it's the oxide form, try 500mg and if that doesn't help enough, 1000mg, but the bioavailability of the oxide form can be as low as 4% so I would for another form. At this dose you are likely to experience laxative effects though. Magnesium glycinate has a good bioavailability as well, and it doesn't have laxative properties. It is harder to get though I believe. I don't know all the dosage guidelines, but just start with one capsule and increase from there if that isn't enough. Dissolving MDMA in water will probably not help, since the jaw clenching is due to the effects of the MDMA, not due to chemical irritation or something. Whether you take crystals or dissolve it will not have an impact on the body load, if anything it will be absorbed faster which will cause you to roll harder which in turn will make the jaw clenching worse. You can try it though, it can't hurt (no pun intended). Juice is fine too, no interactions there. I don't know if there can be other causes, so I would consult a doctor as well if the magnesium does nothing after having made sure you're taking a proper dose

Also, test your drugs with a testkit so you can determine for yourself if it's caused by bad pills. We have no way to tell you with any certainty :)

And finally, there is no such thing as a dumb question
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