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Benzos Educate me on Valium, google doesnt help.


Oct 27, 2015
I've always suffered from social anxiety and ive recently been thinking of trying Valium as its very easy to access. Ive tried googling what it does however all the answers are really vague, I was wondering what Valium does for you personally and if it does benefit you.
Valium is great for short term use. Notice I said short term. I've been on benzo's daily for about 3 years, and it's not something you want to take on a daily basis. Valium is the lesser of the benzo evils, because it has a very long half life, and isn't as potent as Xanax, Klonopin, or Ativan. It was one of the original benzos, along with Librium. All benzos tend to share the same effects, but Valium has more pronounced muscle relaxation than the others.

That being said, if you're having a panic attack, or in a sever anxiety crisis, taking a couple of Valium will help you. Like I said though, don't make it a habit, and take it only when you really have to.

I, at times, wish I had never taken a benzo. They can be GREAT tools, but remember that, ONLY use it as a tool.

I switched over to Valium because of the long half life, which makes tapering easier. I am down to 10mg a day.
There are plenty of threads about valium on bluelight.

It's a benzo with a long half life. I've been prescribed diazepam for ~3 years. 90 5mg pills a month, or 15mg a day. It does wonders for my anxiety, though I usually finish my script early every month.

I also prefer diazepam over most other benzos since it's the best benzo for tapering, incase I ever need too.
Valium (diazepam) is one of the better benzos for anxiety IMO because it lasts longer and you're less likely to get rebound anxiety, unlike with shorter acting benzos such as Xanax for example. Its generally not recommended to take them long term although some people do. If you become physically dependent on them the withdrawals are hellish and can be deadly.

On the flip side, it's not a bad idea to have a few on hand to use as needed so you will be less likely to develop a problem with them. They don't get a person "high" per se but to someone with anxiety its like sweet relief, which feels pretty good. Just make sure you start with a lower dose (5 to 10mg) and avoid alcohol because that combo is potentially lethal or you might just do something silly. Good luck dealing with your anxiety, I know it's not easy. Stay safe :)
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I've found valium to be the most recreational of all the benzos, although it is weaker mg to mg. I don't suffer from anxiety but I'd bet it's a good choice for its longer duration, as others posted. But again, for me, I like it the most because it's the most recreational. Xanax just makes me drowsy and sleepy (perfect for insomnia, stim come-down med, or opioid withdrawal adjunct therapy). But when I want to have fun, I go for the valium. Unfortunately, I've fucked my tolerance to benzos and I'm not sure how many mg's of valium will give me the same effect that first 10mg did. I'm guessing somewhere around 50mg.

Be careful. The tolerance builds quick and the withdrawal as Slutty pointed out can be hellish or even deadly, worse than any opioid withdrawal.
I've found Clonazepam to be the best benzo for my anxiety. It has a long half life and is also as strong as xanax.
I have a tiny script every month, only 10x 5mg. So I'm only using it as needed for anxiety, not taking it daily. It works well. Makes you feel calm as fuck all day. 5mg is a low dose but if you keep a low tolerance it does work, although truth be told I usually do have to redose and I supplement that prescription with etizolam.

But I've been doing that for almost three years and I'm not dependent because I never use daily. If I even feel tolerance going up significantly I take a break and it goes back down quickly because I never let it get too high.

If you have self-control with benzos you can use diazepam for anxiety only as needed and never become dependent. But you have to ask yourself if you do have that self-control. If you're meant to be having a break and you feel anxious, but you know there's pills in the next room that will fix it, would you be able to resist and stick to your rules? If not, you're more likely to end up with an addiction problem. Those benzos can creep up on you if you don't watch yourself.
Valium (Diazepam) is my favorite benzo.
Reason? It's the most complete benzo.

It's famous for its excellent muscle relaxing properties, and very famous in drug rehab facilities.
It's the best and most used Medication in drug rehab facilities.

Alcohol withdrawal, benzo withdrawal, are both deadly sicknesses.
Valium, is the the number 1 used Medication for both Alcohol and benzo withdrawal.

It's also fairly used for the horrific opiate WD to help ease Anxiety.

I've tried Xanax (Alprazolam), Klonopin (Clonazepam), Ativan (Lorazepam), Restoril (Temazepam), and of course Valium (Diazepam).

Valium, like I said is the most complete benzo.
Excellent muscle relaxing properties, mood lift, anxiety, the amazing long half life of 100+ hours, potency is there, I can go on and on.
Valium is just an AMAZING Benzodiazepine.
Check this out BenzoDIAZEpines. ;)
I used to love to take one or two (5mg I think) and put on some nice music. My favorite back in the day was some bluesy Allman Brothers stuff. I used to get in such a laid back, just right feeling that was hard to beat. Sorry if I was reminiscing too much there.
I used to love to take one or two (5mg I think) and put on some nice music. My favorite back in the day was some bluesy Allman Brothers stuff. I used to get in such a laid back, just right feeling that was hard to beat. Sorry if I was reminiscing too much there.

Hells yeah I'd chill with you.

Valium is weaker mg per mg, yes. But the dosages are equivalent in a 5mg valium and a .5 mg xanax so that isn't really an issue.
I find it's the best benzo for opiate WD as well as anxiety but YMMV
Hells yeah I'd chill with you.

Valium is weaker mg per mg, yes. But the dosages are equivalent in a 5mg valium and a .5 mg xanax so that isn't really an issue.
I find it's the best benzo for opiate WD as well as anxiety but YMMV

I'll have to dig out my "Eat a Peach" album for old time's sake!
I've only taken valium a few times, I was always prescribed xanax and then klonopin and if I was out for the month or with friends and didn't have my prescription on me and they happened to have a valium script I'd just take theirs, but I mostly remember valium just putting me to sleep. Which wasn't exactly negative at the time, I think I was usually exhausted from a 3 day drunk or something.
But benzos have always made me somewhat sleepy, they were never a party drug for me. If I needit for anxiety but still have to work or something I might take .5 klonopin but if I'm at home and I know I can nap on the couch I'll take a 1 mg. I've taken them for years and never built up a tolerance, maybe because I've avoided taking them daily.