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  • AADD Moderators: swilow | Vagabond696

Every one say hello to your new moderators, Divine Moments and Footscrazy!

I for one welcome our new overlords with open arms. May they serve us lowly plebs for many years to come. ALL HAIL!

grats guys, sure you'll both do a great job.
great choices.

Love the threads footscrazy creates that stir up alot of discussion and make you ponder. Also find Divine moments always usually has something very worthy and thought out posts and does not just let loose some shite without thinking bout it - which obviously is an essential quality for a good mod.
Just couldn't resist crawling back could ya foots :p Love the art work btw

And divine moments, I've always thought your comments were of mod standard. Great to see ya join the team =D
good shit folks, congratulations,
I reckon there cannot enough appreciation shown to those who work behind the scenes to keep bluelight operating as it should do
Thanks again everyone, thestudent you're right, how could I resist crawling back ;)