Cycle Advice Drug for cutting?


Jul 24, 2021
Is there any drug that can help me quickly lose fat but will not regain the fat after I finish the cycle?

I have been told clenbuterol can do that. Will I need PCT after using it?

Please help me I am a complete noob with AAS
Is there any drug that can help me quickly lose fat but will not regain the fat after I finish the cycle?

I have been told clenbuterol can do that. Will I need PCT after using it?

Please help me I am a complete noob with AAS
Keto.... Drop carbs, acquire your energy source from healthy fats.. Don't combine fats with carbs..
Is there any drug that can help me quickly lose fat but will not regain the fat after I finish the cycle?

I have been told clenbuterol can do that. Will I need PCT after using it?

Please help me I am a complete noob with AAS
Yes Clenbuterol is a drug that can speed up fat loss IF you are on an appropriate diet and exercise program.
It will not magically strip fat off of you while you eat whatever you feel.

So, as @Genetic Freak said, get on a diet, verify that it is working by staying on it and checking that your weight is dropping, and if you think that is too slow inform yourself on what drugs could help you and decide if you are willing to tolerate the side effects and the risks associated with using them.

How much do you weigh right now, and how much do you want to loose?
What's your height, BF%, do you exercise?
What is your diet like right now?
Not regain fat? Liposuction. That's basically the only way you can not regain fat.
Otherwise as was mentioned: proper diet, exercise, and sleep schedule. There are no sbortcuts.
No don’t even think about it. I’m joking

Clen also will fuck up your heart if used over a 100mcg(and trust me you never use something just once).

Sorry I come from a bodybuilding background so I just know or heard about anything and everything people are doing. First we will need the following info to even get an idea of where you are,but even that everyone’s body is different when it comes to the endro system.
Post and Pre of thes
Cycle history

So your coming off cycle, therefore this is the worst time to put your body into a cal defect because you want your natural HPT to recover first and foremost or you will loose most muscle you just worked so hard for and possibly get fater. So to make it simple you want you body to be least stress as possible at this time so the boys start working again.
Did you use hcg on or planning to in PCT???

Do you know exactly what you are eating??? Most people think they do but have not a clue and that not getting into mico nutrients for individual issues. Abs are made in the kitchen and I know it’s hard to grasp that concept but until you put your body through long consistencies of deit you won’t get it.

It seems like this was just a fun thing for you and you see it as a positive hobby, which I think it is, but you know nothing for already taking the plug to The dark side. You should not be fuckin around with your hormones unless you are happy with having to take th m for the rest of you life if you don’t recover. I’m not on of these guy that’s going to say unless your a competitor bodybuilder you should not be taking AAS. One or two cycles a year to set some goals is fine in my eyes ( as long as you know what your doing) sound like you need to read up. There are thousands of good YouTube Info out there that can help you and you just listen “more plates more dates” one of the most knowledgeable with being able to understand as a beginner. Ask anything pro out there, YOU ARE ONLY AS BIG AS YOUR DOSE which mean you have a natural limit set point your body will hold muscle pulse low body fat if everything is spot on,perfect lifestyle, to a T. Yes guy blow by this limit with a PEDs but you will always ALWAYS shrink back to you natural size if you stay off long enough. That why you see ex bodybuilder that don’t look like they go,to the gym or a 40 year old that can’t catch his breath, clogg arteries, diabetics, and heart disease. It a fun hobby and if you take the loooooong game and have GENETICS it’s all genetics, you can can do it for a long time and be healthy.
Clen works but it comes with great side effects.

I find anavar to be the best cutting steroid around(besides tren which is poison).

It may be difficult to find high quality anavar but its around. It took me some time to find a source I had full faith in.

I think there is a study showing that anavae does burn fat. I find it keeps appetite down, drops that water weight around your midsection, and just tighers you up while also looking pumped and full. Its mild and great for beginners.

Otherwise for an advanced user i would do test e and primobolan e. Primo is king imo.