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Explanations for Syncronicity Delusions?

yes but the resonance of such coincidences is higher and more enjoyable on psychedelics,
so it is a good topic here,
as we are enthusiastic about these medicines and share stories, questions, and insights.

we may not need to explain,
but we want to try anyway
I think the title of this thread is a misguided question to ask.
Coincidences are happening all the time. You may ignore them, or notice them and make use of them, as you wish.
There is nothing that needs to be explained about this, and labeling them delusions is completely missing the point.
It's nothing but the subjectivity of conscious awareness, seen from a different point of view. A coincidence is only meaningful to the person it happens to.
I sort of follow you, but I'm not sure there's enough text in the original post to interpret its sentiment as neglecting the philosophical merits of relativism as they relate to the enjoyment of coincidences, or whichever other consideration might be thought of as "missed." Whatever the specific features of its content, a synchronicity is considered to entail more than a mere coincidence (in any way, not just the interventions of "God" or "fate," or whatever -- it can remain totally inexplicit). I'm guessing well reasoned explanations might help the OP and others with similar concerns address the various impracticalities that befall those hyper-prone to perceiving synchronicities.

Problematic perceptions of synchronicities (many would term these delusions) are especially common amongst heavy dissociative users. I believe the reason for this is relatively simple. NMDA is the body's "premier" excititory neurotransmitter, and dissociatives block its signaling action at a cellular level between the body and brain. The general effect of blocking everything coming in from the outside is enhanced focus on one's self, in ways beyond normal introverted introspection, though users don't always appreciate the characteristics of this change. The entire causal interpretive apparatus is reoriented with one's self at "center stage," but we keep making causal judgments as if we're still among the members of the "audience" like always, without understanding exactly how the parameters of this judgment-making has changed under the influence of dissociatives. This reorientation can figure into our thinking our lives are playing out on the grand stages of the world even though nothing has changed except our own little sneaky perspective.

One way to gain more control and perspective over these erroneous judgments is to write down any conclusions in the midst of the experience, evaluate them later sober, carry the conclusion into the next experience, then repeat ... .
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i used to love that shit feeling like my heart was being touched by Christ but i don't smoke dust every day anymore so it mostly went away.
I think it's an insult to the mystery of life to call synchronicities delusional.

There's a reason why Christians and other religious individuals always seem to have that story that proves God is real, or that person you hadn't spoke to in forever calls after you were just thinking about them. I can't say exactly what causes it, but it's something universal, something that happens when you're in the flow, in sync with the universe, present.
I think it's an insult to the mystery of life to call synchronicities delusional.

There's a reason why Christians and other religious individuals always seem to have that story that proves God is real, or that person you hadn't spoke to in forever calls after you were just thinking about them. I can't say exactly what causes it, but it's something universal, something that happens when you're in the flow, in sync with the universe, present.

I agree that delusional is not the right word. I think that that 'something' you're referring to is a by-product of the way the human brain processes physical information. There's no delusion per se, but synchronicity has no objective worth. It's meaning and value is assigned to it subjectively.
I think part of the phenomenon is to do with the fact that we generally don't acknowledge that there are only so many different 'objects' in the world we move in. To take a few examples from the van story above, there are only so many combinations of letters/sounds that are used to form names, Ganesh is an image that is very widely spread and people often have a little statue, attaching such things to car mirrors is common... Everything may seem teeming with limitless possibility (especially under the influence of certain substances) but in fact we swim around in a soup with generally few ingredients. Add to that fact an enhanced propensity for pattern-finding, and our minds' store of archetypes and ready-made associations, and it is hardly surprising that we experience these startling co-incidences.
I think part of the phenomenon is to do with the fact that we generally don't acknowledge that there are only so many different 'objects' in the world we move in. To take a few examples from the van story above, there are only so many combinations of letters/sounds that are used to form names, Ganesh is an image that is very widely spread and people often have a little statue, attaching such things to car mirrors is common... Everything may seem teeming with limitless possibility (especially under the influence of certain substances) but in fact we swim around in a soup with generally few ingredients. Add to that fact an enhanced propensity for pattern-finding, and our minds' store of archetypes and ready-made associations, and it is hardly surprising that we experience these startling co-incidences.

I am in a foreign country, in a B&B with many people from many countries.
After a nice line of MXE, I put on the DVD "Avatar" on the huge TV. The movie ends, and some guy turns off the DVD player. So the TV switches to sattellite reception.
And suddenly a building appears on the screen, with PANDORA written in huge letters. Then we are inside the building, and over the reception desk is a huge PANDORA sign. Then some guy starts speaking, and on the bottom of the screen is written Mr Whatever, CEO PANDORA.
It was actually the news channel, reporting for 3 minutes on the company PANDORA.
The odds are mighty slim.
Made my heart beat and my mouth smile.
Yeah 2C-E is huge for synchronicity, the most intense of any substance I've tried (except ketamine or methoxetamine, those are next level).
haven't read the whole thread, but since my time with 2C-E, I get Deja-vu on a regular basis, and I had my first on my second trip on 2C-E
I am in a foreign country, in a B&B with many people from many countries.
After a nice line of MXE, I put on the DVD "Avatar" on the huge TV. The movie ends, and some guy turns off the DVD player. So the TV switches to sattellite reception.
And suddenly a building appears on the screen, with PANDORA written in huge letters. Then we are inside the building, and over the reception desk is a huge PANDORA sign. Then some guy starts speaking, and on the bottom of the screen is written Mr Whatever, CEO PANDORA.
It was actually the news channel, reporting for 3 minutes on the company PANDORA.
The odds are mighty slim.
Made my heart beat and my mouth smile.


