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experiences with mirtazapine (avanza)

Mirtazipine was great but gave me very arthritic and painful joints as a prominent side effect.

That's really interesting for me. I've been taking it for nearly a year now, doses ranging from 15-45mg, at the moment 15mg.

But recently (well past few months) I've been having strong pain in one of my elbows. I used to suffer from tennis elbow from repetitive work in a factory, so just thought it was that coming back. But now I'm thinking it could be the mirtaz, is it listed as a side effect?

I'm going to start taking high dose fish oil daily for a few months, see if that helps, if it doesn't then I might have to give mirtaz the flick.

I wonder what my ignorant doc will think of that.
My mother is on Effexor XR 75mg and it works OK for her. She was recently prescribed 15mg Avanza but had to stop after two days due to extreme vertigo. I've never heard of anyone having that reaction - I mean, so bad she couldn't walk. She stopped taking it and within two days was completely back to normal.

Strange, but hey, that's subjective effects of meds for ya.
nothing really to add that hasnt been said before - mirtazapine gave me the munchies, ít let me sleep and didn't do shit on the depression side of things. Just another AD in the useless bin IMHO
A good anti-depressant if it works for you and you experience no major side effects. Fuck ESPE is serious shit and as Avanza has an anti-psychotic component I'm not surprised, although it's very rare for Avanza (Clozapine is a different story but lets not go there) EPSE involves side effects like head twitching and involuntary muscle movments and are major adverse effect and can cause permanent neurological changes ie you will have th EPSE for life with or without the medication. Also bad EPSE can be life threatening ie you will die very, very quickly without proper medical assistance. Positives it's good for munchies, kinda a vague stoned feel to it like a very low dose DXM or smoking leaf and tips. Great to get some sleep at least for the first few weeks. Not super interactive with other drugs especially psychedelics which is weird as it has SSRI and anti-psychotic activity just very different to every other anti-depressant. Many early anti-psychotics (and some newer ones) were developed from anti-histamine derivatives and Avanza has just that kind of activity (helps my asthma) Great for PTSD and anxiety as both a primary parmacalogical intervention and as part of a two drug therapy ie Prozac in the morning Avanza at night. A good drug and one not to be ruled out if you need some help getting the black dog off your back.

I'd be really interested to hear more about this. Do you have an exact medical definition for ESPE? I tried searching that and have come up with nothing.

The reason I ask is that I have been getting pretty regular twitches in my head, arm and particularly my left leg. Not to the point where it is noticable to anyone but me but it is really worrying me. They don't hurt and are not in my face or reminiscent of tardive dyskinesia but I am worried they will progress. I also seem to have a more reactive reflexive to sudden movements in other people or objects. Sort of like how you automatically move when something is thrown at you (if that makes sense).

They started when I moved up to 30mg. At 15mg I would just have the odd bit of restless leg syndrome or muscle twitches after taking it at night. Since starting at 30mg I noticed more twitches at night before I took my tablet, and in the last few days they are more present throughout the day.

it is really freaking me out to the point where I am seriously considering discontinuing taking mirtazapine as I am worried about developing a permanent movement disorder. I spoke to the doctor about this a few weeks ago and he said it might be worth dropping my dose back to 15mg and seeing if that changes things. the problem is that at 30mg this is a great therapeutic dose for depression and anxiety for me. I'm also worried that dropping the dose will cause me to go into withdrawals.

To make matters worse, I am currently withdrawing from low dose codeine (100mg or so a day) which has increased anxiety and depression and to be honest I am not sure if this has made the twitches worse. I can still go to work even with this mild opiate withdrawal, but I feel like crap.

I really don't know what to do. Work is getting crazy at the moment and I need to be on my A game but I am really freaking out about these twitches. Anyone had a similiar experience or can offer advice?
I get myoclonic jerks big time from Codeine / ibuprofen (sometime im lazy and dont bother with CWE) to the point where it was effecting my professional image. Twitching while in a presentation at work or holding a conference isn't a good look at all. I actually was prescribed kpins for that exact reason, which works a treat. I'd be very surprised if it was the mirtazapine as that is more related to atypical antipsychotics ( risperidone gave me RLS BIG time, so much so I had to stop even considering that it was a very effective med for me). Stop the codeine and see how your myoclonic jerks go?
I can agree and feel what you did feel as Iam currently on Avanza and experiencing the same restlessness and inability to sit still,,,not just that but to sleep,,,when laying down at night Im unable to keep still ,,,especially my legs,,,and can't sleep,,,until approx 3-4am or later,,, I haven't been on Avanza for long,,only a week so wanted to try for a bit longer but dont know if this will get any better….what do you think,,,am suffering the way it is!!
I used to get some really bad restless leg syndrome when I first started it and it would sometimes take me an hour to sleep because of it. Now it is very rare that it does that. In fact, it doesn't get me to sleep by itself anymore - I have to take it conjunction with melatonin (then I get a solid 8 hours).

Anyway, my depression is pretty much gone and I am thinking of coming off mirtazapine. I consider it to be pretty good antidepressant. However, I have put on 10kg and I would love to lose the weight. I'm thinking of tapering off it soon.

From what others have said it isn't to bad to come off right?
I didn't find coming off it hard. In fact, I experienced no symptoms at all. From memory, I went down to half a tablet for about a week, then stopped taking it. I think you'll find the weight does come off easily after that too. I didn't put on heaps from it but it did drop off again in the next few months without any major lifestyle changes. I had a friend who put on so much weight from it too, and she lost that pretty much as soon as she came off mirtazapine - something like 10-20kg lost within a couple months.
I have been on mirtazapine 45mg for about four weeks now, for me the increased appetite and weight gain has not been a bad thing (being 6ft 2 and 65kgs). I have found no adverse effects and has done well in decreasing anxiety and lifting mood, I can not say I have found it to have any sedative effect so am still using 10mg moggies to help with sleep. The one good thing about it not being an SSRI is I have not found it to have a negative affect in taking anything in the MDxx family and similarity for anything else rec I have taken. On NYE I had 3 MD caps (who knows what derivative as true MDMA I think is rare these days), a fair whack of goey and a quite a few charges of GBL, didn't feel any negative interactions and had the same effects that I was after. I am also on 300mg of Lyrica and 40mg of OxyContin a day (neuropathic pain) and none of these seemed to reduce effects either. All in all I think Mirtazapine is a great AD and should be used as a first line treatment, first time I was put on an AD it was a SSRI and the side effects made me stop taking them within a week which made me reluctant to try another AD even though I have pretty severe anxiety. I think this may be one of the better AD's for those who also like to take recs as seems to have little interactions. I'm not chemist though so don't take my word as gospel but I try and do a little reading making sure I'm not putting myself in a dangerous situation.
The issue with saying this has less side effects is that it's subjective.
For example, I got no (side) effects (nor w/d symptoms) from various SSRIs (and an SNRI) other than my genitals/sexuality, whereas on Mirtazapine my appetite didn't change (noticeably) but I was extremely lethargic the whole time with little change to my mood. I mean, it didn't dull my pain but the lethargy affected me.
I gave up between 2-3 weeks as the lethargy was quite severe. You'd think my natural (mild) lethargy would make it easier to deal with, but that's not the case at all.