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ecstasy anxiety/recovery help


Jun 3, 2014
New User - Help with Ecstacy use and anxiety/depression
I'm hoping someone can shed some light. I have always read articles on here but thought it was time to seek some of my own help. I am (what I think) a regular ecstasy user. It's been really hard for me to admit this to myself so please don't be too harsh on me. I've probably been taking about 2-3 ecstasy pills every 1-2 weekends for over a year. Sometimes I will go a month without it, sometimes I will do it a few weekends in a row. I don't think I’m addicted or anything I just think it’s quite accessible for me because my boyfriend and friends have it a lot. I barely have to pay for them - plus we go to a lot of music events and festivals. I dunno.. is this considered a heavy user?

The problem is I get the most awful comedowns - to be expected I know. But sometimes the anxiety makes me want to go see a doctor or crawl up in a whole for a few days. It can last days and comes in waves. Then it will go away and I forget about how bad it was. I always say I’m "going to have a break" but then 2 weeks later I’ll be drunk and ill pop another one.

I just want to know how much damage I could have done to myself? The anxiety and depression usually goes away... but I am pretty worried as I read through other posts. I am really healthy and I am determined to stop doing them... for at least a long time if not forever. I guess what I am looking for is some guidance and advice.

I am actually really healthy most of the time. I exercise a lot and I eat well. I want to know how much permanent damage I could have done to myself? If I am really healthy and keep away from it can I pretty much reverse the effects? I get really worried some times that I have done permanent damage to myself L. I see posts that you’re supposed to wait at least a month in between rolls and here I am doing it every 1-2 weeks. I know how stupid I have been so I really am looking for some help.

Also if anyone could offer some advice on how to stop that would be awesome. I’m not addicted and I will stop but some advice from previous users will obviously be really beneficial.

Oh one more thing - how the hec can I get my hands on some benzos in Aussie? I'd do anything to help me with my sleep and recovery