• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Doing weekend jail time... any advice?


Jul 24, 2014
I'm not sure which thread this would be most appropriate in, so mods, feel free to move wherever appropriate.

So last year I got busted in a roadblock... the officer smelled marijuana and did a search. Three felony drug possession charges (an LSD tab, a couple xanax, and a few vicodins) and a misdemeanor marijuana drug possession charge (like 0.5g). Fuck. I was never hooked on these drugs, I just wanted a way to relax from studying on adderall over the weekend before finals. Just got shitty luck.

Anyways, I had court about a month ago... I got 3 years probation, a hefty fine, and 15 consecutive weeks of weekend jail time. My only saving grace from not getting 30 consecutive days of jail or more was the fact that I'm a junior biomedical engineering major with a 3.9 GPA at a well-known university. Apparently the DA was really impressed, but unfortunately my judge has a reputation of slapping on the jail time, so I've got weekends until the end of the semester.

I'm trying to figure out ways to make the best of my weekends I'm giving up. One positive aspect of being in jail on weekends is that it gives me weekend breaks from my medication. I currently take 40mg Vyvanse and 20mg Adderall IR a day for ADHD, but this hasn't been able to work as well as it should, so I up the doses on certain days to make up for the medication I can't (and wouldn't want to) take whenever I'm locked up.

I want to make the most of these breaks, any advice on supplements? I sometimes take about 80mg of DXM and/or 400mg of chelated magnesium before I leave in hopes of lowering my tolerance. Any other ideas? I've also found that the adderall withdrawal (if you wanna call it that) makes me a hypersomniac, which is good, but not when you're basically laying on metal and have scoliosis. It also makes time go painfully slower. I wish there was a way I could make a sleep aid like mirtazapine that I'm prescribed last 48 hours... I don't know.

I'm sorry for my ranting and whining, these weekends have just been harder than I thought. I get so depressed and bored... I realize it's jail and it's supposed to suck, but I feel like I'm having a much harder time with it than the other weekenders. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on ways to slow down adderall tolerance while in there or to just make the weekends not so rough.
I've never heard of weekend jail time. that sucks.
read paperbacks? that's what i'd do in the hospital. And daydream a lot, daydreaming can really get you away and into a better place.
this is temporary. it will pass.
be cautious about DXM on probation, Erowid says it can test you positive for other illegal drugs.
Well I was bringing in a paperback physics textbook but this past weekend one of the officers made comments like "you ain't on vacation, I better not ever see you bringing in a book again" and "you could be smuggling in marijuana or cocaine in them books". Weekenders at this jail have been able to bring in paperback textbooks for months... I feel like he was harassing me because I'm an easy target (college kid) that will be way more successful than he'll ever be. But enough of that..

Would low doses of DXM (like 2x the recommended dose for a cough) really be enough to trigger any false positives? Surely people who are subject to drug testing have had to take OTC cough medicine before. I'll have to read up more on that.

Yeah it's been an interesting semester so far though. I literally study the whole week then go to jail and get treated like shit on the weekends. It's kind of sad though, almost all of the people stuck in there (like up to 2 years) said that they wouldn't be there if they could have afforded a private attorney. There's some people stuck in there that seem like they are good people who fucked up once and now their lives are ruined. One guy said he got 6 months of jail for having one oxycontin pill. Then there's the people who obviously have mental issues that are obviously not getting the treatment they need. It really makes me question how jail really helps anyone. I feel like if they really wanted for people to get better and become functioning members of society, they would try and help them and figure out what their potential mental illnesses are and address them. I can assure you, being locked up with a bunch of other criminals certainly does not help at all. Oh well, I guess I'm a felon so my opinion doesn't matter. haha
Jail doesn't help anyone, the term department of corrections and rehabilitation is a joke.
altho some people quit life of crime because of fear of returning to jail.
"you ain't on vacation, I better not ever see you bringing in a book again" and "you could be smuggling in marijuana or cocaine in them books".

That CO is just jealous that you will be more of a success than he is.

I got stuck at a local jail over a weekend and it was a closet with bars, then a door. It sucked so bad, I had my ex bring a bunch of magazines and they wouldn't let her give them to me for the same reason.
"This isn't vacation", I was like what the hell idea of a vacation do you have loser?
They were like "this is punishment", even though it was truly their mistake that I was there for 3 days. I was only supposed to be there overnight, but they fucked up.
The upside was I got a cluster headache and was laying on the ground, and they couldn't see me with their camera that was fixed on the toilet, they kept saying "come out where we can see you" over the intercom, I was like get fucked assholes, they checked my bp and called an ambulance. Ended up getting IV morphine and xanax, and while I was there I had a friend deliver a bunch of books. I hid them under my shirt like they were drugs or something. The next day the asshole cops were like "where did you get those books!", but at least they didn't take them from me.

