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Ecstasy pills (MDMA). First time was amazing and hasn't been the same since then?


Jan 11, 2015
Just a quick question on ecstasy pills,

I was at a music festival last summer and was offered ecstasy pills. I bought them and took them, it was my very first time. The effects were amazing, but have not been the same since i've taken pills at that festival. The effects i got the first time was high excitement, euphoria and love for everyone. I was also hallucinating that the sun was up and other crazy stuff that was going on around me that actually wasn't. For example: i would be walking for what would seem to be a long time to my tent but i was in-fact only a few steps away. The experience was amazing. But when i take pills now i just get a very faded fuzzy feeling and its just not been as intense.

So the question is - Could those pills i had taken at the festival had properties of LSD or another hallucinogenic drug in them? :?

To this day i ask people do they get strong hallucinations off MDMA and they say they do but very subtle ones. At the festival i was told i was grabbing the air and other weird shit. I really want to get this high again but MDMA i find just won't do it. :|
First of all, did you test the pills you have taken recently (the ones that don't seem to do the job)? If no, then make sure the next time you roll, you will test your stuff ( cause most probably this lack of mdma-like feeling was causef by some shitty/bunk pills)

If you do however tested your stuff and you know you got md**, you should probably slowly increase the dose. There is also a chance you got mda in the first place since it's more psychedelic, but still think you should worry first about purity and dosage!
You have no idea what you took at the festival - could have been a number of things. Also it was your first time and in a festival/party atmosphere - all these will have major effects on the experience.
Yes, set and setting is important, even if it's "just MDMA".
Hallucinating on MDMA the way you described it is not common. I personally don't know anyone who does that, so it's likely you got something else the first time. There are subtle changes in your visual field, trancers, bright lights, light CEV's maybe but that's it. Your second try could have been a number of chemicals again, or just very weak pills. Never(!!!) take more of an unknown pill if you feel it's weak or not working! Get a testkit online (cheap) as suggested before me to make sure there's MDMA in your pills/crystals. Safe rolling :)
sometimes mdma can be pretty visual. i've had intense hallucinations off pure mdma and also when i took pills for the first time (at a festival; complete with seeing imaginary fire in the distance, tiled floors where was actually grass, "shadow people" and blood pumping through the veins up in the clouds), but i got almost no empathy that time, so i suspect that that was mda (but now there's no way to find out for sure...).
having a very visual roll is rare (and doesn't happen for all people), but i've once seen the inside of a portable toilet turn into a jungle landscape (with clean tested mdma), so it's surely possible. set&setting, light conditions as well as other drug use around that time can all play a role for something like that to happen.

lsd? not likely at all. what you describe sounds very much like mda or mdma visuals to me. lsd or any other classical psychedelic would be different. but if you didn't save a sample of your initial stuff to send to a lab, you'll never know for sure what was inside. and speculating on that is forbiddon here on bluelight. so i'll just say that the effects you describe sound typial for mdma (or closely related drugs) to me.

so while it doesn't surprise me that you cannot reach such a visual state again, you should at least get the excitement, euphoria and love off good quality mdma. since that doesn't happen it's quite possible that you got lower quality stuff (or something else altogether). you should really test your material everytime...
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