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dosage and advise for dmt and lsd and md


Dec 30, 2017
Im 14 I've got a change of plans for next weekend I was gonna do myristicin its a party at my gaf theres gonna be beak, md, pills, acid, dmt and other shit like opiates and that i need to know stuff about dmt cos its my first time i will be doing md while on it or after and also i might be doing md and lsd ive never mixed the two ive only done them seperately would it be safe for me to do it while im smoking dmt and is md and lsd a good mix need to know quick time before next week.
sounds like many options.
the lsd is way better than all the others in my opinion,
you may like to mix the dmt once you are at or past peak of the acid,
all the rest is confusing to mix, and possibly not good for your longevity.
using lsd moderately you could have another 90 years of enjoyable experiences,
several of the others present challenges to health, do research on this, you have a whole week, you could learn a lot if you use google.
learn what ld50 means, and check the ld50 for all the drugs
read some reports
also be aware that some powdered drugs are safe in a few micrograms, but not in a few milligrams, or safe in milligrams but not safe in grams (most powders are deadly in gram plus dosages).
assess some addiction issues especially as relates to "pills" and "opiates".
many of them are not more fun than weed but less good for you.
then decide for yourself how you want to play and how much of your life you dare lay on the line for a few hours of maybe "fun", hey and, also watch over your buddies too.
If ur only 14 maybe u shouldn't be mixing 3-4 psychedelics at a time. If u have to use. Use just one
Okay well for a start, you need a sitter. That’s a mix that you need someone sober to observe and monitor your behaviours on.
Secondly, I don’t know what beak is, but you will need all of the other 3. DMT is one of the most powerful psychedelics in the world. You will quite literally meet face to face with the inside of your own brain. MDMA and Acid, also known as candy flipping, will produce a very euphoric, yet trippy high. I would recommend sticking to one drug. Btw be careful with DMT. You may take 200-300mg of MDMA in the one go, but this is not the case for DMT. You only need between 20-60mg for a very intense trip. Good luck