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ethylphenidate & bk-2cb


May 20, 2010
I have 2 bk-2cb 100mg pellets and I take ethylphenidate at a weekend. My question is can I mix the 2? Me and my mate haven't taken it before is it safe 1 each? with bk-2cb
Don't bother they are both shit.
Sorry didn't answer you[re question, I wouldn't personally cause i got heart issues (from what i was told by some machine...turns out i get checked by someone else out my heart is fine, who do u believe?)

I wouldnt personally as itd be hard on your heart but you could do worsed with coke
and i wouldnt personally because they were both crap in my opinion and i can't stress this enough, in my opinion
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There could be some possible problems due to vasoconstriction.
There are a million better combos out there and I would think these would be better enjoyed on their own than in a combo
bk-2C-B almost certainly has stimulant qualities. The parent, 2C-B, has mild stimulant qualities and I've never heard of beta-ketonating making that any less. Instead, stimulant effects and stimulant side-effects or body load may get worse if that beta-keto group (the bk in bk-2C-B visible as the =O when you look at the molecular structure) is changed in the body into a beta-hydroxy (-OH). A stimulant that would be an example of that would be ephedrine, which is really not good for the heart and bloodvessels. It is also why mephedrone and methylone are not that nice on the body (most of all cardiovascular system): they too have beta-keto groups some of which turn into beta-hydroxy groups after metabolism. A psychedelic example would be the BOX series, like BOD or BOB. They are reported to have a relatively strong body component. Some of the bk-2C-B you ingest likely turns into BOB. IIRC the problem in each of these cases is effects on the adrenergic system.

So in short: bk-2C-B has possible issues with the heart and bloodvessels or how heavy it is or is felt on the body.

Ethylphenidate carries similar risks, it is generally taxing on the heart and bloodvessels. In reasonably low doses you might call that acceptable or apparently safe or not too unpleasant... but in higher doses that can definitely change.

When you combine these drugs you are likely to increase these potential issues a lot, because often such side-effects seem like they add as if 1+1=3.

Finally: I don't really see the virtue in this combination to begin with. As bk-2C-B is supposed to be euphoric and stimulating to begin with I don't feel like it would really benefit from a stimulant unless that stimulant acts primarily on serotonin and doesn't have unreasonably high chances of side effects.

That is why I would say: not worth it as far as I can tell without having tried it.
they almost definitely act on the heart in two different ways that would be bad to do at the same time frequently. that being said you could probably have a good time, i've combined 2c-b and ritalin and mxe and my heart was going crazy so I wouldn't recommend it.
Why combine a shitty stimulant like ethylphenidate and a shittt psych like bk 2cb? I guess it's all you can get but dam, that sounds so awful. Just take one or the other. Better yet, neither.
Haha yeah not sure if I would call a beta-hydroxy like ephedrine to have a push, it's more like a lame unmannered shove. :')
Back when nothing was available to me stuff like ephedrine and synephrine were kinda interesting to be, but in the end it's like a glorified version of drinking a jerrycan of coffee to be energetic at a party.

/anecdote nobody asked for
When I was 19 and 20, I LOVED ephedrine, I used to take 2 of those Yellowjackets at a time (25mg ephedrine and 300mg caffeine each), it used to make me feel SO GOOD. Nowadays ephedrine gives me a real nasty stimulation side effect, I don't like it anymore.
Lol at the ephedrine anecdotes. I relate wholeheartedly. I used to love 200mg of caffeine with 25mg of ephedrine. I liked the giddy energy it gave me, then I tried amphetamine. It's relative, if all you've ever had is caffeine, ephedrine is bangin shit, when you've had proper stims, ephedrine is shit.

Ethcathinone is like that too. It's not a recreational stim in the slightest; worse than caffeine and ephedrine.

In the end, crappy stims are fun when you haven't known anything else, but it gets old.
I personally find bk-2C-B to be absolutely lovely. Really nice smooth come up, kinda reminded me of Methylone but with a bit more oomph. Very fuzzy and loved up, then the visuals kicked in about 2hrs in (maybe more, maybe less I couldn't quite tell as my perception was getting gradually more twisted the more I came up)
The actual visuals themselves were immense, lots of patterns dancing, tracers, stuff warping, amazing C.E.V too, I was getting synaesthesia. I was really impressed by how much (IMO) it actually mimics 2C-B but with maybe a little less intensity. Horses for courses though I suppose and some people obviously aren't experiencing the intended effects for whatever reason. I really rate it tbh.

On topic I have taken bk-2C-B with both coke and e.p.d crystal in the same night, I'm here to tell the tale but I wouldn't recommend it personally. I did have moments where I completely had my breath taken away from me and was rushing my back out! I was able to handle it without panicking but in hindsight shouldn't have sniffed as much powder as I did that night.
I think if anything maybe take a little bit of coke now and again during the trip if you find you're experiencing a heavy body load or anything.
I found it to be pretty energetic on its own but after 6ish hours the body load starts to come and go and the rushing gradually subsided. Me and my mate both managed to sleep pretty easily surprisingly (e.p.d or coke alone make sleep difficult for me if I've had a session, tryptamines, 2C's and the like even more so)
We must've got about 4/5 hours kip and both woke up still experiencing some pretty vivid visuals.
All in all I like it a lot! Don't think e.p.d and bk-2C-B are a healthy combo at all though having tried it myself. We also snorted a load Diphenidine when we came to get our heads down..... Things got very colourful and then I think we just anaesthetised ourselves cos next thing I remember is waking up.