• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Estimated average recovery time after Aripiprazole (Abilify)

No one knows for sure. Everybody's neurobiochemistry is different, measures of degree of recovery are subjective, and abilify is a relatively new drug and thus by definition it's long term effects are unknown to anybody. You should check out the thread in the Mental Health forum, "Coming off of Sustena Invega," and then click no the line in the first paragraph, "Coming off other antipsychotics," for more information, though. I just shared my story of quitting a 20 year long prescribed antipsychotic habit (most recently, Haldol) cold turkey 21 days ago. I am experiencing mild tardive dyskinesia and having extreme powers of concentration and insomnia. However, I have all but quit abusable drugs in this same time frame and do not crave them nearly as much as before, either.