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ecstasy pills, delayed period?


Nov 11, 2019
Hello, guys - so i'm new here and I have a specific question; do ecstasy pills cause delayed periods or mess up your menstrual cycle?
I haven't rolled in around 3 years until last month, i took a pill for the first time (red redbull) and a bomb of mdma one day after my period has finished, then i took another bomb of mdma the next day(very small dose, around 0.1), then i took a pill again a few weeks later right before my next period was going to start, I am now 10 days late and absolutely freaking out. I took two pregnancy tests and they have both come back negative, i know that stress and eating habits/exercising can also throw off a period but there isn't much info online about drugs and how they mess up the cycle. I'm also pretty sure the pills i took were laced with speed, so that's something to think about as well. I was clubbing/raving in all these situations and moving a lot/dancing/sweating, could that have a lot to do with it also?
Any help will be much appreciated:D
Sorry for this bizarre topic but I need someone to put my mind at ease! 😅
Can i also mention I have been getting a lot of PMS symptoms still now till this day and it just makes me panic more.
I have not personally noticed delayed periods ever, although a few times a roll has caused an early period.
Hello, guys - so i'm new here and I have a specific question; do ecstasy pills cause delayed periods or mess up your menstrual cycle?
I haven't rolled in around 3 years until last month, i took a pill for the first time (red redbull) and a bomb of mdma one day after my period has finished, then i took another bomb of mdma the next day(very small dose, around 0.1), then i took a pill again a few weeks later right before my next period was going to start, I am now 10 days late and absolutely freaking out. I took two pregnancy tests and they have both come back negative, i know that stress and eating habits/exercising can also throw off a period but there isn't much info online about drugs and how they mess up the cycle. I'm also pretty sure the pills i took were laced with speed, so that's something to think about as well. I was clubbing/raving in all these situations and moving a lot/dancing/sweating, could that have a lot to do with it also?
Any help will be much appreciated:D
Sorry for this bizarre topic but I need someone to put my mind at ease! 😅
Did you recently loose weight?