But, given the fact that so many millions of people have seen Avatar, the odds become a lot less slim.
One time I was watching a commercial for the movie "Snakes on a Plane" (many years ago). I was in the middle of telling my partner at the time that I didn't know why anyone would see the movie, it looked so stupid, and then right when I said that I was surprised that Samuel L Jackson would do that kind of role, my phone rang. I answered it, and it was Samuel L Jackson's voice, telling me that I needed to get up and see it, and why, using a bunch of facts about me that I just couldn't believe I was hearing. RIGHT when I was asking why he would take the role and why I should see it, I get a call with direct answers. I later found out that a good friend of mine had gone to a web site where you could input information about a person and a phone number and it would call you with an automated message using his voice. But man, what a weird coincidence. I was tripping at the time too so it made it seem way crazier.

I still didn't see the movie though. =D
synchronicity and deja vu and Ganeshi have the same thing in common.
Ganeshi is both and elephant and a man - i.e. two frames joined:
and this is what is in common:
merged frames or views or gestalts - fused into a new thing that encorporates both.

when stoned, signals in the brain fade more slowly, whole frames or moments fade so slowly that they layer together and the sense of time passing is disrupted.

the past and the present coincide with the same degree of nowness

that is the key - overlapping or coinciding disrupting the sense of the passage of time.

so you can be immersed in a minute ago but still sensing the present, and suddenly bam deja vu, you are in the present which you were also in in the past and you knew it all but are shocked to be living it at the same time as you are predicting it as you are still immersed in the past (which could just be a few seconds ago)
When you live your life in one fluid movement with your energies aligned, when you cast out your intentions and listen to the Universe clearly, and when you play with connections that wouldn't 'normally' be connected (all of this is facilitated through psychedelic use) of course there will be synchronicity all over the place!

If you are talking about synchronicities between you and other people, like someone says something and you were just thinking about that exact thing, or when someone is talking about something that makes them happy and you actually feel their happiness, I believe that is because of how we really are more sensitive to emotional energy when on psychedelics and especially dissociatives, and with a little intentional tuning its possible to 'get on the wavelength' of others especially when we are already emotionally connected with them.
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Humans are programmed to seek patterns and find connections between things, that's a large basis for our intelligence.

Drugs and mental illness can alter that process, so that we find connections between things that others wouldn't recognize. Sometimes that leads to a new idea that those "others" never would have found, but usually it's just fantasy.
Sounds a bit reductionist to me. Things are often more than they seem.
To call something we don't understand a product of mental illness or drug use is jumping the gun.
From the wiki definition:

Synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally related. Synchronicity holds that such events are "meaningful coincidences". The concept of synchronicity was first defined by Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, in the 1920s.[1] During his life Jung prepared several slightly different definitions of synchronicity

IMO clearly some altered states of consciousness lead to radical changes in experience of or attribution to meaning.

Also, when it comes to coincidences... people are strangely and unfairly biased, they are programmed to see patterns in everything and on psychedelics (or talk to some schizophrenics) that tendency is thrown for a loop.
A lot of things that could have been meaningfully connected don't happen but some things do. Coincidentally and probably also statistically unavoidably.

I've been there on the hunt for mysteries such as synchronicity... but the theorizing was not healthy for me. Later I became more sceptical, but I still appreciate the magic that lies in some psychedelic experiences. From my experience I believe that it's possible to reject cognitive illusions that can be empowered very much by tripping, but still be able to be swept up by profundity.

Following proper scepticism the book does not need to be closed on the true nature of something like synchronicity, but I think it's wise to go with it until alternative explanations stop being utterly vague. Closing the book on it would be jumping the gun, ineffable14. Many people think that scepticism is the same as closed-mindedness but that is a tremendous mistake I urge everyone to realize.
I accept that some people on psychedelics may become more conscious about what is happening around them, and they may pick up on a lot more things, sharp and attuned as they are. So that would help seeing more connections between things than usual... but trying to find supernatural or even conspiratorial explanations behind experiences like that, even when people may feel like a veil is being lifted, seems like looking for something that is both just unlikely, and unnecessary as explanation.
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I wrote this a while ago, edited it down some for brevity. Thought I'd share...