Getting jailed is one thing, solitary confinement is a whole other cookie.

Did you get drug probation with the opportunity of having your record expunged at the completion of the sentence?
I was put in solitary confinement when I was first arrested, and on the weekend before finals of all times. I wasn't given a phone call, and apparently had no bond because I was on "investigative hold". Luckily I got out Sunday night and stayed up all night cramming for my tests on monday. Fuck solitary, it's torture, especially when you don't know if you're going to ever take your finals, attend college, or be able to live a normal life ever again. Worst time of my life, just thinking about it makes me feel ill.

Luckily if I make it through probation alright, I'll get removed from my record. This was a huge relief since I plan on going to grad school and getting a job in biomedical engineering or biomedical research, which would be difficult with a criminal record.

I'm sorry for the ranting, I intended to mainly just ask a question but as I kept typing, I had to vent. I really do appreciate you guys listening to my whining, I have to keep it a secret from most people IRL so it's nice to have a place to vent off.
You are in your Countys County jail right?
is the county facility located in the same area as where the drunks are taken each night? You ought to bring a spray deodarant nexttime you arrive and dose all those bums!

I have spent a little over 2 years in county jail but never in a Prison as my crimes werent that serious. I knew but was never friends with many of the "Weekend Warriors"................LoL. You are a rare bread indeed dillanger! I found my "bids" increasingly comfortable and hassle/drama free as other inmates/ sherrifs came to know me on a personal basis for what I was.

I think that you are going to have yourself a real world "experience" by serving you r15 weekends in jail. Make the most of it. Try to create your own routine but be councious of the other unfortunate people around you ( including the Deputy Sherrifs....LOLOLOL)

When you were sentenced, what did the Judge/ your Lawyer call the item that would leave you with no crimial record upon compelting probation?
Has anyone mentioned anything specific? if so what was it? please respond as i might be able to share info with you about my familys experience with Felony convictions and still holdiong onto their medical License.
I was put in solitary confinement when I was first arrested, and on the weekend before finals of all times. I wasn't given a phone call, and apparently had no bond because I was on "investigative hold". Luckily I got out Sunday night and stayed up all night cramming for my tests on monday. Fuck solitary, it's torture, especially when you don't know if you're going to ever take your finals, attend college, or be able to live a normal life ever again. Worst time of my life, just thinking about it makes me feel ill.

Luckily if I make it through probation alright, I'll get removed from my record. This was a huge relief since I plan on going to grad school and getting a job in biomedical engineering or biomedical research, which would be difficult with a criminal record.

I'm sorry for the ranting, I intended to mainly just ask a question but as I kept typing, I had to vent. I really do appreciate you guys listening to my whining, I have to keep it a secret from most people IRL so it's nice to have a place to vent off.

I was called to come in as a lab result came back positive, I was told "well you can come in on a friday night and be home saturday afternoon".
The whole arrest was dodgy as hell and like you I was going through something really important, in my case I had gotten the best promotion of my life and was do to start that position on monday.
Had I gt a real lawyer I would have had it thrown out as they messed up the lab report but didn't find that out until my probation was dismissed.
So I came in 3am thinking I'll just sleep and go to court, well like I said they fucked up and I wasn't able to go to court and was stuck in that cell closet for 3 days. Then missed my first day of my promotion, which screwed me so hard and I never recovered from that, I lost the job shortly after. It was the best job of my adult career, and worked so hard for it, it was so unfair.
I was called to come in as a lab result came back positive, I was told "well you can come in on a friday night and be home saturday afternoon".
The whole arrest was dodgy as hell and like you I was going through something really important, in my case I had gotten the best promotion of my life and was do to start that position on monday.
Had I gt a real lawyer I would have had it thrown out as they messed up the lab report but didn't find that out until my probation was dismissed.
So I came in 3am thinking I'll just sleep and go to court, well like I said they fucked up and I wasn't able to go to court and was stuck in that cell closet for 3 days. Then missed my first day of my promotion, which screwed me so hard and I never recovered from that, I lost the job shortly after. It was the best job of my adult career, and worked so hard for it, it was so unfair.

There really should be a way to sue the police when you lose a job or income as a result of their mistake.
Weekend jail time sounds awesome. Just sneak some LSD in there with you and do psychedelic meditation.
You are in your Countys County jail right?
is the county facility located in the same area as where the drunks are taken each night? You ought to bring a spray deodarant nexttime you arrive and dose all those bums!

I have spent a little over 2 years in county jail but never in a Prison as my crimes werent that serious. I knew but was never friends with many of the "Weekend Warriors"................LoL. You are a rare bread indeed dillanger! I found my "bids" increasingly comfortable and hassle/drama free as other inmates/ sherrifs came to know me on a personal basis for what I was.

