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Harm Reduction Don't have a blood test while simutaniously on heavy doses of stimulants/opiates


Apr 28, 2019
so friday was interesting, i had a blood test to do for my doc and was tweaked as fuck from hefty amphetamine doses, well to make long story short, it did not go as smoothe as i had thought, to make matters worse this nurse stabbed my arm 3 times before i told her to give me the needle because i wasn't gonna have her miss again, she didn't even know how to pump up a vein... so 4th vial of 7, pretty sure what happened was my blood pressure dropped extroardinarily too fast which nearly had me hit the floor which could have been either my morning morphine dose, or the heavy stimulant doses ive been eating for a few days.
so i'm sharing a wonderful experience whats worse is you should be aware what nurses are doing to you at all times because being a nurse doesn't mean they know what theyre doing.

don't trust medical 'professionals' based on them simply being in that line of work

and make sure to wear garlic to ward off vampire nurses

stay safe
In her defence, the veins of people using heavy doses of stimulants can sometimes be extremely challenging to hit if you're not used to dealing with such patients, due to low blood plasma volume/dehydration/vasoconstriction in veins. I'm glad you seem to have recovered from fainting though mate. Take care.
In all my years I've run into nurses were great and a few that were terrible. I usually try to suck up but I do make sure to complement the ones who are good.
I hate when inexperienced nurses miss my vein it's so damn painful!
ohhh don't even get me started on how sore my arm was when she was done haha but i rather not think about how much more it would hurt had i not taken over after 3 misses >.<