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Policy Etizolam, Flualprazolam, Clonazolam, Flubromazolam, and Diclazepam... are being scheduled 1 and illegal in the US as of tomorrow.

Sad news but etizolam has been gone for several years now anyways, effectively making its legality in the U.S. mute.
That’s damn shame about etizolam. Good thing there are dozens of schedule IV benzos flooding the country from inside and out.

This law should make a big difference in fentanyl use as intended
Sad news but etizolam has been gone for several years now anyways, effectively making its legality in the U.S. mute.
It shows up in the dope supply in Canada all the time, as recently as last week

I can't find any either, but me not finding it, and you not finding it does not mean its not out there. In Canada its being demonized by people who consider it a contaminate to their fentanyl. The people who don't want it get it laced in their drugs and the people who want it can't find it....
I could never control my etizolam use, so it's technically good for me? Not that I've had any access to it for a couple of years anyway. Besides, I hate the drug war. I hate everything it entails, everything it has caused and will cause, and I hate it even on a conceptual level, despite my own failures.
Just the fact that virtually all new drugs in time are immediately sent to S-I speaks volumes about the scientific integrity of the whole mess.
Scientists and doctors aren’t running the show. Jackasses with a community college degree that know fuck all about medicine, addiction, chemistry, and everything else this concerns; that went into law enforcement agencies get to make the law without congressional approval even in many cases (the so called “emergency schedule”)….not the congress has anyone in it that knows a goddamn thing about medicine or chemistry either.

Republicans absolutely hate anyone with any sort of education; so half the countries law makers are bible thumping con men that are clueless on reality…and democrats just want to crush everyone and criminalize them and break them down to nothing wielding the legal system as a club.