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Doubt it was MDMA?

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Mar 30, 2015
Hello everyone, I'm new here and it took a while to find out where to post this, hopefully I'm in the right place and not breaking any rules!

So I had a very different experience with MDMA twice now, and I don't have any more of the stuff to test it so I was hoping someone could maybe tell me about any similar experiences they had or suggest what drug this might have been, from what I say about the trip?

So summer 2014 I went to a rave, I was with 3 friends and we were all pumped to do some M. I was not in my hometown so I had no connects and we picked up off somebody my one friend had never gotten off of before. When I first looked at it I thought it wasn't right but the dealer kept convincing me so I finally gave in- it looked like a golden/yellowy powder- almost like foundation (or ginger root extract).

I took maybe 80mg as I have always been careful to come up slowly since I'm very small and sensitive, while all my friends took 100mg. On the bus on the way there we were all feeling it like a typical come-up except I was seeing some trails from light, I didn't think much of it but my friends told me later that it kind of freaked them out when I was saying that. Well the excited part of the come-up lasted maybe half an hour before I just felt kind of high but not euphoric. Not like excited and happy but just dissociated and speedy.

So we go inside the rave where all my friends are still feeling excited like I had been a few minutes ago (I guess cos they had taken more) and they're all dancing but I don't feel like moving at all. I am just standing there staring at my feet and they're all trying to get me to dance but i REALLY am not feeling it. I start thinking that maybe I'm just not high at all? and asking them if they'd mind if I redosed before they did or if anyone would like to with me. They offer to come to the bathroom with me and they all take their second cap, so now they've all had 200mg and riight before I take one shit gets weird and I decide not to take the second capsule actually.

I start getting really anxious and things are strange.. I go to pee and I hear my friends saying my name and talking outside the stall, I come out and only one of them is waiting for me, they weren't actually talking at all. The rest of the night is a blur for all of us except we were all anxious and paranoid as fuck. 2 of my friends threw up and all 3 of them weren't able to pee for the next 6 hours. I was so lucky I had such a small dose. My one friend starts sweating like crazy and her eyes keep rolling back constantly. We didn't think to leave the rave because we were so fucked up so we kept doing this cycle. Go outside for fresh air/smokes to feel better, go into the main room for water to feel better(they wouldn't let you have it anywhere else), go to the washroom to try and pee and feel better.

I swear we did this cycle 10 times that night. On top of all this my friends were also hearing shit (especially in the washroom, probably cos it's the only quiet place and time you were isolated) and seeing stuff like their names written on the stall door. We all thought everyone else was having the same experience as us, we all saw everyone tweakin out, their eyes rolling back, people shaking, we thought every single person there had taken the same shit and that EVERYONE was sick. We started talking about how this was gonna be on the news "entire rave is given bad batch" and we thought countless people were in the hospital. We were talking about how the staff must be terrified, and we thought everyone looked like zombies.

The rave finally ended and we all cabbed back to my friends house, now this is kind of weird but we all are pretty clairvoyant especially when together and this just got SO much more intense on this night. We kept predicting things and reality seemed very fake, it was like we were in an actual nightmare except were also omniscient as we would know everything that was going to happen. I asked my friend if a girl I'd met that night had a personality disorder (I have no experience with personality disorders at all) and i was right. We knew when someone was about to cross the street, we'd hand each other exactly what the other person needed without asking and then be shocked (switching lighter and water bottle), etc. I can't remember that much but we all just got really fucking psychic somehow.

We all stayed up until 10 in the morning talking about the same shit over and over again, like our conversations kept looping and looping just like how at the rave our behavior kept cycling and cycling (smokes, washroom, water). My friends were seeing scary shit in normal shit, like a photo that was hung up the face would morph into a zombie. My other friend kept seeing scary faces when she closed her eyes so I told her to look at this picture of a meadow with a forest behind it that I had on my phone, then I said "wait are you seeing people in the forest" and she looked shocked and said yes. I was on pretty much the same level as them because I am a lot smaller and extremely sensitive to drugs even though they'd taken over twice as much as me.

At one point around 7am we all smoked a joint. Nothing changed for them, but it really fucked me up. I went to the bathroom and basically left my body, and watched a movie of my friend's dad waking up and going to talk to her. I swear this lasted 20 minutes before I realized I was sitting on the toilet and needed to pee and I snapped back to reality. I totally thought it happened because I clearly heard her dad walking down the hall, both of them talking, him walking back, and getting into bed.

Anyway we all were really paranoid and then finally passed out from exhaustion, only to wake up and find out everyone at the rave had a great time and we had hallucinated that everyone was tweaking. I was really paranoid for about a week after and thought there were cameras and mics in my room, aliens were looking in my curtains, etc. It wasn't as bad for my friends but once again, I'm really sensitive.

We all had pretty severe anxiety even before this so the effects might be exaggerated because of that.

That was summer 2014; a few weekends ago my boyfriend and I went away to the cottage with some "MDMA" from a different dealer. I think it was the same shit. I handled it a lot better this time as I'd already experienced it before in a way worse environment, and I was trying to babysit him a bit, but he was still pretty shaken up.

Any ideas guys?? I've thought methylone, MDA, bath salts, meth, some sort of designer drugs. I really have no idea they're all pretty fucked up and I can only learn so much from just reading about them. What do you think?

I am not asking for anyone to tell me exactly what it was, I know that's impossible. Just wondering what you might think
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Sounds like special K (ketamine), mind you don't take my word for it as I've never done it. Just from what I've read and what my friends have told me, that's the most plausible answer I could think of. One thing I could suggest for next time, buy a drug testing kit. That way you can for sure know what your popping. Cheers
dont take my advice but to me that seems like you took 2cb (lsd and Molly) and you had a really bad trip. 2cb will hit you and change you every 5-10 IMO.
We can't identify nor even provide an accurate indication based upon your subjective experiences. It's not in the name of harm reduction and therefore against the BL rules. Afraid I'm closing the thread.
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