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Benzos Etofoxine - a benzo-like drug. Any experience?


Oct 18, 2017
Etifoxine is a Russian anxiolytic which binds to the beta subunits on the GABA A receptor. Benzodiazepines do not bind to the same site. The most attractive thing about this drug seems to be that it has no risk of dependency at therapeutic doses, according to the limited research published on it. Said research also finds that it has equivalent efficacy to therapeutic doses of classical benzos but without the sedation and memory impairment. The few online experiences on it report that it is effective to one degree or another.

If this is true, then surely it is a wonder drug as the horrific withdrawals are the key problem with benzos, so it surprises me that more people haven't had experience with it. There is very little discussion of it online or otherwise. So does anyone have experience with this for treating anxiety disorders?
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Actually it doesn't bind to the same sites as benzos do.

Unlike benzodiazepines, etifoxine appears to produce its anxiolytic effects by activating beta2 and beta3 subunit containing channels of the GABAA receptor complex (a different binding site than benzodiazepines), and by stimulating the production of GABA(A) active neurosteroids that act in conjunction with etifoxine's direct effects.

It goes on to say

This difference in binding means that etifoxine can be used alongside benzodiazepines to potentiate their effects without competing for binding sites; however, it also means that the effects of etifoxine are not reversed by the benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil.

I don't know how I feel about this

Etifoxine has been shown to stimulate the biosynthesis of endogenous neurosteroids, namely 17-hydroxypregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone, progesterone and tetrahydroprogesterone
Actually it doesn't bind to the same sites as benzos do.

Noted, and thanks. I'll edit the post to account for it. Ok so it doesn't act on the benzodiazepine binding site. I wonder what this means as far as cross-tolerance and cross-dependence goes? I can never seem to find any satisfactory answers to the question of whether alternative different similar substances will produce a joint dependence.

Either way I've ordered some of this stuff and I'll report back on what it's like. This could be a magic bullet for those of us with anxiety issues if it's effective, considering that it doesn't generate dependence.
"Based on limited research" was my key takeaway. Regardless, if it actually were therapeutic without possibly causing dependency, I'd hope that everyone had already heard all about it.
"Based on limited research" was my key takeaway. Regardless, if it actually were therapeutic without possibly causing dependency, I'd hope that everyone had already heard all about it.

Point is no one has heard about it, and every study on it has found no dependence liability. Surely that calls for more attention than it's currently given, seeing as pretty much the only thing stopping classical benzos from being a sustainable magic bullet for people with serious anxiety disorders is the horrific dependence liability.
Noted, and thanks. I'll edit the post to account for it. Ok so it doesn't act on the benzodiazepine binding site. I wonder what this means as far as cross-tolerance and cross-dependence goes? I can never seem to find any satisfactory answers to the question of whether alternative different similar substances will produce a joint dependence.

Either way I've ordered some of this stuff and I'll report back on what it's like. This could be a magic bullet for those of us with anxiety issues if it's effective, considering that it doesn't generate dependence.

I think with Etofoxine there wouldn't be a cross-tolerance since it doesn't touch the same receptor sites as usual benzos do.
I think with Etofoxine there wouldn't be a cross-tolerance since it doesn't touch the same receptor sites as usual benzos do.

That would be amazing if true. But it acts on the same receptor even if it's different binding sites. I guess it would be comparable to the cross tolerance/dependence between alcohol and benzos, or barbiturates and benzos. I'm not even sure how cross tolerance works with those substances though
I've only taken etifoxine 6 times thus far. What i've observed at 50 mg dosages is a very natural feeling of anxiolysis and some very slight sedation. The sedation could be characterized more along the lines of having a couple cups of decaffeinated green tea, a nice feeling of zen relaxation more similar to l-theanine than any benzo tranquilization. It is said to potentiate benzos but i've taken it while still having some amount of benzo active in my system and it doesn't bring back the peak effects so I believe that claim is unfounded from my current observations. Maybe if you took a small amount of a BZD with 50 mg of etifoxine around the same time it might make a smaller dose of said BZD feel larger and more pronounced? I've yet to test that theory.

One thing I found out about this compound which is most useful(or not, if you're trying to quit) is that it greatly diminishes the anxiety and paranoia of a weed high without dulling the effects or adding any intoxication of its own to the experience. I can't smoke pot anymore without taking a benzo, so finding out that etifoxine does the same thing for the negative aspects of the high without having to worry about physical dependency setting in has been marvelous according to the hedonistic side of my personality! Not so much for the rational side of my personality which screams at me to give up the ganja for good because it zaps my motivation and makes me okay with dwindling away my life doing useless things. Since quitting weed i've been promoted, my personal hygiene routine has greatly improved and I was starting to feel clearer headed and actually felt some goals and life dreams coming back to me which I haven't felt in ages...now i'm back to just "going with the flow, man", but this story of disappointment and relapse is for another thread.

I think my next experiment with psychedelics will include a pre-dose of 100 mg etifoxine(max therapeutic dose) an hour prior to taking some ALD-52 to see if it is able to make a psychedelic trip wholly recreational without trampling on the visuals or the general psychedelia like a regular benzodiazepine would do. I've had to abort my last two trips because the pace of change in my life at the moment overwhelms me when I look at it through the psychedelic lens and opening the doors of perception feels risky when you have a lot going on...I can see now why some people shy away from tripping and I never used to understand that, they may have a lot at stake!