I think that you are going to have yourself a real world "experience" by serving you r15 weekends in jail. Make the most of it. Try to create your own routine but be councious of the other unfortunate people around you ( including the Deputy Sherrifs....LOLOLOL)

When you were sentenced, what did the Judge/ your Lawyer call the item that would leave you with no crimial record upon compelting probation?
Has anyone mentioned anything specific? if so what was it? please respond as i might be able to share info with you about my familys experience with Felony convictions and still holdiong onto their medical License.

Yes it's a county jail. Sometimes all the weekenders are in one block (there's like 6-8 of us) and sometimes we are put in with people either waiting for a bond or long-term stayers. Most of the officers see that I'm a good guy who just got involved in drugs, but some treat me like shit, but that's expected. Luckily I haven't had any problems with the other inmates. Us weekenders get along pretty well, a few weekends ago we played dice with carved soap and paper football with visitation form papers. It sounds childish, but hell, it's a way to kill time. I mostly sleep though (even though the mats are shitty and I already have chronic back pain from scoliosis) in order to catch up on lost sleep during the week from studying all the time. Anyone have any other ideas to keep busy over the break?

I pretty much go through adderall withdrawal every weekend, which sucks because I feel even more bored and hungry (we're only fed small meals twice daily), but I use the extreme fatigue that comes with adderall withdrawal to my advantage by sleeping about 18 hours a day in there. I wouldn't say it's very refreshing sleep though, but it's better than nothing.

It definitely has been an experience that has really opened my eyes to what jail is really like. If I was a writer, I'd definitely write a book about my experiences there. I try to be positive and look at it as a "real world experience" like you said.

I live in Georgia, and instead of it going as a "first offenders", it is called "conditional discharge", and from what my attorney told me, it will be removed from my record after completion of probation. Here's more info: http://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-16/chapter-13/article-1/16-13-2
I've spent a good deal of time in county.
1. pull your pants up all the way.
2. be careful with drugs in there. I saw someone get his sentence extended by a year because he had some lsd.
3. just chill. write a book or something. draw. jail can be sucky, just make the best of it.
2. be careful with drugs in there. I saw someone get his sentence extended by a year because he had some lsd.

That's interesting. LSD isn't usually associated with such situations. Do you know how he smuggled it in and do you know how he got caught?
My boyfriend did 7.5 months for a second marijuana possession (both times were 1/2 joints and incidents were 9 YEARS apart. He was there for 4 weeks before he even saw a doctor to get put back on his bipolar meds. he was freaking out, going through DT's from his bipolar meds, and was really scared to tell you the truth. He made friends with the biggest craziest looking dude on the first day and survived without incident...he found a group of guys and they played cards etc.
Just keep to yourself and read. Get some thinking done. Don't do anything stupid like try to bring something in with you. You will be fine.
That's interesting. LSD isn't usually associated with such situations. Do you know how he smuggled it in and do you know how he got caught?

He had previous drug smuggling problems, that was why he got such a long extended sentence.
I think he got the LSD in a letter? Under the stamp I think. Like someone sent him stamps and they were acid stamps or something
Look at it this way. At least you know that you're getting out. I just got out of county YESTERDAY. Had a warrant for my arrest for an FTA. A deputy sheriff came to my door, linked me up and hauled me away. Now when you go to jail for an FTA, you have no bond. You have to sit until you see a judge and then the judge will decide whether to release you or hold you. Luckily I went to jail on a Saturday and was released on Monday. We do video court which is like skyping with a judge. Much quicker then having to get shackled up and chauffeured over to the court house in the patty wagon. There's not a worse feeling than sitting in jail not knowing when you'll get out. Also about a year ago. I was on H real bad and had to go through dope withdraws in jail. That shit sucked. The only thing I can tell you is that spending a weekend in jail ain't shit compared to actually doing time. As far as your Adderall withdraw. Try weaning down a little bit before you go...if you can. And seriously don't try to sneak anything illegal in unless you know for certain you will not get caught with it (there's only one place that's safe enough for that). A weekend can quickly turn into a month or a year even.
Im not proud to say, but ive spent plenty of time in the county and 2 years in a state prison. It is no fun, whatsoever.
The best advice I can give you, just accept what you have done and what you have to do now. Fighting it will only make it harder.
When youre laying back in that hard ass bed and eating that putrid jail food, just be thankful for what you HAVENT gotten caught for.
That's what really matters. And remember that your doing weekends.. youre there for like 2 days. Yeah it sucks, but theres people sitting in maximum security prisons who are never going home.

Also, learn something. Don't make the same mistake or youll end up right back there.
State Prison was my turning point, it doesn't have to be yours.