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Early "loss of magic"? Or bunk ecstasy.

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Mar 22, 2015
So last night SWIM took a pill which he had researched on pillreports, the pill was reported to be good quality and dosed at around 110mg MDMA. The report was from 2014 but the pill SWIM had was identical to the one on the report. Previously SWIM has done ecstasy 5 times all great but the first time was mindblowing. So anyway SWIM dropped the pill around 9ish and didn't feel any effects for roughly 2 hours. When it hit SWIM it wasn't what he expected, SWIM had no euphoria, maybe a slight sense of well being and no mood lift, in fact SWIM felt quite tense and a bit anxious. SWIM also felt kind of tweaked his eyes were rolling and he jawed a bit too. The music appreciation was still slightly there though dancing was kind of enjoyable. SWIM's friends had taken different pills and were having a great time but SWIM just felt out of place like he shouldn't be there. SWIM also had some odd closed eye visuals and later in the night SWIM spotted a "shadow person" which then faded away (this was after SWIM came down and had take the valium and joints). When SWIM was back to normal he took 2 valium and smoked some joints and slept easy. Comedown was not harsh and day after was quite ok too.. That's about it, any help would be much appreciated really need to get to the bottom of this.
Hi egosoftner, welcome to bluelight. We don't use swim here, it makes your text hard to read and it provides no legal protection whatsoever. "I" will suffice, just make sure to not mention any past, present or future major criminal activity and you will be fine :)

This could have numerous causes, bad product being one of them. To rule this out you should really get yourself a testkit and find out for yourself if what you're taking really is MDMA. You could have built up a tolerance indeed, it could be that you're taking medications (like SSRI's, certain antipsychotics,...) that dulled the roll. It's also possible you took a bit too low of a dose, causing you to not feel the full effects. And there are more possibilities. Getting a testkit should be your first priority. That will (partly) eliminate the possibility of you having bad drugs. After that take a good long break before your next roll to rule out tolerance issues

Since this thread is essentially substance identification and such threads aren't allowed on bluelight I'm going to close it. Nobody here will be able to offer you any certainty about what happened and guessing at what drug was in your pill might create dangerous situations in case we get it wrong. If you have any questions about this feel free to contact me via PM
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