Euro's in PA


Dec 19, 1999
Going around at Spectrum, Somerset PA, 12/18/99
7mm dia, 5mm thick, white, impressed Euro symbol, scored on back. Bitter
taste. A hard, well-made pill.
Part 1:
Curious to see reports on these, I went to the web. What seemed to be
the most detailed page was in Italian, so I had it translated by
BabelFish. Here is the result:
Anch' I have had the same doubt... Mò stamattina enough is rincoglionito
(Sballo and hallucinations from cold), therefore it comes to me in mind
poko... But between the svarie things that I thought on purpose about
all ' it is put in scene ipokrita on the Ecstasy: this, oh insomma, fuit
one of those... and that second me for the New Year's Day of the 2000
they are themselves muovendo strong tablet amounts in all Euro in order
not to then make to be without the giovini in the fatidical day of the
total destruction (?!)... and: TraTraTra! The toxic MassMedia and
inspectors put in means   the important are that to Naples the fireworks
from contraband imported from the Chinese will arrive always
Got that? Good.
Part 2:
Seated at breakfast followng the party with a group of young psychonauts
to whom I had provided transportation and non-interventionist care.
I polled them on the efficacy of the Eurodollars. Beyond the positive
subjective stuff (wow, da bomb, etc) most reported clenching, grinding
side effects so one might conclude they contained MDMA. But since most
of the kids had candyflipped, separating the various effects of the
various substances was impossible.
The exception was a sweetheart of a girl whom I've known since she was 8
(I'll call her Leska). She had sampled only the E but was staring
sorrowfully at her uneaten breakfast.
"Did you have a good time" I asked, knowing that she had just had her
first roll from the Euros. She nodded but still looked miserable.
"Whassup then?", I pressed.
"I bip my pung " she mumbled
"Sorry?" I asked, kicking the giggling youth beside her.
"I dunno. I juss chomped on my pung and didn'p feel anything. Now ip
hurps like hell"
Leska extended the wounded tongue. There was a hole all the way through
on one edge. Everyone squealed in horror at the injury.
Here was my opportunity to demonstrate a point on the dangers of
"Was it worth it?" I asked.
Leska's misery instantly evaporated with a knee-buckling smile:
Oh, well. OralGel and Tylenol were administered and we continued our
homeward drive to the D&B sounds of Mickey Finn.
So, on December 18, in Central Pennsylvania, the aforementioned goods
were probably MDMA. Some of the effects can be simulated by shooting
yourself through the side of the tongue with a .22
I acquired one and have it put by for a future experiment. First I must
procure an NFL-approved mouth guard.
Bachus (researching the price of pleasure)
[I'm new here so here's an introduction: I am a 48 year-old teenager who loves raves. I dance my ass off (not pretty), usually sober. I provide non-judgemental support, and transportation, to a local group of younger people to the scene in Maryland and environs. I have been an electronic musician for many years and now my son (17) is starting to perform his own music live at parties (house, trance, hardcore). Enough for now.]
Although this is an extremely interesting although somewhat confusing post..I must point you in the direction of the Pill Reports page. That way, you'll get responses from people in the area who have sampled that EXACT batch of pills. Saves a lot of people a lot of time

I agree. I wanted to post it there but I couldn't load that thread group (I got a 'page has no data error).
If (when) that problem is fixed, should I repost on that group?
Bachus, mostly sober