What do you do when you want to learn something new? You find a teacher. This teacher is usually a person with experience in whatever aspect you are trying to learn. They have navigated an aspect of their experience and cleared the confusions in their own minds. Ideally, a teacher can shorten the barrier to entry in a particular aspect we want entry into. When I say the word teacher I'd like to extend it to it's most general and precise applicability. Traditionally, this has meant a guru, or a mentor, or a coach or perhaps an apprenticeship was required. Without the template from the master, we would be helpless to reach our own mastery. Unfortunately, teachers often guide us astray as well. Their own unintegrated concepts then become the same barriers against which we push to free ourselves. That is why the teacher must move out of the way at some point and we must become keepers of our own experience. This is what I will call self-facilitation, some may not be ready for this, but once again, have you bothered to ask yourself why?

We'd be helpless on our own, so what we turn to is not something outside ourselves but inside and outside and all around us. It is an innate intelligence that is our birthright. It is an intelligence so great that it speaks loudly to us even in our very lives. It makes symbols come alive with meaning. It fuels the depths of our experience. It creates a sense of peace and purpose, even in the most difficult and challenging times. This is a most special Guide. It is your Higher Self. It is the Vibrational. It is the Holy Spirit. It is a true voice for God. Why settle for anything less? You can intelligently process you karma when you turn to this one. Thing is we don't yet know how. If we did, we'd have what the bible calls the second coming of Christ and I'm sure other traditions have names for it too. This is a collective awakening, not just one of the individual. Still, while we are fragmented individuals in this world, this trickling down of the first Christ can still happen. Please forgive the charged language I've used with those last few sentences, but I hope you can take it in the inclusive sense towards all traditions, including your own understandings, without getting bogged down by the particular form I chose to express myself at this moment. Any tradition that has lasted the halls of time has had awakened Beings to illuminate the path. I have valued the path they illuminated, and it has illuminated for me too... So where is this going?

Life is trying to speak to you. Do you want to listen?

If you didn't have any pre-conceptions towards this notion, I think most people would say yes. Assuming they trusted the guidance that was being offered. This issue of trust is one you will no doubt have to perfect through doing, being and practicing, it is an extraordinarily important one. What other limitations might there be towards this? Your language! Life is speaking to us but we don't understand.

The thing with language is that we seldom create our own.

We accept the collective understanding for these things so that they may become tools for exchanges of ideas. Within this scope language is a most wonderful form of expression. I absolutely adore language. The thing with language is that it is impersonal. While useful for navigating the exchange between individuals, this exchange gets lost when we relate our experience to ourselves. There is a dimension of intelligence so much greater available to us that gets lost in translation. So if you want to self-facilitate your own experience why not create your own language?

Here's my plan: I agree upon the meaning of the symbols that are familiar to me in my life, not the ones of esoteric traditions that mean nothing to me. These symbols take the form of colors, numbers, body parts, sounds, planets, stars, seasons, and many, many more. I create this language and it will be my own private agreement with the Universe. I will keep this to myself. I will then use these symbols to reach my own understandings that are appropriate to the situation. These understandings, divorced from the underlying meaning of the language, once integrated may be shared in our consensual language of choice. English, French-Canadian, etc. Sharing it now makes it real and creates beauty in our collective understanding.

The essential feature that makes this happen is that life wants to talk to you. It's as if everyone is animated around us by our own confusions and this in turn confuses us. You wouldn't be confused if you had your own language to understand the events around you and believed in the source that orchestrates the meaning. It takes a brave individual to step outside of this confusion. When you realize just how true this can be you will laugh a cosmic laugh.

One last thing about your language that I humbly suggest you listen to:

Don't limit your own language.

This doesn't mean that you can't revise, but life will have to show you your language is limited until you listen. Let me illustrate what I mean by this. Say I am trying to assign a meaning to the color black, and I look into my experience and it conjures up images of sorcery and black magic. I say to myself the color black must mean pure, unadulterated evil. I write this down in my notebook and say, oh yeah, black is bad. Now I'm stuck living a duality that as you know has no end in sight. Way to limit your paradigm. Use a language that brings you joy and peace to guide you assuming that's what you value.

Your language is your own, and our language is our own. Let your own truth speak to you and be guided. Your highest self will guide you towards love, light, freedom and cosmic well-being. Lets take that on faith rather than chasing shadows.
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The synchronicity that has been occurring for me is not delusion, it is a sign I am in the flow the clear middle path.
The neuroscience aspect of view is certainly interesting - synchronically firing neurons in the temporal lobe for example (this isn't seizures really. It's just synchronic firing of neurons leading to mystical experiences.) - but it does explain next to nothing. Really intriguing topic for sure.
A big chapter in Stan Grof's book "When The Impossible Happens" is dedicated to synchronicity. One story that really stood out was about Joseph Campbell, who at the time lived in New York apartment which had two pairs of windows. One of them was facing the Hudson river, and another was shut all the time, because it offered rather boring view. So one day Joseph was working on a book, specifically part desribing Kalahari Bushmen mythology involving their deity giant praying Mantis. All of a sudden he felt irresistible urge to go and open the "boring" windows. And what do you know, as soon as he opened the window there was a praying mantis slowly climbing towards him. The odds of such a thing happening is really astronomical. "… its face looked like the face of a Bushman’s face. It gave me the creeps!" he said later.