E-HUG 101!



Here is my explanation of the best trick to do to blow the f*** up on E. I think i posted it before but i dont think anyone read it...it was under a different post title. anyway...here it goes!
ok. This trick requires 2 people(its a hug!). One person (who ill call the huggE from now on) sits on the ground sna crouches into a ball. Knees to chest, arms around legs, head on knees. The other person (the hugger) sits directly behind the huggE and wraps his/her legs around them loosely. The hugger tells the huggE to close their eyes, relax, take long deep breaths(as deep as you can), and concentrates only on the hugger's voice. The hugger then starts giving a very smooth massage and says stuff like...get lost in your own breathing, free your mind...blahblahblah. After about 30 seconds or so of the deep breathing, the hugger tells the huggE to speed the breathing up slightly(still massaging, HuggE still taking as deep of breathes as they can). The hugger keeps telling the huggE to gradually increase the rate of breathing. after about 1 min. since the whole thing started (when the huggE is totally lost in the massage and the breathing) the hugger says something to this effect "now im gonna count down from 10 to 1. i want you to take a breath for each second i count(count kinda fast). When i get to one, i will say e! (go). Then you will take one last breath as deep as you can, hold it, lift you head up, and squeeze yourself as hard as you can." then start the countdown (the countdown is fun because it gets the huggE excited...hehe) when the hugger says E! or whatever and the huggE does what the hugger tells them to, the hugger squeezes the huggE with his/her legs and arms...and rests his/her head on the back of the huggE. after about 5-8 seconds of the squeezing...the hugger then goes back to the massage or whatever...playing with hair or hands on face..those are my favorites. The huggE will be in pure bliss! its so great...i cant describe the feeling but its insane! everyone should try it....i know you all will love it if you have never done it before. i always have to give and recieve an e-hug every time i roll. sends me to the sun! anyway...i hope you all like this! have fun and stay safe
i will have to remember this for next time i roll, thanks
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
When you hug someone, hug with your head on the right side of theirs. It forces you over to the right, and since the hearts are on the left side of you, it aligns them together. On a long (minute +) hug, the two will synchronize rather easily.
60-180 bpm
hey...nice thought liquidocean! thanks for the help at making the best trick (in my opinion) or and hug for that matter better

If you like this one as much as I do...check out the 'rebirth' trick post I put up...you won't be sorry!