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Editorials Stealing drugs from dead man new low for local cops


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013
Stealing drugs from dead man new low for local cops
September 3, 2014
Daniel Vasquez


We’ve all heard bad

danstories about bad cops, but Broward Sheriff’s Deputy Eduardo Mesa steals the cake.

And the drugs. And apparently he isn’t the only druggie cop out there.

If what his own department says is true, Mesa responded to a fatal train accident in January and amid the death saw opportunity. Instead of helping to solve what happened, Mesa is accused of throwing the dead man’s clothes in a dumpster, stealing his prescription drugs and later failing to file a police report.

I wouldn’t have filed one either if I was pilfering a dead man’s hydrocodone.

I also wouldn’t have kept the stolen drugs with the victim’s name on the bottle in my squad car, as Mesa apparently did. Investigators also found 26 Xanax pills. Now he faces a bunch of charges, including armed trafficking since he had his service gun on him when he allegedly stole the drugs. He also had enough drugs on him to qualify as a dealer.

Mesa is one bad apple among a barrel of hero apples. His bad boy behavior shouldn’t drag the rest down.

But it does. Because it keeps happening.

Drug charges in a number of cases in Broward are currently being dropped or reduced because they are tainted by a crime lab chemist accused of repeatedly stealing seized drugs.

And in May, we heard about the alleged stupidity of Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Deputy Joaquin Fonseca. He supposedly was working undercover when he says he was helping bust a dealer for selling crack. Unfortunately for Fonseca, the alleged dealer had cameras and video that showed he didn’t sell anything to the poor deputy. Later,

Fonseca’s own dash video was used to prove he bought the crack from a different dealer to set up the one he actually busted.
The worst thing is not the crimes these clowns commit......

continued here http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/op...-low-for-local-cops-20140903,0,2377340.column


The police force and so many government agencies are totally out of control. This needs to be fixed immediately, but America is so broken right now and nobody seems to be fixing anything. I should move to the Caribbean to some european held island.

Meh. It's not like the dead guy needed them anymore. And charged with "armed trafficking"... 8)

He should have done his job otherwise, though.
I have dual citizenship in Ireland, maybe I'll move somewhere in the EU....this country is getting seriously out of control very quickly.
Meh. It's not like the dead guy needed them anymore. And charged with "armed trafficking"... 8)

He should have done his job otherwise, though.

I agree with you, the charges are overkill even if it involves dirty, or at least dusty, cops. Armed trafficking for 26 benzo pills? Come on now...
Yo @421 and Kilfer, how can you defend this cop? You know how many innocent peoples lives this cop has ruined b/c they had a substance deemed illegal by the US gov't?!!? how can you even stand up for this soul-less POS? He should get life in prison and be put in general population with a sign on his forehead saying "I am a crooked cop that steals drugs from people and then ruin innocent peoples lives by putting them in jail for the same drugs that I take." my god Kilfer and 421 SHAME ON YOU (seriously)..
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Yo @421 and Kilfer, how can you defend this cop?

We're not judging this cop on crimes that police forces as a whole have perpetrated we're just comparing what this man is charged with with how it would have been handled if it had been a civilian. Possession of 26 benzos is a misdemeanor at worst, usually just a summary offense of the *without prejudice* type with simple confiscation the result. Add $50 for possession of a firearm if that had been the case. Now compare that with what this admittedly unusually stupid cop is dealing with: a felony charge.

You are aware of course that the cops who are pressing the charges against this other cop may be doing so in order to divert attention from more serious offenses committed by other cops?