Ecstacy Blamed in Ohio Death

she dropped at 10:00, and the paramedicas came at 6:20???
she HAD to be doing SOMETHING else.
but yeah, it will be attributed to e. the scary thing is... somehow we know better... don't we?
as much as this is frightening, and upsetting, and overall scary... At some level I just DON'T buy it.
the media, and society at large are so prepared to shun, and condem the drug... and they fail to realize that it was origionaly used before therapy to help patients open up. Then again, as far as I know, LSD was invented to create some sort of super-soldier... hehe...
it's un-reasonable to attribute a death to e simply becasue one of the many drugs that are CALLED e shows up on a post-mortom tox screen! The media is prepared to report anything, even VAGUELY related to the truth in the name of selling papers. This is bad reporting...
it says RIGHT IN THE STORY that the cause of death has not been determined... but it seems that EVERYONE, but the professionals, knows exactly what it was.
there has been approximately four, or five deaths in the WORLD (according to my research) that have been attributed to E. and at that, they were due to e-related complications... Dehydrration, heat stroke, freezing, etc.
I have no idea what I am trying to get at with this... but know that I am saddened by the loss... I am saddened by the reports of it being DIRECTLY caused by e. But most of all, I am saddened that nobody seems to care what REALY killed the poor young lady.
if they took the time to do even a LITTLE research, on what happened to her, or on the drug itself, I'm sure that the answer would be as plain as day to them... but nodoby wants to see.
Its very unfortunate that E is gonna receive more bad publicity.
I definitely suspect some form of poison to be the main problem here. MDMA wouldn't do that to your body. She would have thrown up profusely before MDMA caused any serious problems
The Doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
Could they be anymore vague about what went on at that party? WTF! I guess its an automatic thing to blame E, if it is found to have been present in the scenario. Who knows what really went on at that party...we will prolly never know. But, I do know this: E alone did not kill this poor young lady, there had to be SOMETHING else involved. I think everyone knows by now that just E cant kill anyone. There have to be other factors...i.e. drinking excessively which ultimately leads to severe dehydration, no harm reduction tact, and more importantly, IGNORANCE. Who knows, all I know is that the media fukn sucks..."control the media and control the sheep-minded average american". And I know that there is not one bluelighter that is a sheep-minded average person. The media, or the police, or somebody is either not investigating properly, or they are w/holding, at least, part of the truth. This really sucks man, lately, it seems, they have been blaming all party related deaths on E. WTF!!! Thats all I have to say.
[This message has been edited by Thestepper69 (edited 03 January 2000).]
Hope I wasn't too insensetive, but I had to send a letter to the editor. We'll se if it gets published.
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
can someone keep track of this story and see what the coroner comes up with
im sorry to hear shes gone, but i hardly think it was the E, im interested to see if they print tbrittons letter.
Choose Love, Choose Laughter, Choose your Friends, Choose Raves, Choose Life...
maybe we should all collaberate and send a letter to the editor as a group... and do some serious research, reputeable sources, bibliography... get the facts, and send them out. set the record straight.... MAKE them find out the truth...
maybe I'm too... I donno... gung-ho...
I've not yet found my letter, but there is a follow up. click on the first link then go to the news index.
okay, they actually have two follow up articles and neither can confirm what really happened except that she took a red pill that was supposed to be ecstsy, got sick at her stomach, and had a hard time breathing. My letter which focused on the need for accurate drug education, the dangers of DXM, and the scare tactics of the press was not printed anywhere that I could find. Oh well.
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
", died after taking Ecstasy at an Akron New Year's Eve party.
The Summit County Medical Examiner's Office has not yet ruled on the cause of death, but her family already is pointing to the drug."
WTF!!!!! anyone with a high school education can see the complete contradiction in that statement. how is it legal for them to even print that type of shit!! let's get working on that letter. I've got alot to say!
The Good News: I Have Two Brain Cells Left.
The Bad News: One is Lost, and The Other One Is Looking For It.