Anyway, to summarize this post, etifoxine seems to be a useful and non habit forming alternative to traditional BZD's. Every single time i've taken it I get a reduction in my anxiety on par with a dose of a benzo just large enough to take the edge off and no desire to binge on it. Maybe in higher dosages it would become recreational but I don't intend to find out as i'm happy to have found something I can take that will quell my need for tranquilizers without worrying about withdrawals. I have cut down my benzo usage dramatically since I got these capsules and I plan to stock up on them. If it turns out they are habit-forming or cause a withdrawal of their own I will have shot myself in both feet so to speak, so i'm really hoping that's not the case 8(
Does this bind between the beta2 and beta3 subunits of the GABAa choride channel heteropentamer? the same site shared by valerenic acid (of valerian fame) and loreclezole?

If so I would be MOST interested and have to track myself some down. I've been wanting to try loreclezole itself, even if I have some day to make some, for a long fucking time now. Because I want to be able to contrast the effects on dreaming with valerian, to try and help determine whether or not its agonistic activity of the loreclezole recognition site that does the weird stuff to dreams that valerian extract does, or whether its a compound or compounds specific to valerian (and possibly other plants of course)

Because I've found valerian extract, at high doses to be infinitely more valuable for its oneirogenic effects than for its sedative properties (I have both an unending repeat nitrazepam script that gets automatically printed and filled for me, although I use far less than I am prescribed, or at least, I use a lot more of it, a lot less often, on a PRN basis, and I take chlormethiazole both as my daily seizure prophylaxis and an additional quantity of the same drug issued me often enough, as needed to respond to seizures. And chlormethiazole has a pretty hard hitting sedative-hypnotic effect, especially if I take nitrazepam as well so I don't really need a mild sedative) but the oneiro-delic experiences it can provide (valerian) are quite out of either this world or any others, it can be really wacky shit at times.

Might just grab myself some etifoxine and see what happens after taking a dose just before going to sleep, and perhaps a topup dose after waking during the night, if I do so)
I actually forgot to reply, but here?s my experience with Etifoxine:

- It sort of feels like a benzo but without the tranquillised headspace that you get with basically all benzos. An other way of putting it is that you can feel the Gaba-A activity and the anxiolysis, but you don?t feel like you?re actually on a benzo because you don?t experience that particular headspace. It doesn?t really feel like you?re on anything at all, you just feel like your sober self but without anxiety

- Anxiolysis is good. You just feel very calm with maybe a touch of sedation (sometimes I noticed a slight sedative effect other times I didn?t) . I noticed that it induced a general feeling of calmness more than anxiolysis, so for instance when approaching a social situation I still got a toned-down version of my usual anxious thoughts, but I had a strong feeling of calmness nevertheless. By way of comparison, I find that benzos tend to kill apprehensive thoughts completely, for better or for worse. To some degree I actually prefer to have those mild thoughts so long as they?re accompanied by a calm reaction.

- Cognitively you can function fine on this, unlike benzos, you get anxiolysis without cognitive impairment

- Dosing twice within a day was not a good idea. For me, this led to the second dose feeling uncomfortable every time. It seemed to induce fatigue rather than the pleasant sleepy type of sedation that benzos induce. I would also feel very depressed until the 2nd dose wore off (negative thoughts, bleak mood, anhedonia etc.; no idea why) This could be a side effect that goes away with daily use, I never used it on consecutive days.

- I had a weird interaction with mirtazapine - the surface of my skin started to feel as if it had fiery pins and needles and my nerves felt hot, I was getting rapid muscle twitches too

- I tried combining it with Tramadol. I should note that Tramadol is one of my favourite drugs and is more euphoric to me than Oxycodone. This is because for me I get potent opioid action from its metabolite, and I seem to be able to get the euphoric serotonin releasing properties too. Well Etifoxine completely killed the fluffy serotonin-opiate high of Tramadol and ruined the good mood that Tramadol always puts me in. I was trying to counter the ?on edge? feeling I sometimes get from Tramadol from its norepinephrine action

- I combined it with GHB during a methamphetamine comedown it and I didn?t experience any signs of respiratory depression. It was a pleasant combination . I usually experience an anxiety rebound as the gbl wears off which I did not when combined with Etifoxine . Also whilst using only gbl at the tail end of methamphetamine , I would still feel a bit uncomfortably stimulated, with Etifoxine and gbl I didn?t feel that at all.

- You can?t feel it ?come up? or ?come down? unless you?re in a panic attack , it just subtly fades in and out. You kind of just realise it?s no longer acting by those anxious thoughts filtering back in again slowly
- I noticed first effects at about 25 minutes. Lasted for about 5 hours or so for me.

If this truly poses no issues with dependence then I have found the anxiolytic wonder drug. For me it does the job of benzos but without all the sides of those. Anxiolysis isn?t quite as good as a benzo but it?s not far off and it deals with my more mild-moderate anxiety issues effectively. Only issue is that I seem to be only able to take it once daily in the morning because my second dose is always bad news for some reason. Can?t take it in the evening or it seems to react with my daily mirtazapine . I can?t see Etifoxine as giving anxiolytic relief to other drugs without killing the high like benzos do and phenibut doesn?t , seeing as it totally ruined my Tramadol high . Although curious as to whether Etifoxine would counter the desirable effects of stimulants as much as a benzo would .